


  • SexNerd
    SexNerd Posts: 36 Member

    My name is Paula, and I have been a vegetarian for 7 years and ate a vegan diet off and on for long periods during that time. I do consider myself a vegan generally, just haven't always been eating a completely vegan diet some of the time. I struggle with just eating enough at times, so I've been working on that more than the actual content of my diet until recently again.

    It's really nice to read everyone else's stories! It's interesting to hear! I became a vegetarian because of my concern for animals and the environment, but I also really felt like it was a good decision health-wise and have only felt that way more.

  • TheVeganFrenchie
    Hi !

    I'm so glad to find this Vegan Team! :)

    I'm Léa-Lou, I'm French, I'm studying Psychology and I'm vegan since seven months now... It has been easy (it may not be easy for anyone) to turn vegan, not because I thought it was hard to cut out milk products, but because of how people react around me! In France, it's almost a shame not eating meat and cheese. I had to be really stubborn to not lose faith in my choices.
    My parents are farmers, they produce organic cow milk and they even sell a cow for the meat sometimes. They've been kidding on my veganism since I told them I would'nt eat milk products (be a vegetarian three months before that hasn't been easier), and during family meetings, my dad still ask me if I want some meat or cheese.
    Day after day, I feel like I have to prove my family and friends that no, it's not a trend or a way to lose weight. I decided to go vegetarian for the planet's issues, for the real waste of wheat that meat represents, after a months or two I opened myself to compassion and friendly feelings to the animals. Beeing vegan has just been a way to go further for my opinions and hasn't been a real big deal since I love challenges and I have been able to find out new recipes and use new products! :)

    I'm sorry about the frenglish I write, I know there's a lot of mistakes :D I wish you all good luck on your way to fitness and crueltyfree way of life :)

    Huge hugs from France!
    Fell free to add me as a friend!

  • LovelyVeggies
    Hi - I just started, or restarted, on MFP after signing up a year ago and not using it. I'm a long-time vegetarian (about 15 years) and have been vegan on and off. I'm hoping to stay vegan and also lose some extra weight. I'm really interested in vegan cooking and nutrition. I've been eating so healthy since I started my diet, and I feel really good.
  • YpsiChris
    YpsiChris Posts: 20 Member
    Hi All,

    Honored to join Team Vegan! I've been vegan for 18 months. I started off with Meatless Mondays and Colleen Patrick Goudreau's podcasts. I had only planned to be vegetarian - you know those vegans are soooo extreme! ;) But one thing led to another and Meatless Mondays became Meatless Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays. The next thing I knew I was buying Daiya cheese ane chia seeds! I haven't looked back.

    I'm on MKP (again) to help lose weight and build strength. I welcome friend requests!

  • Orangemonkeys
    Orangemonkeys Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I have been vegetarian on and off since I was 16. I have never had a taste for, or cooked with, meat substitutes, and I don't use them now. About 6 weeks ago I read VB6 and started following that plan - not a huge jump, really. Last week I removed dairy from my diet all day - not just before 6, with the hopes that my skin will improve (preliminary results are good). So I'm so close to being all the way there. I'm not sure I'm ready to be vegan 24/7, but at this point, its just an egg or some fish for dinner every now and then that is keeping me from the full monty as it were.

    Probably the biggest challenges going forward are traveling for work and having a carnivorous spouse. Fortunately I like to cook!
  • MusicLady24
    Hi there! I'm Becca!

    I am somewhat new to the vegan lifestyle, and I am so excited to join this group of individuals with the same views on nutrition as myself! Please message me and we can discuss vitamins, foods, recipes and anything under the sun! Thanks everyone!

    -Spc. Rebecca Thompson
  • bluebelle53
    Hi all, I've been vegan for many years and am happy to have found this group. A sit down job and menopause make it harder for me to maintain my weight goals. Plus I love red wine and need to work on getting more exercise! Am interested in getting to know you and your favorite vegan foods.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi fellow Veg*ns!! I just want to post about my yummy dinner: 9/1 oz tofu mixed with 4 tablespoons of noooch (affectionate term for nutritional yeast as I am very fond of nutritional yeast). BAM! 56 grams of protein.....was good...will have again soon
  • Zlink
    Zlink Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all,
    I am new to this site
    and quite new to the vegan life style (about 5 months)
    im happy i found this group:)
    and i hope to meet lots of intresting people with same veiws as mine:)!

