Motivation to Stick with LCHF Keto

If this doesn't give you incentive, nothing will.


  • C67241
    Because I am visually seeing the changes as well as others telling me of the changes they are seeing, gives me incentive to stick with this way of eating.

    I won't have to worry once I hit goal because I don't look at high carb food:noway: s the same way anymore. They no longer trigger me. This could be because I am trying to better my Blood Labs, and get the numbers right. Also, because dealing with a "fatty liver," :angry: really woke me up to the types of foods that I was eating. So weight loss is the only thing that will reverse it. So now you see why this is not an option for me. My health comes first and I find I have to do it for me if I want to stay healthy and beat diabetes,:drinker: which runs in my family for generations.

    What are your thoughts, what keeps you motivated to stick with LCHF Keto?