Newbie & LOVING IT!

Hey all!

I've been on the LCHF lifestyle for about a three weeks solid now.
I can tell a HUGE difference in the way I feel. More energy, clothes fitting better, overall I just feel better!!

Feel free to leave any tips, or share what you find successful. I need all the help I can get! I've been reading blogs left & right, so I get the jist of it, but it's always nice to have the help! Also add me as a friend if you like!
So far so good! I am 100% sure I'm sticking to this lifestyle, no matter how odd the waitresses looks at me when I ask for no bun & extra butter :tongue:


  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome! Hopefully you find this board to be helpful with questions you have! I have low carbed a few years ago before being on MFP and I learned SO much more reading through the boards. There is another board called "Low Carber Daily Forum" or something like that with lots of pinned threads that has a lot of information.

    It really is a different frame of mind because several people assume more dietary fat = more body fat and that when you're dieting you should be eating fat free dressings instead of the full fat stuff!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Welcome to the dark side.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I just started also and am at the end of week 2. It's so great to not feel bloated anymore. :) This doesn't even feel like a "diet." I've been eating low-fat for 25 years. It's so nice to eat butter for once...not to mention bacon!
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    Been on the low carbon for the same amount of time and can report the same thing.
    I feel good.
    So many more benefits than weight loss (even though the weight loss is nice).
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    So great to connect with other starters and the more experienced low carvers. Very inspired by your stories so far, keep them coming and I will certainly feedback on my own story once I start in 10 days. Good luck xx
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    It definitely is a lifestyle change, not a diet! I will never go back to carb overload after seeing how much better I feel.

    I have to remember I've been eating carbs for years, and it took years to put on the weight, so it's not going to disappear overnight But the progress I & My husband have seen in my body in such a short amount of time, has totally been better than doing low fat diets like I have in the past.

    I've started back my workout routine, for now it'll just be 3 days a week, it surely will help. :happy:
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks, I'll check out that Forum as well!
  • angierogel
    angierogel Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am a newbie as well I was a complete carbaholic it was basically all I ate all day (: I started Keto 8 days ago and have already l;ost 12.6 lbs and am amazed by how easy it is to eat this way when I love butter, bacon, etc. I do miss the carbs but feel this way of eating is completely worth it to get the results I am looking for!
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome! I've been on Keto/LCHF for about two months and I have never felt better. One of the greatest benefits for me has been the reduced hunger between meals. When I was eating carbs, I was perpetually hungry and constantly eating.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Welcome newbie. I'm more of a born again. I've done keto before. I switched from LCHP to LCHF to protect my kidneys. I'm loving it too. My inflammation is down, definitely less puffy, and I can feel myself getting stronger every day. Today, my physical therapist gave me the go-ahead for some light strength training. Fabulous!!!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Greetings MrsFancyAB!

    I started on Sept 29th (three weeks from tomorrow). I am doing this diet AND adding in Water Fasting. I shed a lot of water at the first week, but slowed down on the second week. I am feeling much better too. I weighed 314 at the start. I'm right around 299-300 now.

    Both my doctor and endocrinologist are very supportive. I asked them why they didn't tell me about this sooner. They didn't have very good answers. I was on a path for Bariatrics, but now I will delay IF I can get the weight off and keep it off. I believe I can.

    If you want to watch some inspirational videos, watch these three (in this order):

    What if we're wrong about diabetes? Peter Attia
    This 16 minute video is what lead me to finding the truth about the diets. It is a
    TedTalk Med. Even though he says nothing about the Ketogenic diet, it is on
    his personal website. It is very heart warming. Be sure to watch it to the end.

    Do No Harm, This video is 1 hour and 34 minutes. Based on a true story.
    Meryl Streep shows how the Ketogenic diet & Epilepsy. Very good &
    heart warming movie. Be sure to watch it to the credits. Basically even
    though this is the same diet I am on, it is used for a different purpose.
    It shows the futility of dealing with doctors that rely on the government
    and big pharmaceuticals to get their info (I can relate to this!):

    Fat Head, this 1 hour 50 minutes YouTube is a documentary that is funny and
    enjoyable. It is a professionally made documentary that shows the history of
    the, “Low Fat Diet” and why it is an utter failure. Its kinda like a 20/20 John
    Stossel report but way funnier. This video has nothing to do with the diet that
    I am on, but it is has some good points:


    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I am a newbie as well I was a complete carbaholic it was basically all I ate all day (: I started Keto 8 days ago and have already l;ost 12.6 lbs and am amazed by how easy it is to eat this way when I love butter, bacon, etc. I do miss the carbs but feel this way of eating is completely worth it to get the results I am looking for!

    Girl yessss that is awesome!
    I got to get a new scale, I try to stay off it! I know I am dropping inches like crazy, my clothes are fitting SO differently! I love it! Keep it up!
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! I've been on Keto/LCHF for about two months and I have never felt better. One of the greatest benefits for me has been the reduced hunger between meals. When I was eating carbs, I was perpetually hungry and constantly eating.

    I've noticed a HUGE change in my appetite as well!
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome newbie. I'm more of a born again. I've done keto before. I switched from LCHP to LCHF to protect my kidneys. I'm loving it too. My inflammation is down, definitely less puffy, and I can feel myself getting stronger every day. Today, my physical therapist gave me the go-ahead for some light strength training. Fabulous!!!

    That is awesome! Glad you're getting stronger!
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Both my doctor and endocrinologist are very supportive. I asked them why they didn't tell me about this sooner. They didn't have very good answers. I was on a path for Bariatrics, but now I will delay IF I can get the weight off and keep it off. I believe I can.

    Thanks Dan the Man!

    You can and will keep on track, you got this!!
    I will definitely check out the videos thanks, I'm very interested about KETO & Epilepsy my mom is epileptic & diabetic I HAVE to get her into this lifestyle change.