October Chat



  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    edited October 2014
    We are back home in the Caribbean again and it is official.....if I have a choice of being a little too hot or a little too cold, I will take the too hot thank you. I enjoyed the fall beauty in Ohio and the crisp air but I am happy to be back in the warmth and humidity. I put a few pounds on :'( so back to the low cal for a while.
    I can now limp around in my walking cast and will hopefully have it removed within a week. I even did a little walk today and now I have cow dung on my walking boot I guess I am officially home. ;)
    I am happy to catch up with everyone again.
    Ker....you look awesome!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning!

    I think I found the source of the computer problem and fixed / deleted/ eliminated it.
    When it popped up, it looked like a legitimate Adobe Flash player update--but it was NOT.
    So! If you get a popup advising you that your Flash Player is out of date--READ the fine print at the bottom. There was a statement that said something like... "this is not an official Adobe site and is not authorized by Adobe..." etc etc blah blah.

    :\ You'd think they could get in trouble for masquerading as a legitimate product but..

    Anyway. I'm here.
    Hope you're having a good weekend!

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Crisbtrue wrote: »
    ...When it popped up, it looked like a legitimate Adobe Flash player update--but it was NOT. So! If you get a popup advising you that your Flash Player is out of date--READ the fine print at the bottom.

    Always a good reminder, thanks Cris! Glad you are here.

    It's another beautiful day in Massachusetts - mix of sun and clouds, hovering around 65 degrees ... and we are on our way to a free concert: the re-dedication of the organ at Mechanics Hall in Worcester (150th anniversary). This is a surprise for my husband - he loves organ music and doesn't know where we are going :D

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    A friend of mine runs Weight Watchers classes locally..... I was in touch with her today as her Dad is very ill.....discussing my inability to lose these last few pounds I have agreed to go to a class tomorrow evening! It is probably 20 years since I went to a WW class although I have done it online before I came here....( here was free! lol ) I know I will be paying but maybe it will be the kick up the backside I need in the run up to Christmas.......we shall see! Feeling quite excited! :grinning:

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Chrisbtrue - if it is Adobe (the red and white logo etc) you can verify by going on their web site and check if an update is coming out. I had a reminder this morning and verified - downloaded no problem. you can also check what version you have on your machine to verify.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    jeanmrob wrote: »
    A friend of mine runs Weight Watchers classes locally..... I was in touch with her today as her Dad is very ill.....discussing my inability to lose these last few pounds I have agreed to go to a class tomorrow evening! It is probably 20 years since I went to a WW class although I have done it online before I came here....( here was free! lol ) I know I will be paying but maybe it will be the kick up the backside I need in the run up to Christmas.......we shall see! Feeling quite excited! :grinning:


    Jean, I am a lifetime WWatcher. Sometimes I go for a while to focus more clearly. I haven't had to do that with MFP yet. I did not get the habit of logging while doing WW, I just didn't/couldn't do it. Time of readiness hadn't arrived I guess.

    I think it is a great idea to get focused before the feasting season begins. I hope it helps you reach your goal :)

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    edited October 2014


    rofl.gifIt's on the internet so it must be true.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Very positive and into it after first WW session .... I am actually a Gold member there too from over 20 years ago but starting again now .... Hope to get to Gold again and then will be able to pop back as and when ....not leaving here though .... Love the support group here!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited October 2014
    Wooken: You have made my day!

    Actually, a while ago I challenged myself to drink a glass of alcohol every day. Red wine is the best, but...a glass of anything will help you live longer. ONE glass. As much as I like my wine, it was hard to find room for the calories within my daily goal.

    I have cut back on my cardio exercise this past week. This has been really hard for me as I love my cardio workouts! I have been reading so many articles that say that anything more than 60 minutes a day is detrimental, especially to heart patients like me (and maybe to everyone). Although it seems that 45 minutes a day is ideal. So, I've cut back to 45 minutes. Since, I am doing this for the health benefits as well as the weight loss, it seems stupid to ignore the science. Some say that over 60 minutes even for weight loss isn't good, so...(Of course, next week everything will probably say that 120 minutes a day is the best! Who knows).

    I must admit that it helps to get home from the gym earlier. Especially as winter gets here and I won't always be able to get in a lunchtime walk. 45 minutes of cardio after work will make my other goal of trying to get to bed earlier a little easier. Do you all have problems with being hyped up in the evening after exercise? I haven't been getting done until about 7:30 or 8, I then eat dinner, so it is hard to go to bed at 9:30 (which I should in order to get 8 hours).

    I could use some of that extra time to be doing strength training though. I have really back slid lately. Don't know where Marian has been. She used to message me a couple of times a week with reminders to do my resistance bands. If anyone would like to take up the nagging, I would appreciate it. For some reason, I just don't do it otherwise. I'd like to do them twice a week for upper body (I'm better with the lower body and do them at the gym).

    Jean: I had a friend who could ONLY stay on a diet or maintenance if she paid money. The minute she didn't have to pay, even if she went to the meetings, she would gain weight.

    Month is almost over. Let's face it, starting with Halloween and left over candy, a whole new set of challenges will be facing us with the holidays. I'm depending on all of you successful losers and veterans to help me navigate the holiday season.

