Quads Still Hurt

So I did my 3rd 5K on Sunday, and I had a fantastic run! I reached my goal of finishing within 45 minutes (43:31 to be exact). I knew I pushed myself hard that day, but this the first time I've had this long of a recovery. I didn't take my chocolate milk with me (my preferred recovery drink) thinking they would have something there. They didn't, so I just had water. I ended up having to get a full calorie gatorade about 4 hours later due to feeling off. I stretched my muscles a lot on Sunday with particular emphasis on the glutes due to some hip pain. Yesterday I woke up with my hips feeling great, but my quads were very sore. I had a post race massage yesterday, and even she couldn't losen them up (although my glutes were pretty good). I took an epsom salt bath last night, and they are still tight today. My massage therapist recommended ice if they weren't better by tomorrow, but a friend of mine who is a 2 time Ironman finisher said it is too late for ice (I kind of agree with her). Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. I'm still learning how my body performs during and after a race.

Also, I am currently on week 6, day 2 in case it matters. I plan on doing an easy walk today with light stretching, and hopefully start back training on Wednesday or Thursday.