I don't wanna be single anymore!



  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I was to tollerant with my ex, put myself in uncomfortable situations because she threw the 'your insecure' word at me every time I raised an eyebrow at something, her behaviour was suspicious, she couldnt drive to see her boyfriend, but was happy enough to drive 30 minutes less to meet a fella I found out she met on a dating site only weeks before she met me......good riddance, then I met the sweetest gal, we dated for 2 months and she ended it suddenly, I really miss her, so many times I get tempted to text her, meh christmas time, single, least I got my gym lol

    Awwww, I'm sorry it didnt work out. I remember you saying when you met her. Do you know why she ended it? My ex just vanished and it bugs me every day that I dont know why!! :s

    I think we all get lonely at xmas and are tempted to text with an ex, so it's perfectly natural to feel that way. Just no point really as they would get in touch if they felt the same.

    Hey, at least it's party season so you never know who you might bump into!! :D

  • I am stomping my feet. But .. I want a relationship that is a partnership. Why is that so dang hard to find! Just because I am the girl in the relationship doesn't mean that I am your caregiver. I don't want the old fashioned let me make you dinner and iron your **** relationship.

    I just want someone who wants to do stuff with me and love me and have loads of sex with me. Who WANTS to come home to me.

    I am tired of being alone. My last relationship he lived almost an hour away from me and it was hard to see him. I always had to drive there .. even tho I was the one with the kid. I always had to pick up food on the way. I always had to suggest something to do. Over it.

    Grrrrrrrrr. I don't want to go through the whole dating online thing .. that was a lot of work!

    sigh. lol

    Deffanately NOT alone. That's all I want too.. don't understand why its so hard to freaking find!! Lol but you said it exactly how I say it to people.
  • I'm over being single. The worst part is I felt "single" in my last relationship... meaning he MADE me feel very alone. It wasn't healthy and my emotional detachment happened way before the relationship ended... so I'm ready for someone new! :)
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I am so tired of being single. I would love to find someone and a relationship in which we compliment each other. I have been single for so long it is ridiculous. My last relationship was over 3 years ago....and he was an *** who cheated on me. I have been doing the online thing trying to find people, but that's not working either. Sometimes I think that I should just lower my standards to see what happens. But, then I remember that I have standards for a reason and I have always been told that as soon as you stop looking that's when everything happens, when you least expect it. So even though as hard as that is, I think that if I focus on myself, rather than a relationship, maybe someday when I'm not looking, it will happen. :smiley:
  • amalley71
    amalley71 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat. Been single for over 5 years. I think well if i was thinner or prettier but then i think... then he will just want me for physical reasons and i don't want that either. When something prettier comes along he'll be gone. Why can't guys just be honest and open?
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I've always been off and on in my dating life. I dated some in high school and college, but then I had a crummy relationship (he was dating both me and my roommate for an entire year and telling each of us that the other was just a "friend") and I really gained weight so I swore off dating from age 19-29. I dated a few guys over the next 5 years and some of them were longer relationships, but it's been 2 years since the last one ended and a year and a half since I've even tried dating. I keep telling myself that it's good to take a step back, but honestly it's because I never seem to meet guys that are interested in me romantically or that I'm intrigued enough to try. I also feel at a real disadvanatge because of those gaps in dating. I have less dating and relationship experience than a lot of guys who are 10 years younger than me :neutral_face:
    amalley71 wrote: »
    I think well if i was thinner or prettier but then i think... then he will just want me for physical reasons and i don't want that either. When something prettier comes along he'll be gone.
    ^^^This is my biggest fear about getting back into the dating scene. I once had an ex who saw a picture of me at my heaviest and told me point blank that he would never have even started a conversation with me if I'd still looked like that when we met.

  • thadenge
    thadenge Posts: 51 Member
    photo_kyla wrote: »
    ^^^This is my biggest fear about getting back into the dating scene. I once had an ex who saw a picture of me at my heaviest and told me point blank that he would never have even started a conversation with me if I'd still looked like that when we met.
    Yikes is that why he is an ex now??? I guess you have to give him some small amount of credit for honesty, but still...
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    thadenge wrote: »
    Yikes is that why he is an ex now??? I guess you have to give him some small amount of credit for honesty, but still...
    Actually, no it's not. He's an ex for other reasons :wink: but I have noticed a huge difference in how guys treat me based on weight. When I'm over 220, I become the invisible woman and instantly in the friend zone.
    On one hand, I almost don't want to get involved with somebody who wasn't attracted to me when I was heavier, because that just seems so superficial to me. But on the other hand, I still have not met a single guy who has been attracted to me when I was over 220. There was even one guy who I started dating when I weighed about 210 and over the 10 months we were together I gained almost 30 pounds (because he's a guy and ate enormous servings and would give me the same amount of food even when I asked for half) and I'm pretty sure the weight gain was a huge factor in why he dumped me.
    Sorry for such a long response, it's a bit of a tender subject for me.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    People are attracted to what they are attracted too. Weight is a huge asspect of that. I don't hold it against a guy that says he wasn't attracted to me when I am at my heaviest because if that guy gained 100lbs he probably wouldn't be attractive to me either but everyone wants to think it is their personality that is what keeps someone but I think it is the whole package.
  • thadenge
    thadenge Posts: 51 Member
    photo_kyla wrote: »
    Actually, no it's not. He's an ex for other reasons :wink: but I have noticed a huge difference in how guys treat me based on weight. When I'm over 220, I become the invisible woman and instantly in the friend zone.
    On one hand, I almost don't want to get involved with somebody who wasn't attracted to me when I was heavier, because that just seems so superficial to me. But on the other hand, I still have not met a single guy who has been attracted to me when I was over 220. There was even one guy who I started dating when I weighed about 210 and over the 10 months we were together I gained almost 30 pounds (because he's a guy and ate enormous servings and would give me the same amount of food even when I asked for half) and I'm pretty sure the weight gain was a huge factor in why he dumped me.
    Sorry for such a long response, it's a bit of a tender subject for me.

    Nothing to apologize for, I can understand how it would be a tender subject. I do understand it from both sides I guess. I know I didn't get "noticed" either when I was up around 220 (funny thing to me is that I look SO much younger without the weight...that was an unexpected benefit...first thing I get when I talk about my grandson now is "you're not old enough to be a grandparent!"). On the other hand, weight and everything else involved in how somebody looks are so superficial and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Like I said I, like almost everyone else, notices how somebody looks...it's dishonest to say we don't, but on the other hand my (now) ex-wife was heavier than I was and it didn't stop me from dating and eventually marrying her (oh how I wish it had...or something had...that was 7 years of my life I'm not getting back!).

    And honestly I can't even imagine dumping someone I'd been dating because they put on weight or it even being a factor. Hate to be judgmental but I have to say, any guy that would do that wasn't worth your time or effort anyhow.
  • o kyla...smh :\ i feel you 100%! he wanted to hang out and be friends but would act more like a bf asking me about my whereabouts, helping with this and that, always seeking me out. then he switch shifts and a couple months later saw that i lost weight and looked put together and then he started communicating again. and u know what..the dude is like over 300 pounds lol! but i was at 220 at my heaviest and when i met him. so sad that ppl cannot see through the physical like some of us can.
  • I am sure most everyone that is single is tired of it and wants to find that special someone. i can agree to everything most of you has said 100%. i decided i wanted to be 100% happy with myself before i give any percentage of myself to any man. and i am about 90% there :) hearing in one of your previous posts you used POF made me giggle. i met my ex of two years on there, have tyet to check that site back out lol. i wanna give a shout out to everyone focusing on their goals first :) we got this!