    Have a great Halloween!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Jean, you better not go away. We need you here <3

    Charlie, I am also keeping to one glass of wine but I have even taken to skipping a few days here and there, the less I drink the less I care if I have it or tea. Both have benefits.

    I do walking for my cardio, and not intense, I stay at the bottom of the fat burning zone, so I don't mind if I go over time. Now that I have the time to exercise, I plan to do even more, but not just cardio stuff. I can start using my Silver Sneakers card Nov. 1 and I plan to start lifting some heavy things then.

    I tend to exercise in the mornings, even when I still worked, after work didn't work out well for me. Too stressed, tired, too many other obligations to fulfill so exercise didn't happen if it wasn't in the AM. If I eat too close to bedtime, I tend to not sleep well either.

    For the holidays, I plan to have a few days that will be over my normal cals. I tend to only indulge in the things I love the most, I can say no to most holiday treats. I tend to want do do a fondue, have a bit more dark chocolate, have some biscottis. I prefer a special meat treat then too, duck or leg of lamb. Which can easily be worked into my normal cals. it is the sauces that get me over :) Plan ahead, and remember no one really cares what you eat, just be social at gatherings. If someone questions you passing up high cal treats, it is more about them than you. A little white lie like am allergic to that, will make most people shut up, but again it is their issue not yours.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Just to say, having rejoined Weight Watchers I now remember why I came here!!! The website is terrible!

    Meetings are ok and Plan seems to work but navigating that site is a time consuming nightmare!

    Jean :confused:
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I hope WW works out well for you Jean!
    I'm still deep in battle with this flu. Other than an occasional piece of toast, still no solid food. To add insult to injury I am one of the 'lucky ones' who developed thrush as a side bonus, so all food, drink, well everything tastes disgusting. Taking medicine for that, so can only hope that food starts tasting decent soon.

    Because of all this going on, I'm just not going to worry about logging my food - or my IV. I probably won't weigh in until this is all settled either. I'll still be here though :)

    I'm a bit bummed that I won't be going to the Halloween Party. I'm pretty much insisting Rick goes though - he'll have a good time but I'm still contagious and don't want to spread this to anyone - especially 'our crowd!'
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited October 2014
    0_hh_wit_fly3.gifHappy Halloween!

    They do things stupidly here in central Ohio. Halloween is never on a weekend, so trick or treat was last night!!! So we are done here. Did good, only ate one fun size Snickers.

    Well, 31 days and I am at the exact same place I was on October 1. 164 pounds. First month since starting in January that I haven't had at least a 5 pound loss. Getting frustrated. :s

    Hope you all have a safe Halloween -- no zombie attacks,negative witch's spells, nor leftover candy binges. See you in November!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    0_hh_wit_fly3.gifHappy Halloween!

    They do things stupidly here in central Ohio. Halloween is never on a weekend, so trick or treat was last night!!! So we are done here. Did good, only ate one fun size Snickers.

    Well done, Charlie. Think of where you were a year ago - even though you are at a resting point, your progress so far is wondeerful.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the little cuties tonight. You know when I was a kid - growing up outside Buffalo, NY - we always went trick-or-treating on Beggar's Night, October 30. Did anyone else have that tradition?
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member


    div-ani-kids_halloween_costumes-317x55.gifPhoenix forecast for the Trick or Treaters tonight is 82F at 7pm. Like everywhere, living in the desert has its highs and lows. ;)

    Be Safe Out There Tonight!!

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Trick or Treat has only been a "tradition" in the UK for the last 20 or so years...imported from the USA I guess so we never did it when I was a child.....I have bought tangerines for tonight for the kids if they come knocking......better for them and better for me if they don't come! LOL

    Jean :wink:
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Hello everyone! Long time no see. And what a time I have had since last I was here! After moving here in June, I was diagnosed with asthma. All spring during the packing and moving, I was having respiratory problems, but did not get to the bottom of it and came here on Prednisone (the wonderful/horrible drug) and with inhalers from my MD in NC. Started with an allergist here who diagnosed the asthma and put me on Synthroid and a corticosteroid. Well let me tell ya, those babies have some wicked side effects! I could breathe again, but my blood glucose shot up, I had both anxiety and insomnia from the Synthroid and was retaining fluid as well as gaining weight from either/both. I went through quite a path with the breathing/meds for a couple of months and felt so miserable that when I finally started walking again, I could walk less than 2000 steps!! Well I am off the inhalers now and just keeping one rescue inhaler with me! (So far the only slight inflammation I have felt responded well to coffee or tea). And today I am sticking my head back in the door because I am quite proud of myself. I have walked 7000 steps for the past 3 days and have set a goal of increasing to 10,000 steps a day by New Years Day! I hope everyone is doing well! Next challenge will be to start recording my food again!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Wow...you really have had a hard time.....glad to hear things have settled down somewhat now......it sounds really horrible what you have gone through......gently does it now....nice to see you back :smiley:

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Long time no see. And what a time I have had since last I was here!...

    Welcome back!! So glad to read you are on the mend and have started walking again.
