


  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Sam.

    I am very excited to start and finish this challenge. This is my umpteanth time on MFP but finally something is starting to click and stick! I am excited to see the changes that can and will happen in the next 100 days.
  • dfaulk09
    dfaulk09 Posts: 7 Member
    hey guys I just ran across this Challenge Group and I'd love to join the "fun." Please feel free to add me to "keep track of me." I have a Fitbit tracker so it monitors me everyday and automatically logs into MFP but I can also add it to the spreadsheet. Thanks
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just sent you a message and friend request, dfaulk :) I'd also love more friends from this group since it'll be ongoing. Are you planning on counting your "Very Active Minutes" from Fitbit? What I'm thinking of doing is if it's a day when I specifically work out (like dance class, spinning class, workout videos, etc.) I won't count my Fitbit minutes for the day. I log other activities into MFP separately, and while it adjusts for calories, it would double up on minutes from MFP and from Fitbit. But if it's a day where my only exercise is walking, I'll count the Fitbit Active Minutes. Make sense? Probably making this too complicated, but I want to encourage myself to exercise beyond just walking for this challenge. If the day's exercise is a long walk though, I'm going to count it :-D

    I'm excited about this challenge! Today might be a little lower for me (less than an hour,) since I'll get home late. I'm finishing my teaching contract in South Korea next Tuesday, and I'm having a goodbye dinner/game night with friends after work today. Ack so sad to leave after 3 years here! I'll be heading back to America in October. Afraid of completely changing up my routine with the big move, so I'm looking for challenges and friends on here to keep me on track with food and exercise over the next few months. I'm going to live at my parents' house at least through the holiday season. My dad will hopefully be coming home from the hospital soon after 3 months, so I'm going to be helping out for a while. Which means I'll have all the time in the world for exercise, but will I be able to keep up my motivation? Yes, I will! I'll be cooking healthy meals for my mom, dad, and me, so that should be great :)