


  • speedy001
    speedy001 Posts: 91 Member
    I have been vegan for almost a year now and made the change for both compassionate and environmental reasons. Since then I have discovered to my delight that its an enjoyable healthy diet that serves me well. My challenges are in reading labels when you discover that the item you bought had some numbers that meant I am inadvertently eating bits of animals and also in wine. I have found that the longer I have been vegan the easier it is becoming. Thanks to you all for posting some wonderful recipes.
  • vcarlota
    vcarlota Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but I'm trying to work towards becoming vegan. I don't know anyone else who is so I'm glad this group exists for support :D
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am a nearly vegan (I eat raw honey because it seems to help with my allergies) but I love finding out new info on the health benefits of plants and just the respect for others that comes with not eating meat, I find it very freeing. I never cared for meat besides chicken growing up so going veggie was pretty easy and I'm allergic to dairy so that wasn't hard either. I don't believe this type of lifestyle is for everyone but it fits me perfectly!
  • daw_etc
    I appear to be the newest member of Team Vegan! Hi! I'm Danielle. 24 years old. I was a vegetarian for the last 8 years and have gone full vegan about..4 months ago maybe? I am so much happier being vegan. It's just right for me. Especially since I have always hated eggs and milk :-]
    Remember; No vegan lifestyle..No vegan powers.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome daw! Think you'll like it here. Lots of good support and info here.
  • VeganDawn
    VeganDawn Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, my names Catherine, I'm vegan for about 6 years, have been vegetarian since I was 12, however before this age I still didnt want to eat meat/animals althou my parents made me. I'm new to the site, and really looking to make new friends, I have friends locally who are vegan however they dont have issues with wanting to lose weight and I find that It would be really nice to connect with others who understand my experiences and can share our paths together.
  • Halloch
    Halloch Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome Catherine, you have come to the right sight. We are in this together.:wink:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hi everyone, my names Catherine, I'm vegan for about 6 years, have been vegetarian since I was 12, however before this age I still didnt want to eat meat/animals althou my parents made me. I'm new to the site, and really looking to make new friends, I have friends locally who are vegan however they dont have issues with wanting to lose weight and I find that It would be really nice to connect with others who understand my experiences and can share our paths together.

    My dad's a butcher and my mom refuses to eat fruits or vegetables so I understand where you're coming from :laugh: I didn't stop eating meat until I was an adult but they still don't understand. Having other veggie loving friends reminds me that I'm not the only one!
  • Merlin5438
    Hi! I'm Melanie and I've been vegetarian for just over two years and gradually dropped eggs and milk. Two months ago I stopped eating cheese and all other dairy products. I'm new to MFP and am just looking for some support. I became vegetarian for ethical reasons, but have been looking more and more at my health and am searching out new recipes.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Hi :)
    I've been "vegan" since August 2011. I started because I did the master cleanse, and I've noticed how certain foods affect me and how I feel after I eat them. I've came to the conclusion that I would only eat the meats I raise, kill or process. With that being said the only thing I do eat that is not vegan are the eggs (sparingly) my 7 hens lay that I raise in my backyard. I believe in some ways whatever energy that the animal has (or had) can transfer into the food we eat. So if the animal if the had lived a life and died experiencing isolation, cruelty, fear, etc that it can have a negative effect on people who eat it. I can rest with a clear conscious that my chickens are happy, very happy, laying 30 eggs per week! They get plenty of hugs, kisses, kind words, good natural feed and treats with a nice sized run for them scratch around in and a clean coop to roost and lay their eggs in. I cannot imagine ever culling any of them for food.
    Edited to add that I started off at 164lbs, cleansing and a vegan diet has helped me lose about 35lbs!
  • tracymarie11
    tracymarie11 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been 'vegan'/plant-based (I do eat honey, for my allergies) for a little over a year now, and was vegetarian for about a year and a half before that. I couldn't imagine ever going back to eating animal products now! I absolutely love it. I never, ever thought I would be vegan but now I can't stand the thought of eating dairy or eggs. I did some reading on the cruelty of the dairy industry, and learned in the process a lot about how unhealthy dairy is. Yuck.

