Daily Caloric Needs

What's up Team Unstoppable!

Nutrition is 70-80% of your success. If you don't know how many calories you should be taking in on a daily basis, please let me know! I will calculate your caloric needs and even give you break down on carbs, proteins, and fats.

1. If you are just starting out and new to fitness.
2. If you initially lost weight, but now have plateaued.
3. Trying to lose/gain weight in a certain time period.

Why? The reason why is because I want you to be successful in meeting your goals. I am not BSing you guys. I'm serious about helping out :)



  • warrenbeast
    Good post. if you don't know your needs how you to control your intake.
    What formula do you find the best for calculating calorie needs?
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Would love opinion I am so off by MFP on what I am to be eating in different areas. I was advised to up protein to over 100 because of activity level but understand little to know of the scientific part of what to eat. I just try to eat healthy. I can not go by hunger because of a medical issue I don't feel hunger. I just keep up with calories