Milestone 1 - Day 10: Thursday, 10/02/14



  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday I met all my goals. It took some extra effort to get in 5000 steps at work because things kept coming up, but I still managed to meet my goal. Today will be a little harder to reach my 10000 because it is going to rain this afternoon and evening and I'm lifting today so I will not running as much as I do on a cardio day, but I'm going to try.

    Day 10 Goals:
    Walk 10000 steps (5000 while at work)
    Drink 5 large glasses of water while at work
    Stay within my calories
  • determinedladybug
    So this week has been tough. I have been sick for the first time since starting my weight loss journey and it took its toll. I have decided not to beat myself up about it. I haven't worked out and am using this week as a reset week. I am going to hit the gym and get back in the swing of things next week.

    No weight loss this posting.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I've resisted weighing before today and was pleased to see a 2.4 lb loss. Yay! I'll record that on the spreadsheet today.

    It's been easy for me to stick to my caloric goals because I don't have any chances to snack or graze all day. My schedule just got even worse, and my days are spent either teaching labs or working in labs (usually a mix of both), where food and drink are not an option. It does make water intake very challenging...and also I'm still struggling to get any exercise that's supplemental over what I do in a day for work. Luckily I'm fairly active, but I still need a way to do a little more. I have some ideas though, so hopefully that will change soon.

    Keep up the great work, everyone!
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    The weigh in went very well despite despite my cake days.
    Also, the initial weight on the log was a little old so the loss isn't really from the last 10 days; all in all, things are going good.
    Yesterday I clocked over 5.5 miles hiking but next week I should be back in the gym hitting those barbels so I can reach my other goal of squating my bodyweight!
    Congratulations to everyone for your awesome efforts, for loging and tracking and just moving.
    We rule the scale and not the other way around, keep going and don't ever look back.
    Word of advice, make small changes that you can maintain for the rest of life. Workout in such a fashion that allows for recovery and balance!
    Big hugs to you all!!
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I didn't budge the scale, but that is Ok with me. I was a little of a late starter and have confidence that I can reach my goal weight at the end of the 100 days.

    10-2 Goals
    1) cut down to one cup of over creamed coffee in the morning
    2)Get outside to get some more steps in, it is too beautiful to be inside today
    3) stay under my calorie goal
    4) let my muscles recover from the grueling work out yesterday.
    5) eat at least one more fruit or veggie today, yesterday I had 0 fruit.

    Looking at the totals logged so far, I am so proud of everyone in this group. We are all doing an amazing job on our journey to the new 2015 version of us. I am excited to see what the 20% progress looks like.
  • Stipyna
    Stipyna Posts: 40
    My goal for today is: don't worry about job and take it easy :smile:
  • Stipyna
    Stipyna Posts: 40
    I started 3 days ago, so my weight is the same...sorry...I will do my best for the second milestone :smile:
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    Yesterday was kinda a bust and I wish my sinuses would stop being a total pain. Anyway todays a new day. I did weigh in and the scale in the kitchen shows im down a pound :) Hopefully when I use my wii fit to weigh in on my normal sunday weigh in day I will be down even more.

    Todays goals.
    1. p90x (complete)
    2. drink plenty of water - this is a normal goal but I have been failing to drink enough for the last 2 weeks :(
    3. healthy choices and snacks
    4. get my fill of pittie kisses at the resuce since I didnt make it there tuesday
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Lost 2lb in day 10 days which is 10% of my total 100day challenge goal. I am on track :smile:
  • Shirotora88
    I lost 4lbs and put it in the file from 211 to 207 I'm on the way to reach my short term goal of 185
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    great losses everyone
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    What happens with logging if you gain weight :-( (I got an injury)

    focus on your calorie intake, if you cant workout.

    if you stay under calories you should still loose, without working out
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Had a hard time finding my name to log my weight today. The last time I was there I was at the bottom and not in order. Glad I found it, will be easier next time. Yesterday was a good day. Hit every goal. Goal for today are about the same. I did change on my Fibit goal for steps. Went from 10,000 to 15,000 as my daily step. Water continues to be a problem for me. I find myself drinking way to late in the evenings to get a good night sleep.
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    UGH. Not a good 10 days for me! The next milestone will be better!
    Had a hard time finding my name to log my weight today. The last time I was there I was at the bottom and not in order. Glad I found it, will be easier next time.

