Walking Apps and pedometers

comback67 Posts: 20 Member
Hello everyone!

I am interested in finding a good walking app or pedometer that tracks miles, steps, calories burned, routes taken etc.

Currently I am using the mapmywalk app but I am finding that is is not that accurate. It is showing that I walked longer than what I really did and I'm sure showing that I burned more calories than I actually did. It also does not record steps but has a field for steps. I'm thinking it's because I need an interactive pedometer that feeds the amount of steps into mapmywalk.

I was curious to know what other folks are using to track their steps, mileage, calories burned etc. and what works for them. I need some advice on what to get.

Happy walking everyone! Ed


  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    I do not have a smartphone so I can't comment on the app question. I do however own a Fitbit Zip which does calories, steps, miles and tells the time. I love it and I can tell at a glance where I am step and miles wise. I keep it clipped to my pants or in my pocket all the time.

    On the Fitbit site they're 60 but on Amazon you can save up to 2-10 dollars depending on the color. I got mine from Amazon because I have Prime. Granted this was before Target, Walmart & Best Buy started selling them in store also.

    Best investment in my fitness journey. I highly recommend one. :)
  • comback67
    comback67 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Asheea! I will definitely check it out.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I also had a Fitbit one, then I got a Fitbit flex....I decided that as long as my steps are counted, I did not need to count the stairs. The Fitbit One counts stairs, the Flex does not, but it is not a big thing for me. It sinks with myfitnesspal.com and tells you calories burned etc...also the sleep you get (or don't get) at night. Graphs it out etc. I do not use any apps on the phone...yet!
  • nentecular
    nentecular Posts: 101 Member
    I was going to post a thread about the same thing!

    My main measurement tool is a FitBit. I use a Fitbit One and I carry it everywhere. It syncs to MFP and feeds my activity back to give me extra calories in my daily allowance.

    However, because I like looking at maps and stats and things like that, I’ve tried many, many different tracking apps on my smartphone and out of them all, I’ve ended up with RunKeeper.

    RunKeeper gives me the most accurate calorie burn out of all of them. Most seem to wildly over-estimate the burn but the figures I get out of RunKeeper not only tally with the figures from FitBit but also from the online calculator here: http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/calculators/walking-calorie-burn-calculator.aspx

    My logic is that if three different tools give me a similar burn figure, the chances of them being accurate are pretty good.

    I do have RunKeeper synchronised with MFP, just so that I get an entry in my feed when I log a walk. It does push the calories burned into MFP and also into the FitBit app but I always delete them as I want my burn figures to come from FitBit.

    I can't recommend the FitBit highly enough for tracking walking.
  • comback67
    comback67 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have decided to go with the Fitbit but haven't decided with one yet. I am hopefully going to get it this weekend! I will let you guys know which one I get.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member