Week 4 Weigh In September 19-26

Hi Ladies! Week 4 is upon us! Can you believe that? Post your pictures/results below as you want!

I hope you are all having a great week and have fun this weekend!


  • Here are my stats taken this morning!

    Starting weight: 154 (What I weighed when I started working out again at 6 weeks pp)
    Last weigh in: 135
    Current weight: 133.5

    1.5 lbs POUND lost!

    Waist: 32" (2" lost from last measurement)
    Hips: 35" (1" lost from last measurement)
    Bust: 32" (1/2" lost from last measurement)
    Thighs: 21" (1" lost from last measurement)
    Arms: 10 1/4 " (1/4" lost from last measurement)

    The challenge this week for me is to find work outs that won't irritate or mess up my knee even more then it is already. (I twisted it coming down the stairs on Wednesday. Took Wednesday and Thursday off from working out to rest it. Start back up today, even though it still feels sore.) I plan to do Ballet Beautiful work out today since it's mostly non-impact and should be fine with a bummed knee.

    I am also looking into doing a Zumba class on Thursday nights with some friends! That should be fun!

    And, I continue to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 3 times a week. I am still doing level 1, even though I have done level 2 a couple times. I still find level 1 relatively challanging... so I will keep at it until it feels a little easier and then will transition to level 2!

    Good luck this week ladies!
  • Back up to 133. ???? I've got to stop this yoyoing! I was 131 a few weeks ago. Stupid weekend binging....
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    Ive only lost half a pound :( haven't been doing too well on my eating habits though so I'm not suprised