    Just a tip for anyone who might be struggling with this...

    When you're in the spreadsheet, hit Ctrl+F and a box will pop up. Just start typing your user name it will find you. :flowerforyou:
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Wow when I logged my weight loss in, the group had lost 190 pounds already! That's amazing!!! Congrats to everyone here. Keep going!

    Today's goals:

    - keep logging
    - keep drinking (water and tea)
    - take a nice long walk downtown (and then back up :D)
    - 30 DS last day level 2 :)
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I completely forgot. Woke up late and showered and got ready in 20 min lol Not looking my best today. I will enter my weight in the morning. But I have been doing good on my goal for the week. We have this huge festival in town and I am working out there periodically so It has been really had to keep under my calories. But yesterday was a success!!! Hoping today will be too. Doesn't hurt that I am walking for hours. Slow pace but steady.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Day 10 - weigh in.

    I'm back to the same weight from 10 days ago. I thought I had it downa nd was losing - but, I think I may have had a few heavy salt meals, and between retaining water and ? ... the weight that had been creeping downward, has returned. 5 days to lose, 1 day to regain. Crazy how quick that happens.

    It's not helping that I'm eating French Onion Soup for lunch. The sodium is just going to keep on effecting me, I'm sure. But I'm so sick of salad this week, that I'm releaved that I'm not chewing on more spinach, cauliflower and dried chicken breast (BLAH!) ...

    Being low carb and using a tiny cafe for lunch options, isn't the most optimal for choices.

    Other than that, it's a light day for me. I have my 40 minutes walk, and consider my body in recovery from yesterday's weight training session. My shoulders are sore, my butt and hips are sore - I know I worked them. Love SL 5x5
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    UGH. Not a good 10 days for me! The next milestone will be better!
    Had a hard time finding my name to log my weight today. The last time I was there I was at the bottom and not in order. Glad I found it, will be easier next time.

    Just a tip for anyone who might be struggling with this...

    When you're in the spreadsheet, hit Ctrl+F and a box will pop up. Just start typing your user name it will find you. :flowerforyou:
    Thank you I tried this worked great. Thanks again.
  • stephbroadbelt
    stephbroadbelt Posts: 9 Member
    Day 10(2):
    Didn't get a chance to weigh this morning, so I will try tonight and tomorrow morning and see where that gets me! Haven't weighed myself in about two weeks, so hopefully looking forward to the scale moving down!

    Haven't had much of a chance to work out this week with longer days than normal at my day job and a part time job 3 nights a week. When I have off nights I barely want to move let alone go to the gym. I'm trying to get into a morning work out that I can turn into an easy habit. My boyfriend and I both downloaded C25K - hoping to start that tomorrow morning with him as support to get me out of bed.

    Goals from yesterday:
    Log everything -- check
    Stay under calories -- check (but too low, could've used another snack on the way to job#2)
    Work out video - nope :-( didn't feel up to it at 10:30pm.

    Goals for today:
    Log everything
    Stay under calories
    Not go over carb macro
    Have everything ready to go for tomorrow morning so I don't have any excuses when I wake up!
    More water, less coffee. Had a caffeine headache this morning already. One Aleve, then water for the rest of the day!
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    Day 10 - 10% of the way thru this challenge!

    I weight in with my original short term goal at 18.6% of my of the weight I wanted to lose by the end of the year off my body. So i adjusted my goal slightly and added another 5 pounds to my short term weight loss goal! Now I'm at 15%. So i'm still ahead of the curve so YAY!

    I have added a step challenge to my goals daily 10K which i did yesterday when i took a 30 minute training C25K run/walk.
    I have adjusted my triple 100 challenge to be more challenging on my non-training days. so besides 100 push-ups and sit-ups day is 100 squats! The extra changes since there are tons of things i could add.

    I need to stay in my calorie goal and avoid chocolate.
    drink 16 to 18 cups of water

    I'm proud of you all we made it this far!