


  • lanajooste
    lanajooste Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Charnelle!

    Add me if you like, I also joined the group for accountability :embarassed:

    Tomorrow is D-Day and I'm already sitting at work trying to mentally prepare myself :wink:

    I would like to lose 25kg, but atleast 10kg by end November

    Good luck to you!!
  • lanajooste
    lanajooste Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there!

    Seeing as you've done this before, what tips can you offer the group?
    I have NO idea why I feel so overwhelmed. As in intimidated.
    I have never done 30DS before and I really want to be able to finish all the 30 days, so any guide lines, etc would be much appreciated!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I've done the 30 Day Shred more than three times, with excellent results. My biggest tip is to TAKE PICTURES. Every level, take a picture! From the side, from the back and from the front! Even if you choose not to share it with anyone, it will help you to see the results! I was stunned to look at my before and after. I only lost three pounds, but my back fat was raised and tightened, my stomach was flatter, my butt was tighter and even my posture changed a little! I lost more inches than pounds.

    Other tips:

    - If you get discouraged, reach out! We're all here for each other!
    - If you're so sore and uncomfortable that it is unbearable to do the workout, LISTEN to your body, even if it means breaking a streak! Your health is important and if you treat your body right, it will treat you right too :)
    - Eat well! This is so important. I lost weight doing this while eating normal foods in moderation, but when I did it with a healthy diet, I did 2x better.
    - Focus on the level you're on. Don't worry about how many days until the next level, don't worry about it if you feel like you need to stay on level one (or two) a few days more! If you get to level two or three and it's killing you, go back to one or two for a day or two and take it easy! Stamina takes time to build. Don't beat yourself up. :)

  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Also, I downloaded and printed this chart to keep myself accountable, so I can see the days I've already accomplished! You can use this one, or Google search for one, since there are many cute and good ones out there!

  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Heidi. I was the girl who lived on pizza rolls, pepsi, cookies, and had alot of vodka cranberry weekends.

    But that changed, I gained 85lbs due to pregnancy complications. My metabolism and body has never been the same. I got the weight off about a year after she was born, but 1/2 of it came back a year later...darn you sweet treats! :) I have a horrible sweet tooth that is learning MODERATION! :)

    My life revolved around everyone else. I did nothing for myself. Mid December 2013 I realized it's OK for there to be times when I stop putting everyone else first, and do what is best for me... So began my focus to get my pre-baby body back!

    I have competed 30DS earlier this year but had a very busy summer and need to get my workout schedule back! Plus, I wanna look cute in my Halloween costume! ;)
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    So proud of you Heidi! It really is important to take the time out we need for us, even with a family and other hefty responsibilities on our shoulders. You've done so well already; really excited to do this with you! :)
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello Fit Friends! My name is Ranae! I am 48 yrs old, I am a wife, a mom to 3 amazing children , 28,25 and 19! I am a Grammie to 3 beautiful granddaughters under the age of 3 yrs old with a grandson due in Jan! Woo Hoo! I love life and I am ready to accomplish the Shred one more time! I joined a Shred challenge group before my son"s wedding and I saw some amazing results! I am excited to support all of you! Lets rock this together!
  • Loser79
    Loser79 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi. I'm Therese and I recently just turned 35 years old. Yikes!

    About 7 weeks ago, I made a deal with one of my coworkers that I had to exercise at a minimum of 3 days a week for 30 minutes or I would owe her $40 per each day missed. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I've been doing Body Combat, Zumba Step, Water Zumba, etc. and now I want to re-visit this Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I was a moderator for a group similar to this a couple of years ago, but I actually never made it to Level 2! I hope this time around I do! I have a long way to go weight-wise and inch-wise so hopefully this will help a lot. I'm excited to start tomorrow!
  • neh02
    neh02 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all! Glad to see so many people similar to me! I'm 24 and grad school has definitely "helped" me put on a lot of weight. I'm at 150 lbs at 5'3" and my goal is to get to 125 by the time I turn 25 (in February). I was about 110 when I started undergrad and around 130 when I graduated at 21, so this is not a pattern I want to continue! I've gotten frustrated in the past with 30DS and other workouts because I focus too much on the scale number, though, so I am trying to just get through the workouts because I feel better physically and mentally when I'm active. I have some mild thyroid issues and in the past few years have been gaining most of my weight in my stomach. I am having so much difficulty finding clothes that fit me right and/or that I feel good in.

    I've done 30DS before (through level 2) several times and tend to start getting knee pain, so I'm probably going to do running or other workouts at least a few times a week in place of 30DS. Once in a while I also switch it out for another Jillian workout if I get bored. Main goal is just to do at least 20 minutes of *something* every day but at least half the time do 30DS workouts, because despite never finishing the entire 30 days in the past, I always start to see results around day 10.

    Good luck everyone!
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, I'm Allie! I'm super excited to have found an October shred group since I just tried and failed at it in September and would love to give it another shot! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better! Happy October all! :)
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Em. I always wanted to try the 30 day shred. I recently started a new job and it's been hard to get into a workout routine. I started training for a 5K run last week and I'm excited to start working out daily.
  • regshep
    regshep Posts: 3 Member
    Hello fellow 30 Day Shred Friends!

    This is my first of this sort of challenge so I am pretty excited to try it out.

    From what I am reading, it seems like this challenge has no "rest" days? Is that correct?

    I did my first workout today, I am sure I will feel the pain tomorrow:)

    A little bit about myself:

    -Mother of two children (2 and 4)
    -I have lost 15 pounds and working to lose the last five pounds by the holidays
    -I recently had hernia and abdominal surgery (doctor gave me the all clear today!) so really looking forward to sweating this month! I hated being out of my workout routine so this challenge is going to be good for me to get back into the swing of things!

    Take Care Everyone and looking forward to hearing about everyones input on this challenge!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Hello fellow 30 Day Shred Friends!

    This is my first of this sort of challenge so I am pretty excited to try it out.

    From what I am reading, it seems like this challenge has no "rest" days? Is that correct?

    I did my first workout today, I am sure I will feel the pain tomorrow:)

    A little bit about myself:

    -Mother of two children (2 and 4)
    -I have lost 15 pounds and working to lose the last five pounds by the holidays
    -I recently had hernia and abdominal surgery (doctor gave me the all clear today!) so really looking forward to sweating this month! I hated being out of my workout routine so this challenge is going to be good for me to get back into the swing of things!

    Take Care Everyone and looking forward to hearing about everyones input on this challenge!

    That's right, NO rest days .. but if your body tells you to take a day off, don't hesitate to do so! :)