So close to rest day you can taste it!

Guess what ladies? Once you finish today you are on to rest day! I just got done doing my 40 (two sets of 20) and my thighs are thrilled for rest day. I think its time for a little rest day conversation. Rest days are super important for your mind and your body. However, we cant just throw our new healthy lifestyles out the window once a week. I think there are two components to a successful rest day. The first is to keep active outside of the gym. I take my dog for a longer than usual walk, deep clean my apartment, and do a lot of food prep for the upcoming week. Gluing yourself to the couch while binge watching Netflix is ok on rest day, but cant be the whole day. The second key component to rest day is taking a few moments to pamper yourself. I want to get better at this. Sometimes I sit with my foot bath, paint my nails, lay on my massage mat, and light the fancy candles (which to me is any candle that costs more than a dollar, lol).
So, I would like everyone to think about these two key components and maybe discuss how
A. You are going to stay healthy outside of the gym
B. How are you going to relax and pamper yourself to re-energize for the upcoming week


  • Emiliebeauchamp
    Emiliebeauchamp Posts: 228 Member
    I got my 40 squats done and did 20 minutes of zumba.

    As for rest day tomorrow, it won't happen since we'll be way too busy. I'm taking the kids to the Y for their first swim class. I'll try to get a workout in during that time. Then we have to get back home have lunch and then I'm off to work my 3-11pm shift.
  • cocobutterrr
    cocobutterrr Posts: 70 Member
    I so agree with you! Sunday's are me days! I'm gonna go for my usual 2 mile walk prep all my meat for the upcoming week, tackle this mountain of laundry do a face mask and repaint my nails! We all need those days where we just take care of ourselves and tomorrow is that day!!
  • langel89
    langel89 Posts: 56 Member
    Love this and agree to how important it is to pamper yourself. Im trying to find lots of other things to do outside of the gym. I really want to start biking again (just gotta get the breaks fixed). Id love to shoot some hoops, take hikes, and of course DANCE. Nothing better than feeling a burn and sweating while you're doing something fun like dancing.