Starting soon (hopefully today)

tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
A friend has let me borrow her Insanity DVDs. I'm not going to be able to do it exactly as set out due to commitments. But hopefully in three months I'll have completed it. I'm just curious, she has Upper Body Weight Training DVD and I'm not sure where that fits into the program.

I tried to start it today, but alas, my DVD player is broken. Heading to the store after work to get a new one!


  • crybabyfancy
    crybabyfancy Posts: 19 Member
    can't wait for INSANITY MAX:30 :bigsmile:
  • AlanaTedmon
    AlanaTedmon Posts: 105 Member
    I just finished the R&R week yesterday. I'm supposed to be starting Month 2 today. I'm kind of terrified that it's going to be a thousand times harder than month 1. What's this Max: 30?? I'll have to look into it!
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    I'm just starting week 2 so I'm not too far ahead of you. I have trouble working out 6 days a week so I usually only get to exercise 3-4 times per week. Insanity will still get me in shape though.
  • tmcoyle
    tmcoyle Posts: 168 Member
    The Upper Body Weight Training DVD is an extra, added bonus workout if you want to gain strength using weights. I like to change it up once in a while from cardio to weights. Do you know how to go to Team Beachbody and track your workouts or do you have the calendar of the workouts? Just concentrate on one workout at a time and before you know it, you will be done with month 2.

  • phoenix_ft
    phoenix_ft Posts: 10 Member
    I am starting week 2 on Monday - and yes insanity max 30 does look cool - I have ordered T25 and will change them every time I have done a complete workout routine - also I have to get through month 1and 2 of insanity first ;) I use the calender as I am from germany and can´t log in at - so the calendar it is
  • racicot85
    I'm planning on starting Monday. I really want Max 30 though! Can't wait for December!!