starting a new diet soon :)

Who's on the south beach diet? I've tried atkins before, did manage to loose the weight but since I started atkins I noticed a significant increase in heart palpitations and difficulty breathing and light headedness. So therefore I decided to stop and went back to my old eating habits. I'm going back to university soon so I would like to try the south beach diet.
So can anyone fill me in on some tips please :) I'm on phase 1 by the way.


  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Never tried SBD, but I do Atkins.

    It is very important to follow the advice of the Atkins diet that you do not restrict sodium, esp. during Induction Phase (however long you choose to do that part), and to take a magnesium/potassium supplement if you get cramps, dizziness, weakness and/or heart palpitations. They highly recommend you drink broths of all sorts (for the sodium). Low carb/High Fat or Keto diets are all the same in that they encourage a diuretic process that eliminates water retention, and therefore, can deplete your body of those minerals (electrolytes) in the process. It is also why those diets/ways of eating say to drink lots and lots of water, so you don't become dehydrated.

    South Beach Diet is effectively another low carb diet, so you may experience the same if you do not follow it exactly as written.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Who's on the south beach diet? I've tried atkins before, did manage to loose the weight but since I started atkins I noticed a significant increase in heart palpitations and difficulty breathing and light headedness. So therefore I decided to stop and went back to my old eating habits. I'm going back to university soon so I would like to try the south beach diet.
    So can anyone fill me in on some tips please :) I'm on phase 1 by the way.

    I just started South Beach Phase 1 as well! I don't follow it exactly, because sometimes I'll have full fat dairy or eat not-so-lean meats. So I don't have any tips yet, but feel free to add me! I am really liking it so far and I think that it's a little bit easier to ease into than Atkins.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    also not on SBD but on a LCarbD .. I would say find a nice flavored tea (without caffeine) and have some almond milk on hand in case you can't sleep because your tummy is rumbling. A half a glass now and then helped me during the first part. I l ike True Blueberry from Celestial Seasons, but you have to order it from Amazon, most likely. I could not find it in the store, except in the little "fruit tea" three pack.