carpsm1 Posts: 11 Member
Hi. Here is a dumb question. I am getting back to basics and not drinking with meals. My husband just defrosted some soup and I don't know if I can eat it! I am 12 years out from RNY surgery. Is there some way to eat the soup, like broth first and then the solid stuff so it will not wash through or can we just not eat it? I remember them saying soup was ok when I had the surgery but a lot of things seem to have changed.



  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    That's a good question! Soup is still okay, especially in the soft food stages. I'm a year out now and I still occasionally have soup, but it's a meal by itself. I don't have anything else with it.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I think it depends on the soup.

    If it is a hearty soup, with lots of chunks and bits in it, you might want to eat the solids first then wait a bit for the liquids. Or the reverse. I have discomfort if I drink more than 30 minutes after eating solids. Also, as you noted, liquids will wash the solids through your stomach more quickly. You could always puree it down in the food processor or blender, if it would still be appealing to you.

    Some soups I love but don't eat. The cream-enriched, roux-thickened soups go down way too easy and come with a mountain of fat and calories. I could eat an entire 16 oz bowl of clam chowder or lobster bisque with little to no restriction. I would be better off just having a milkshake! Split pea soup has a ton of carbs in it - I love it, but when I had T2 diabetes (pre-op), it would make my blood sugar skyrocket.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Like Stroynaya, I treat soup as any other food/meal I eat and I don't eat anything else with it. I don't drink 30 minutes before I eat it or 30 minutes after.