Just wanna break this plateau:(

Been counting macros for a week. Been pretty good and consistent, mainly focusing on micro nutrient dense foods with some treats fit in every day. I am completely convinced that the science of it is true and logical and will work but of course there are exceptions right???... Been at a 122lb plateau for months seems like. I realize that one week with macros and getting skeptical is a little impatient but still, I can't help but wonder if I'M different.. if there is something wrong with me because i still haven't lost a pound and I feel like I WILL not break this damn plateau by eating a treat a day even if it DOES fit my numbers...

The other thing is, if I never see do results with this, I assume some would say I need to lower my numbers. but I'm already hungry all the time as it is.

I dunno I am just really frustrated and feel like no matter how much I research I won't find any comfort or good advice specifically applicable to me... and I so badly wish that I could find some kind of trainer where I live that does IIFYM and maybe have a few sessions or consultations at least, because I also want to get into a gym and start lifting.... following all these contest vloggers on youtube really grows on ya..... It would be so awesome if I could just freaking shred the rest of this fat on my belly and get ripped..... but I am so much at the beginning of all of this I just don't even know what to think right now -_____-

This post is way too long but I am having a very negative outlook right now and I just wan't some hope!!