what's your game plan?

Put it out there so you have record of how you're going to accomplish your goals. For me personally:

1. Track calories nearly every day
Using mfp to track intake and output. Pretty straightforward.

2. Train for Disney World/tennis
This involves at least two one hour tennis sessions a week, as well as 2 or more walking lunches, and gym sessions once I get a membership.

3. Measure progress with scale, measurements, and progress toward lifestyle habits
Tennis is a habit now, so I have that covered, but overall I want to have a more active lifestyle. Had a nice victory over the weekend where I went for a walk rather than sitting around doing nothing, and I had so much time to do a bunch of things still. Activity feels good for me, and even though I'm not very healthy I enjoy it now. That has never been the case before. But, because I found a sport that I really enjoy and want to improve, and I have a specific physical feat I want to accomplish (Disney is no joke), I have no problems doing the things I used to despise.

That is about it for my plan at the moment. How about you?


  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    My goals, stealing from my answer to the “find your why” discussion, is to have more energy to enjoy life and accomplish more.
    1. More energy - Raw meals besides 2 dinners (vegan) and one lunch (vegetarian due to social setting and non-vegan/raw options). This includes no processed foods except for the one social meal/week. Maintain current workout schedule.
    2. Enjoy life – Appreciate what I have and what’s in the future for me. Don’t overdue the “accomplish more”. When doing weekend chores (not errands) at home set a timer for 3 hours. Once that goes off, assess how I feel. Do more? Stop?
    3. Accomplish more – See above. Have a game plan with times set aside to reach each goal (flexible). I love planning, so that is just a fun part for me. Also, try to do a short (7-15 minute) chore, errand, etc that I would usually put off until the weekend once/workday
    4. Less screen time and more reading or stretching time. I have a bad, bad, bad habit of playing computer games for a bit when I get home from work. I will either stretch or read in place of that and allow 3 hours of computer games/week. Also – and this falls under the “what’s in the future for me” category - my husband and I want to have a house built and I want to do a ton of reading and research about it.
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    My game plan:

    Fitness Program: P90X (round 2)

    1. Lose the love handles that are beginning to form

    2. Gain 5 lbs of lean muscle

    3. Be able to do 100 push ups without stopping

    4. 30 pull ups without stopping (20 now)

    5. Have at least one of my kids join me for a workout.

    To keep me on track, I started a challenge group (Day 1 today). I took my before pics and took measurements. I will try to post my food intake on MFP and record my reps in my journal.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I do pretty good in the exercise department. Now its about Diet. I think that I have finally figured it out. I realize that I can't keep eating Processed foods. Processed food makes me eat more. It brings my calories way up fast. Some processed foods look healthy but they set my appetite off and I cant get it under control. I now am working on saying no from the start and it's working so far.
    For this time in my life I'm sticking with mostly meat and veggies. The weight is falling off so now I have to keep it up till I get all the extra weight off. The goal is to stick with it. Learn to think differently about food and know I'm in control.
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    If it comes from a bag or a box think twice before you eat it. Processed foods make me so bloated and I don't feel good for several days after. I'm cutting as much processed food as I can.