TOtal Carbs vs Net Carbs

kristafb Posts: 770 Member
I did low carb a couple of years ago and wasn't even aware of net carbs (carbs - fibre). I counted carbs. period. This time around I'm counting net carbs and although I keep net under 20 g per day total carbs can be close to 40 g per day. Although I've I started out losing well I've sort of stalled off & on for a bit now, stuck between 25-28 lbs down.

What are you're opinions on total vs net carbs?


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I think it's up to you. Fiber carbs have very little effect. You could ignore them. Sugar alcohol carbs, those tend to have a varied effect depending on who you ask. I count them as if they were any other carb. They stall me out.

    I started counting net. These days, I end up counting total but only because I don't eat much (any) fiber or sugar alcohols.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I think the sugar alcohols are my issue to be honest. My sweet tooth has reared its ugly head of late. Russell stover & sugar free ice cream are not my friends.

    I've tried the OKL keto way for a bit now and initally felt great & dropped a few pounds but now on higher protein days I've gained weight. Time to get back into full keto again I think. Fingers crossed I don't get a dose of keto flu!
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    The only sugar alcohols I eat are some sugar free Werther's hard candies. I don't even log them because 5 of them are only 40 calories and, given my progress, the sugar alcohols in them do not negatively affect me. If you're eating A LOT of sugar free foods that are full of junk, it could be causing the stall. Focus on whole foods for a week or two and see if that helps break the plateau. Most people count net carbs; I count total carbs but don't freak out if I go over by 1-5 so long as my net is still below my 5% goal.

    That answer was all over the place, huh. :smile:
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I count all the carbs. Since I am a carboholic, keeping them under 25 is extremely difficult for me. I fail on a regular basis.

    If you are stalling on your weight, try a water fast. Skip eating for a day. In other words, after you eat one night, skip eating the next day and break the fast on the following day.

    It sounds difficult, but oft-times the task is harder in your mind than the actual doing of it. And it certainly will force your body into ketosis.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • I don't count fiber or sugar alcohol carbs but I do keep my daily calories in check. I exercise, stay really close to my macro grams/day for all categories and I'm losing at a good clip.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Also consider an egg fast to break the stall:

    I've talked to Mellissa a few times, she's wonderful. Haven't needed to do this myself yet but I know others who have. I know when I eat eggs for 2 meals in one day I tend to drop a fair bit the next morning.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I did low carb a couple of years ago and wasn't even aware of net carbs (carbs - fibre). I counted carbs. period. This time around I'm counting net carbs and although I keep net under 20 g per day total carbs can be close to 40 g per day. Although I've I started out losing well I've sort of stalled off & on for a bit now, stuck between 25-28 lbs down.

    What are you're opinions on total vs net carbs?

    I've counted total carbs to keep my BG in check, but now that I've got 2 yrs under my belt, I count net carbs to stay in Ketosis, as net works just fine to keep my blood sugars low.

    I'm currently doing OKL macros, and eating less than 20g of carbs per day (net) keeps my BG's in perfect range.

    I've lost about 2#'s since starting OKL macros (going on 3 weeks) but I only have about 10-15#'s to lose (if that).

    I'm doing some pretty heavy weight training, so I'm not all that focused on the scale, mostly, I'm watching how my clothes fit.

    I think the additional protein, which isn't all that high in the first place (100g/day) is working toward my benefit in terms of 're-comping'.

    Sugar alcohols stall me like nobody's business. They jack up my BG too. I know that when my BG's are not in line, I stall out.

    My guess is that the insulin response is what puts my progress on hold.

    Have you considered something you're eating is producing an insulin response blocking your weight loss?