the blues and needing some advice please :)

eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
Oh man been struggling so so so much. Kinda why I havent been on here for so so long. Hope u r all doing much better than me! Damn evil med change by docs...

Anyway... so I managed to lose 500 grams (1ish pound) in 3.5 weeks. I had become a little obsessed with the scales so decided to take a break and my frd n I made a pact not to weigh in for 2 weeks. So that was kinda helpful... I was focusing on how I felt... then the med change and feeling plummeted and so did the amount of exercise... and eating increased. I think I do need to weigh in semi regularly. Maybe fortnightly. However have also realised im in a damn plateau. Prob not my first... but have some awesome epic news. I dunno if ive told you guys, but new zealand has this initiative called a green prescription which is basically a link to a support person whose r3ally knowledgeable in nutrition and exercise and can hook u up with discounts to gyms and pools etc. So my support person is this lovely lovely lady called Katie. So im meeting her on thrusday... ur wed night. I really wanna work out some meal plans, work out if I need to cut down on certain foods and up others.. work out some cheap meals that will keep me on budget. And perhaps make a exercise plan too. I like plans and schedules and all that... they really help me. Im very much a planner and these sorts of things help me alot.. so I hope she can help me oyt a bit with that. Its just what I need! I didnt know she could do this for me, as a face to face make a plan, work out where I beed to change, what im doing ok sorta thing... so kinda excited and nervous too...

I was wondering if I could perhaps ask for some help? What questions would you ask a person like katie? Im a little at a loss of what to ask, how to go about it all. I was going to write out my meals n stuff for the last 2 weeks from mfp diary... as I have recorded everything... but yeah im a bit lost from there... should I write down goals? Or what I wanna achieve? So yeah... help! Plz!

Thanks peeps,


  • armywife924
    Evie :) Sweetie, I am so excited for you. I am happy that you are going to get to talk to a nutritionist, my hubby has suggested that I talk to one too!!! So talk to me and let me know how it goes. I guess you are going in already, so good luck!!! I am sorry I have been out lately, been having some issues here, but seems that I got it under control better now, so hopefully, I can be in contact more once again! The worst thing that could happen is for anyone to think I am not there for them. That would just break my heart, even if I do not sign in every day, Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.
    Now, back on topic, I would defiantly let them know what your goals are, short, and long term. I would write down as much as possible, it helps I have found. Also, every person is different and so our bodies are weird about how we react to different foods. Sure, a lot of people say to get as much veggies as possible, and fresh is best, but maybe ask what the best would be for your body. Ask about the type of carbs, and proteins, because we get protein from several sources, protein is found in nuts, eggs, dairy, red meat. If you have anemia you may need more red meat, where as if you do not struggle with Iron, then maybe more fish and chicken. Ask about spices, because I know that spices can affect certain health conditions, and medications as can certain foods. So even though it might be weird I would go over some medical history, so they know maybe what to stay away from. Just as an example, Phillip cant have grape fruit because of his meds. Grape fruit is a great citrus, but is super bad in some instances. Think about things that you crave, for instance, (sorry, I am going to use Phillip again, lol) He craves garlic, and cinnamon on everything, turns out those are things that his body needs more of. So maybe a nutritionist will be able to point that out for you. Ask about workouts for your shoulder, ask them to help show you right and wrong ways to do certain exercises. I know it is sometimes easy for us to get into a routine of wrong form, which can end up making it worse. Hope that helps some, I might think of more, but right now that is all I can think of.
    I am sorry about your meds, that really stinks, hope that it gets all straightened out. I will be praying for you. I am also super excited you have lost, that is so great!! WOOT WOOT!!! Trust me loosing is better then gaining. Also, I would ask about foods to help metabolism, sometimes our thyroids need nutrition too!