so sorry + needing advice

eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
Hey guys! So so sorry I've been awol for a while. I've been really up and down mood wise, and struggling with exercise then tried to kick my painkillers, sugar and up my exercise and cleaning eating in the same week as going down a patch (quit smoking patch) size. I feel really really bad. But im back! I hope u r all doing well, and still around here, and wont mind helping me out.

I am still trying to eat.more... sounds stupid I know. But since I've made my eating alot cleaner I guess, more greens n veggies and stuff... I just arnt sure what to eat anymore, and now im not eating even near 1000 calories some days... help?


  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    Hey girl, no apologies are necessary - seriously. I admire you for trying to do SO many good things at once. That's a lot of balls to juggle all at once. I'm sorry you're feeling bad, I hope you can turn that around soon. I'll take a look at your diary and see if I notice anything that stands out. I know it can be tough to get enough calories sometimes.

    In the meantime, hang in there! I'm glad you're back! Now... go get 'em! :-)
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey marty! I dunno how I feel about people being able to look at what im eating... werid hang up I have. I hate going to a checkout operater I dont know cause I get worried they will judge..but umm heres a basic day
    Breakfast-smoothie with spinach, and 1/4 banana and berries(raspberries very tiny handful about 20grams) or porridge with raspberries and cinnamon.

    Lunch -tin of chicken and rice crackers/cakes and frozen mixed veg heated up.

    Dinner- kumara or pumpkin with either 100-150grams of chicken or fish and veggies.

    Snacks homemade protein bar, or bliss ball...