  • LentilMuncher
    LentilMuncher Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! :)
    My name is Jen.
    I become vegan back in 09 after being vegetarian for 2 years (and after doing some research)
    Best life decision I have ever made.
    Keep vegan-ing on!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have done this for 5 days so far. I watched earthlings and it had a huge impact on me. I would love support and friends :)
  • vegan_gain
    vegan_gain Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Mark, and I'm from Germany.
    I have just recently joined this group(since I've just recently started using this website).
    I have been a vegetarian since I can remember, but at this point I'd like to step it up and become a full fletched vegan.
    I must admit that I have some difficulties achieving this goal of mine so I joined this group and I have already found tons of useful info.
    Being this new I'd really use some friends so I could feel some sort of peer pressure that will help me achieve my goal, and so we could monitor each other progresses :D
  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    I might've added to this thread before but it was a while ago and I'm making a fresh start with MFP.

    I'm Luke, I'm from Gloucestershire England. I've been fully vegan since November 2011 and was pretty much vegetarian for a little while before that. I'm looking to maintain my current weight while toning up and improving fitness.

    I'm a bit of a nerd, I write a web comic in my spare time and I like to write scifi and fantasy and things like that.

    My main form of excercise is Roller Derby, which has also become a big part of my life. I'm currently a rookie with Severn Roller Torrent (Gloucestershire's Roller Derby league) studying towards my minimum skills and these would be made far easier by improving my fitness and strength!
  • RingTailedFox
    RingTailedFox Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! I'm Eliza. I'm attending grad school at the University of Texas at Austin. I made the switch from vegetarian to vegan last year. It wasn't really that difficult for me because I'm lactose intolerant anyhow.

    I joined MFP to help me lose those last few pounds. I'm really enjoying the community here. I lost 40 lbs about three years ago. Recently, I've slowly put on about 10 lbs that I would rather not have.
  • thatawesomevegan
    thatawesomevegan Posts: 5 Member

    I've been a vegan for 3 years! I love being vegan and will never go back. I became vegan because I wanted to stay away from the health risks of eating meat. Unfortunately, I started out as a junk food vegan and continued to eat that way for most of the years I've been vegan and am overweight (but not as overweight as I used to be when I ate meat and dairy) due to my poor choices. I'm changing that and becoming a whole foods vegan. Here's to another Lifestyle change :D Once again for the better :drinker:
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sara, a 34 yr old mom of three whacky kids, living in MI :)

    I am very new to all of this-I started transitioning to a whole foods, vegetarian diet a few weeks ago for the health benefits (I've been doing a lot of research on how food affects good/bad health). But, after reading Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman a few days ago, I've decided to start transitioning to a vegan diet. I am not there all the way yet, but I have cut out yogurt and as of today I'm totally done with butter. Cheese is something I've been working on reducing and if I can make it past the local cheese stall at the farmer's market for the next couple months without caving in, I'll also be cheese free :) I didn't drink milk already so that takes care of dairy-eggs I'm down to a couple a week and will be eliminating those soon too. I've already cut out honey so I think I'm on the right track! I'm excited to keep going with this and see where it takes me :)
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Greetings everyone.
    I adopted a vegan diet one week ago today. I am returning to veganism after a 25 year break. I was inspired to adopt it again following the discovery of www.nutritionfacts.org and the compelling scientific evidence that a plant-based whole-food diet eliminates or significantly reduces the risk factors relating to premature death from disease.
    I am also motivated by the fact that a vegan diet has less of an impact on the environment and is consistent with Buddhist ethics.

    The othr components of my lifestyle that support health and wellbeing is that I regularly attend the gym for high intensity cardio training, I practice meditation regularly, I don't smoke, drink or take any recreational drugs (tea and coffee are the exception).

    I welcome friend requests (vegan or non-vegan) from people who wish to support and be supported.
    kind regards,

  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm 36 and I've been vegan for 9-10 years. From 14-27ish I was a "semi-vegetarian" who ate chicken and fish. I actually didn't plan to go vegan - I only ate fish like 3 times a year - but after I quit chicken and milk and eggs, it all went.

    LOVE being vegan for all the reasons there are. A vegan friend and I were chatting and we haven't been at our thinner weights since before we went vegan, so we're trying to figure that out.

    I have an omni hubs and a mostly vegan daughter.

    Good job to everyone, especially those who switched recently :)
  • Tierra1983
    Hello all! My name is Tierra. I'm a 29 yr old Marine Corps Veteran. I have been attempting to go Vegan for years, but always had a hard time with substitutes and price. Well, now I am training for a marathon and it's time to put my health and fitness first. I know it'll be tough, but I have to do this for me. Any help and support is always appreciated. =D Anyone know how to do Vegan on a budget? Thanks! <3
  • dawng51
    dawng51 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm new to this forum, but not to MFP. I've been vegan for the past 1.5 years. I was vegetarian for a year prior to that. I was able to lose quite a bit of weight when I went vegetarian, but I've been struggling as a vegan. I always feel hungry. I'm 10 lbs away from my optimal weight and have been lingering here for the past year! Hopefully you guys and gals will have some ideas to share!