first of many

Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
I went to the first Dietician and Exercise meeting today. I felt like all they did is say what you cant do and nothing hardly on what we can. This process is aggravating my panic disorder. Major anxiety today. I know this is the right decision but my panic has me overloaded in fear. This is a big change to make for the rest of my life. I am anxious about wanting to become healthier but in the same sense I am scared to fail.

What were your feelings leading up to the procedure? I just don't want to feel I am the only one that is feeling this way. Thx


  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    *Deep breaths*
    I felt like I was on a roller coaster! My emotions were all over the place! It made me very anxious, but I was also excited at the same time!
    I felt like at any moment, someone was going to say "Just kidding! You aren't really going to have your surgery! haha jokes on you!"
    That didn't happen obviously, because I had my surgery 12 weeks ago.
    I remember feeling so overwhelmed, and stressed out. Wanting to make sure I followed all the rules, and didn't screw up!

    I was lucky, because the doctors, dieticians, psychologists etc in my program are wonderful, and SO supportive. We too had a lot of "what not to do's"

    That all seems like it was a lifetime ago. I found that I just held on and went along for the ride. Did each step as I was told, and took it one day at a time.

    You will get through it. Just remember to relax, and enjoy the ride!

    Good luck!
  • Hildabean
    Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
    dsjsmom23 May I ask which procedure you went with?

    I wanted the sleeve but have been discussing with my reg dr and wls dr they both are encouraging me to do the bypass. The reason being I have such a bad case of GERD and they said the sleeve would make it worse also they found over 100 pyllops and the wls dr was afraid of leakage due to the weaken stomach lining. (scary) So I am on the fence right now.
  • goddess599
    goddess599 Posts: 7 Member
    I also was considering the sleeve. The Doctors here in Massachusetts stated you will lose more with the bypass than the sleeve. I was tested for acid reflux, which I don't have. They also stated like your Doctor has that there is a greater chance for a leakage with the sleeve. Good luck with your journey!