Your Recent Labs



  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    mrron2u wrote: »
    amberj32 wrote: »
    My most recent labs: (11/06/14)

    A1c - 5.9%
    Cholesterol Total - 146
    HDL - 56
    LDL - 80
    Trigylcerides - 48
    Cholesterol/HDLC Ratio - 2.6

    Everything was in the normal range. :)

    (diagnosed April/May 2014 - 11.4 A1c)

    Looks like we are a1c twins Amber! Mine is now 5.9 also! Nice work!

    Great job!!! :)
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    I got my results this AM for my A1c...FBS was 116, but the A1c was the highest it's ever been at 7.7. Doc says if it keeps going up, he'll consider insulin shots. I'm bummed. I'd hoped with increased exercise and watching my diet it would go down--not up. :(
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Leanmachine - Did your doc give you any suggestions other than to threaten insulin? Are you working with a nutritionist? DON'T GIVE UP! I know your results are discouraging.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    Leanmachine - Did your doc give you any suggestions other than to threaten insulin? Are you working with a nutritionist? DON'T GIVE UP! I know your results are discouraging.
    No suggestions other than keep up exercise. I guess a nutritionist would be helpful. Anything to not get shots. I don't want to do that!

  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    This am FBS 127
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited November 2014
    I don't remember my A1c when I was diagnosed in 2008. That was before I started insisting on copies of all my lab work. In January 2014 it was 5.2. Yesterday it was up a little to 5.6. The last three months have been very stressful so I was glad it wasn't higher.

    My cholesterol is down to 261 from 289. My good cholesterol is down to, so my ratio went from 4.5 (highest in the normal range) to 5.0. :\
    Statins are not an options since I have liver issues due to NASH.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Just got new labs done and my A1C is 5.4. The last two were 5.6 then 5.5 so I am dropping 1/10th of a point every three months (I was originally 7.3 in January when diagnosed). She also did a metabolic panel and all of the values are right where they should be. The EGFR is the concern because of the problem my kidneys had with metformin but it was over 60 which is where it should be. I suspect I may be stopping the glipizide when I see her on Wed. YAY! No more diabetes meds for this girl.

    She didn't order (or insurance wouldn't pay for) another blood count this time so I don't know how the hemoglobin is, but the last two