Day 15

09/11 sorry for the late posting of Day 15 everyone! I was off work today so I have been sleeping :blushing: but anyway 09/11 was another good day for me! I really didn't feel like working out because of the ran but I got my lazy butt up and ran my 2 miles! I also did my ab exercises afterwards. It was my moms birthday and I was originally preparing to go to Mexican but we didn't go because she wasn't feeling well. So my boyfriend and I had pita pit for dinner which is basically like subway but with pitas (SO GOOD) and we shared a piece of chocolate cake at my moms party. Hope everyone else had good days as well!


  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    Sound like you had a great day Kelseyann.

    I did good today and stuck to the intermittent fast diet. It was easier than I thought it would be. Planning my meals last night saved me from making bad choices. I didn't have to think about what I was going to eat when I got hungry and I resisted having bagels and cookies someone brought into the office.
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    9/11 did my walk and ate under food calorie goal. Had only one bottle of soda. An awesome day it was.
  • mcleoda5
    mcleoda5 Posts: 7 Member
    I am back on it today, I took a day off yesterday- mostly I couldn't get my butt in gear cause of the rain and cold but I just put my before pics next to some I took the other day and was shocked by the result! there actually was a difference. So now that I have some motivation to keep going back I am going to keep with it.