Starting Tomorrow Morning

liltadertat Posts: 19 Member
I'm starting a week late officially, but I have been doing Level 1 off and on this past week. Just getting my limbs used to moving again. I will also be doing 6 week, 6 pack with the 30 day shred, right after the shred actually. My airman will be home in 7 weeks so let's do this. I've also always wanted to be a runner so I think I'll be doing 30 minutes on the treadmill at night (5 minute warmup, 20 minutes of work, 5 minute cool down). Essentially this is only an hour and a half of working out per day which is fine by me. I have a polar FT7 in order to track my heart rate also ^_^ I'll be weighing in and putting measurements tomorrow morning as well.


  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Woohoo! :) It doesn't matter when you start; only that you do! You can do this!
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    That's a great plan liltadertat! And perfect timing before you airman comes home
  • liltadertat
    liltadertat Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks ladies!! I fell off the wagon but I am getting back on today. I refuse to quit. You guys are awesome motivation.
  • MrsJane05
    MrsJane05 Posts: 44 Member
    Don't quit, just dust yourself off and keep on keeping on!!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i'm with you! Starting back today! :)
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    Glad to see you're back!
  • tafuting
    tafuting Posts: 4 Member
    Could only start on the 15th, great to have other late starters!

    Your plan sounds great liltadertat ..

    Im going with 30ds every day, and a run of 4-5 km or 30 minutes of yoga. Tough to make the time, hoping to stay motivated :)

    Day 1 and 2 done..couldn't even do girlie pushups thanks to no upper body strength but modified with wall pushups. Got through the rest ok.
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    Great start tafuting! It will get better. I noticed a big change in my endurance and core strength around day 7 and I progressed into a full push up.

    I finished another day of Level 2. My glutes are really sore on this level. I hope they get rounder.
  • tafuting
    tafuting Posts: 4 Member
    Thats great to hear emmie112. From what i remember of level 2, it was a killer. Good on you for keeping up with it!