Intro and things. :)

Hey ladies,

I've been following along with the FB and website for a while and did my own metabolism for pretty much the last year. Quick history: I lost most of the weight so far (50+ lbs, the number escapes me right now) about 4 years ago via WW and have maintained at this weight since then. During that time I've upped my lifting and reduced my cardio, definitely put on a lot of muscle and changed my body shape, but overall my weight is still stuck at 210 lbs and I'm only 5'1. So, I definitely have quite a bit of mid section fat that I would like to lose because it gets in the way of my lifting and skating.

Anyway, weight watchers lead me to paleo, which lead me to just not eating. I went through some eating disorder therapy and then found Go Kaleo and EM2WL and that's why I decided to do a year or so of just eating whatever I wanted and working out the same as I had been. I'd been plateaued for long enough.. what could it hurt? lol

So, here I am. :)

Ready to figure out what to do now to actually start dropping fat. I have my numbers, I have a body media band, so I'm ready. :) I lift at cross fit 3-4 times a week and skate roller derby 2-3 times a week. BUT I also work graveyard and go to school during the day so I really really suck at sleeping and rest.

My TDEE seems to range from 2400-3300 depending on the day. The struggle I am having right now is now that I'm actually counting and trying to eat foods that are good for me and I enjoy, and not just convenient, I am barely hitting 1800-2000 a day. Part of it is my schedule, and part of it is just that I'm not hungry at convenient times lol. Also, hitting my protein goal is daunting every day. :)

But, every day is a one day better. So, hi ladies. I'm hoping to check in here and be part of this awesome group. <3


  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi and welcome, Moxiehart! Glad you are here and congrats on maintaining your weight loss throughout the last year and adding the lifting. That's really great and puts you at a good starting place now for fat loss. It sounds like you're off to a great start.

    Use your BMF for your numbers. Do you feel like it is accurate for you - I mean, did you maintain on it's numbers for the past year? I think they are great tools - for some people, they are very accurate - for others, not so much. I have one and the sensors just do not work well on me - it really overestimated for me. I have friends who use them and they work very well for them though. So just monitor your losses. It sounds like you are pretty active, so your TDEE number should be higher.

    It sounds like your biggest challenge is rest, which is so important. Get as much rest as you can. Also, protein bars/shakes, nuts, peanut butter, greek yogurt, jerky - all portable, quick easy and will help you reach your calorie goal and protein macro.

    You're doing great. Like you say, one day at a time. :) Feel free to add me for support!