Harder to stay on track on rest days.

MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
Holy hell.

Here's a little back story:
I decided to take a full week off from any workouts to help my hip heal. My hip has been bothering me for a couple months now and is the result of overcompensating for a minor ankle sprain towards the beginning of summer. I have bursitis in my hip so it's painful to run so I stopped and have been using the elliptical and stationary bike to get my cardio in. I still lift but leg day isn't anywhere near what it used to be due to pain.

So now we are back to my week off from workouts. It's Wednesday. I've been this way for awhile, but I seem to be HORRIBLE at sticking within my caloric limit on my rest days. This week is no different.

I usually hear about people who have an easier time with their nutrition on rest days but I'm the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I'm beginning to feel like I'm in the minority that thinks/acts this way. In fact, I don't know anyone else like this.

It's crazy that I'm sorta self-sabotaging.

I'm ready for Sunday to come as my hip is feeling a bit better day by day. I just want to run and let my mind free again. With this hip pain, I can't.

Can this week be over yet?


  • I thought I was the only person that suffered from the self-sabotage on rest day... Nice to know I'm not alone...I try to remind myself to eat in moderation but then I pass by a pizza shop (my favorite) and I loss it... BOOM! There goes all my week's efforts to eat right and exercise, hence the stubborn 7-8 lbs I'm having issues losing.. :ohwell: Hopefully you'll be back on that horse soon enough w/minimal pain and back to eating well..
  • ipprincess46
    ipprincess46 Posts: 4 Member

    I am new here and have been struggling with hip pain all summer! Elliptical and Physical Therapy Exercises have been all that I can do. I got tired of that and did a dance class last night with my daughter and a friend. I know how to move to protect it and had a great class. Today has been just so so...some pain. Just believing that this has to get better.

    Staying trim is key! Extra weight on a hurting joint is not good. So maybe it will help to think about wanting to be pain-free and healed as motivation to make the best food choices that you can.

    Best wishes!
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I thought I was the only person that suffered from the self-sabotage on rest day... Nice to know I'm not alone...I try to remind myself to eat in moderation but then I pass by a pizza shop (my favorite) and I loss it... BOOM! There goes all my week's efforts to eat right and exercise, hence the stubborn 7-8 lbs I'm having issues losing.. :ohwell: Hopefully you'll be back on that horse soon enough w/minimal pain and back to eating well..

    I'm not alone! Hallelujah!!

    I don't eat a ton on rest days. I don't eat out of boredom. I just crave/choose really crappy foods. Like yesterday was a maple bar AND an apple fritter.
    Staying trim is key! Extra weight on a hurting joint is not good. So maybe it will help to think about wanting to be pain-free and healed as motivation to make the best food choices that you can.

    That's what sucks. I don't have anymore weight to lose. I'm at a perfectly healthy weight and anticipate even gaining muscle mass (which equals out to overall weight gain) in the coming months.

    My hip joint isn't hurt, I just have inflammation in there that I keep irritating by refusing to not workout/run... hence why I'm taking a whole rest week. It's not fun but I think my body will thank me later.
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    How are you feeling now - is the hip better, have you been able to take up sports yesterday as planned? Has the eating calmed down a little? Wishing you all the best :smile:
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    How are you feeling now - is the hip better, have you been able to take up sports yesterday as planned? Has the eating calmed down a little? Wishing you all the best :smile:

    I decided to give not working out another day as I had a doctor appt this morning to evaluate my hip. I ended up getting an injection to hopefully calm my inflammation and *crossing my fingers* I should be able to run this coming weekend!

    The eating did calm a little... However, Oktoberfest meant I had some good beers and good German food. But I didn't go overboard which left me feeling satisfied but not guilty!

    Thank you for your kind words!
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    I am new to this group. It's nice to find others with the same goals/struggles etc. I totally have the same problem on rest days. For me, I think the hormones that are released during workouts is something that seems to dull my appetite. So when I have rest days I am more likely to overeat.
    I tend to try and not have many rest days because of this!
    Hope you are well and the hip is back on form!

    Leah :)
  • dancedivine
    dancedivine Posts: 18 Member
    Nope... You're not alone! My rest days are the worst.... I hate that I don't have the extra calories from exercise & so I often end up not trying at all. It's a terrible cycle..... I'm now trying intermittent fasting - especially on my rest days. If I can hold out on food until 1pm or so, I can usually keep my calories within my allotted budget. But, if I eat several hundred calories before noon, I'm doomed to failure! Best of luck to you.... Hope you're feeling better soon!
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    For me, I think the hormones that are released during workouts is something that seems to dull my appetite. So when I have rest days I am more likely to overeat.

    Is your appetite suppressed all day on days you get a workout in? Because I'm not hungry for a few hours after my workouts, but then I'm HUNGRY and know I need to eat to fuel my muscles.
    I hate that I don't have the extra calories from exercise & so I often end up not trying at all. It's a terrible cycle.....

    EXACTLY this!! If I screw it up, I'm like "ah Hell, there's always tomorrow" haha I get the terrible cycle.
    I also do IF! I've been following 16:8 for the last couple months have seen MAJOR improvements in my eating habits. I still struggle but I've made drastic steps towards success.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    @MrsSchimmy- I work out at about 6pm until 7pm and I do that on purpose because I overeat in the evenings. So when I get home from my workout, I have a shower, organise dinner for hubby and I and then by then it's getting late and I'm not overly hungry but I eat dinner anyway. I don't overeat during the day as I eat low carb, higher fat in the morning and for lunch which keeps me satisfied.
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    @mckaytobe: That makes complete sense. I workout in the early morning which keeps me on track the rest of the day because I don't want to "ruin" my workout. I'm also a big snacker and overeater at night which is part of the reason I started IF. The kitchen is simply closed outside of my eating window. There is no "I don't have enough calories" or any of that. It's just simply not time to eat.
    I don't carb cycle or any of that because counting macros led me down a road to relapse. Now, I eat as cleanly as possible and make sure I have protein and veggies at every meal.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    I have eased up on the low carb and shooting for around 100g a day but trying not to be too strict about it. I was only eating around 20g net sometimes less and it just didn't do much for me mentally. I did lose weight initially but it was all water weight and was too restrictive for me. I want to be able to go out and eat a meal with veges etc. So I am back to counting calories, trying to keep my fat up a bit to stop me over eating but trying not to worry too much about my macros!
  • jeanettewarbie
    jeanettewarbie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi im new on here so anyone want to add?? Ha!
    I have the same problem, on my rest day I eat one thing that's bad and then I eat more as I think, I've ruined it now anyway! I hope your hip is improving, have the physios done any other work with you with regards to your knees, ankle and proprioception? Hope the injection helped, but I always feel these mask the problem as they are only short term. Hopefully your physio is working with you in the mean time. Hope your feeling better.
    Anyway back to food, my hubster does all my food prep as he's a pt, as regards to carbs i tend to have 50g of oats for breakfast and fruit with my protien after training and then stick to fats and protien after then. I'm the same tho, on rest days my diet goes right off. I don't know if this is because these are the days im studying so I crave more, but it's torture! Xx