vitamin D

mfrankrn Posts: 48 Member
I just wanted to share my experience. I have had low vitamin D levels for about 8 years. I was up to taking 50,000 units of vit. D twice a week and still had levels in the low range. I was just rechecked and my level was 87, which is high! Eating whole, healthier food either is helping my body use the supplements better or adding enough through diet. I am cutting my dose in half!


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yup, Paleo is better for proper nourishment. Obese, depressed, sick people are generally malnourished but I see most people laugh that off- "how can you be fat and malnourished? bwaaahaahaa!". They can't see the logic of the body telling us to eat constantly because we are missing vital micro-nutrients. I was malnourished and obese and the clearest symptoms of that were binge eating disorder and food addictions.

    You are likely getting more vitamin A too which is the big one to ensure absorption of other essential vitamins and minerals. My best friend is Green Pastures Blue Ice Royal fermented cod liver oil/high vitamin butter oil. Plus, it's essential to get in those bone broths, organs, and fermented foods. Takes some learning and retraining the taste buds but awesome health is worth it.