Hi, I'm New

Hi Everyone,

I'm not new to MFP, however I have been going low carb for a few weeks and I generally think of this place as being.....well to be honest, rather anti-low carb. So, boy am I glad I did a search just now and found this group!



  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm not new to MFP, however I have been going low carb for a few weeks and I generally think of this place as being.....well to be honest, rather anti-low carb. So, boy am I glad I did a search just now and found this group!


    As are we - welcome aboard!

    Yes, many of the "mainstream" boards tend to be, shall we say, less than tolerant of advice or beliefs that run counter to the "company line".

    Fear not though, you are amongst friends here - we might not always agree but we are (for the most part<g>) - not disagreeable.
  • rmhyre
    I don't even bother reading most of the main forums, they are very anti low carb (which I don't understand since I rarely bash other diets that work for other people). Good luck!!
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Agreed. It's amazing how narrow-minded people can be.
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Car! Best wishes on your low carb journey!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Hello Car,

    You and I are similar that we've been on MFP for a while, but recently trying the low carb path. I take anything in the main forums with a grain of salt because folks can get pretty viscous there!

    I am just starting to watch my carbs, learning about all the different options and figuring out what works for me. This group has been great, for sure.

    Best of luck!!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Welcome, and best wishes for your low carb journey.
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    HI!! Yes the main forums seem to be a venting place for most. Good luck on your journey!
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    yea, folks are rather militant about their sugar .. :) Welcome aboard.
  • CARoberts73
    CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    Actually, to be really honest, I've quit MFP in the past, over the main boards. The tone irritated me so much, and I found several people to be so militant (I really am someone who prefers moderate, open minded people), that it just turned me off from the whole site!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Does anyone have any insight into the bad mouth taste? I know it's a byproduct of the diet, but is it permanent and if not any tips for alleviating it? I haven't noticed the bad breath or BO, yet, but for the past two days I feel like I swigged nail polish remover!
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    Does anyone have any insight into the bad mouth taste? I know it's a byproduct of the diet, but is it permanent and if not any tips for alleviating it? I haven't noticed the bad breath or BO, yet, but for the past two days I feel like I swigged nail polish remover!

    Transition to LCHF is a major change for your body. Moving to keto, even more so. The "keto flu" symptoms are completely normal and affect many, often in similar ways so what you're experiencing is nothing to be concerned about and will usually pass in a short period of time.

    Just a matter of giving it (your body) a chance to adjust to the new routine.

    There are various theories that attempt to explain exactly what physiological changes cause it but the scientific consensus seems to point to electrolytic imbalance during the transition - primarily involving sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

    The need for significantly increased sodium intake is well documented (and runs contrary to what we've always "been told") so at the very least, be certain that you have adjusted your daily target to something like 3000-5000mg/day.

    Most also recommend a daily multi vitamin supplement containing magnesium and sodium.

    Here's a link for additional info:

    A cup or two of broth (high sodium) not only provides the sodium but also helps with the "bad mouth" taste.
  • Seacrone
    Seacrone Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to MFP, but have been a long time gluten free low carber. People have really strong opinions about food and dieting and some can be downright obnoxious about it. I don't do gluten free because it's a fad, or to lose weight, I do it to keep from getting very ill, but some people don't get that either. I refuse to participate in any debates over such things. Life is too short to get upset over what someone ELSE is or isn't eating. There are these nice little sub culture groups for us radicals to enjoy a safe place to support and share with one another.

    I'm a live and let live person. Low carb isn't for everyone, but it works for me and I'm sure glad I found something that did.