Let's get going!

Noelyo Posts: 5 Member
Hey everyone,

Thanks for joining MFP. As we get started on the challenge, let's all try and start on the same page. If you see that someone from your team isn't in the group roster, talk to them about joining MFP and joining our group.

I just wanted to give you new people a quick breakdown of what MFP has to offer.

1. Lots of food options. Chances are, someone else has tried to add daal and rice to their profile, and so all it takes is a quick search for you to have it to. If it isn't adding it is easy as long as you look up the nutritional information. You can also create your own custom foods that you eat often.

One recommendation is that you change your headings (Lunch, dinner, etc) to times. When I set time intervals, (Before noon, 12-3, 3-6, after 6), I was able to better see when I was eating and when I needed to eat more.

2. Tracking exercise is similar to food, in that people have already put in the equations to calculate calories burned. Try to be honest with yourself - did you brisk walk for 20 min, or was it more of a casual stroll? I find it's best to underestimate than overestimate. When I saw a lower number, it made me want to work a little harder, rather than seeing a bigger number and finishing early.

3. Connecting with friends is an important part of this challenge, as well as losing weight in general. Seeing people "liking" that I lost even .5 pounds since my last check in is a huge motivational boost, and it makes me want to keep getting likes. You can also see what other people are eating and doing, giving you ideas on things you can do yourself too. Maybe you saw your friend eat some healthy food that sounded delicious - ask them how to make it! On the other hand, if you see that your friend or teammate ate a double bacon cheeseburger with extra mayo, maybe work with them on how to cut back (or at least hold the mayo). You can always keep your information private, but it's a good idea to at least fill in your profile, showing why you're losing weight, what goals you have, or how you plan on achieving those goals.

MFP has a lot to offer, both on a personal level as well as a community level. I encourage you all to explore all the features together. Even something simple like filling in your profile helps give you some motivation, knowing that all that information is out there for people to see, and you don't want to let them down!

Good luck, and feel free to message or add me as a friend on MFP!



  • peaceninja
    peaceninja Posts: 15 Member
    Thoughts from San Francisco -

    This is well-written, and for those of us that are tech-savvy, it's (relatively) easy to implement.

    For us to see the true benefits of the community-based approach Noel highlighted below, I encourage a more hands-on approach in the beginning. E.g., the tech-savvy ones in the group can hold a "Beginners Guide to MFP" at the next Saturday night party. A short presentation with some of you walking around the room getting folks to sign up in real-time can go a long way.

    Great opportunity for the captains to hold mini-sessions with their groups. If you think about, once all your members are on the group, it's easy for you to communicate and keep the motivation going.

    Time for me to finish off these figs! See you around MFP.