    I am back to MyFitnessPal after taking a brief break but I fell off the wagon and am looking to reach my goal. :) When I was here before, I never joined any groups or reached out to the community, so I am hoping to change that this time around and maybe I won't fall off the wagon this time, hee hee.

    Take care!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I have been plant-based since November 1st of this year. I do not call myself vegan, because I eat honey and I have a leather wallet in my back pocket. I understand that both of these would be a big "no-no", so I try and be respectful.

    I didn't come in from the ethical side, I came in because of health issues and concerns about my heart.

    I've had a pretty awesome two months as I have lost 42lbs since my transition!

    I've been able to intensify my workouts as my respiration is completely different now. I no longer snore at night (happened day 5) and my post workout recovery time has shrunk dramatically (think deeper sleep has a lot to do with this)

    I'm a Forks Over Knives guy, so if anyone else is on a similar path, please add me!

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome! By the way, what does "1/2" mean?
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Started out at 401lbs. Will get to 200lbs. 1/2.

  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    im stephanie. been vegan for almost 7 years and im raising my 3 year old to be as well. hubby is vegan except for eating his fish and cheese, but not together haha. im in st. louis missouri and im lucky to work at whole foods market where i not only exclusively shop but that huge discount comes into play very well. thankfully all of my friends and family accept it and dont give me crap about it.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Most of my life I've been either vegetarian/vegan/fruitarian, but not wise about my food choices. The last couple of years my naturopath suggested I eat animal protein and very low carbs to help with Hashimoto's, a thyroid condition where the body attacks the thyroid gland. I've tried it, lost some weight only to gain it back, and hate eating eggs, fish, & poultry. It doesn't feel good, doesn't feel right, and the thought of what I'm doing makes me gag. Today I've decided to try a different approach -- going back to being as close to vegan as possible. This time I want to be smart about it. I found Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein Powder, which is a vegan, gluten free (I'm allergic to gluten), nut free (also allergic), low carb (because all the vegetables, grains and legumes are sprouted), raw protein source that I find actually really tasty. (Probably old hat to all of you). I'm adding a large variety of veggies, a bit of quinoa and legumes (to add to my fiber intake), and lower-sugar fruit. Already I feel so much better, mostly because I feel I'm honoring who I am as well as the planet, especially if I stick with organic foods. Intuitively, I feel that I'll be healthier in the long run, especially if I can keep my protein up, make sure I get B12, and get good exercise.

    I'd really like to show my doctor that Hashimoto's can be addressed positively with a healthy, plant-based diet. Hope it works!

    I'm happy to be a part of this group!
  • tracymarie11
    tracymarie11 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Stephanie - I work for Whole Foods also! That discount is excellent :)
  • Carla2299
    Carla2299 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a new vegan- as of Jan 1, 2012 but have been a vegetarian for much longer. I am a clear example that a vegetarian diet can still produce obesity. Cheese, dairy were my favourite fall backs. However, after watching and reading about nutrition and becoming aware of the fall backs of modern day farming- I decided to take the leap. When I look back over the last 30 days or so, I notice that most of my cooking and eating was slowing moving over into a vegan diet. I continue to educate myself on the best food choices available, and actually Forks over Knives is on my tv to watch today! ( I noticed a comment or 2 about that documentary)

    I like the recipes I have come across on here and decided to join the group.
  • MyCaptainRaydor
    Hi! I've been a vegan for a little over a year. I'm pretty strict. My new step is slowly cutting out processed sugar. I'm currently unemployed so it's making that a little more difficult. If money wasn't an option I would make all my own food and buy everything else at farmers' markets so I know where it all comes from. I was a vegetarian for years, off and on. One day I finally decided to just do it, "cold turkey" and just stopped eating cheese. It was an important step for me because I binged a lot on dairy foods (mexican foods more than anything) and cutting it out caused me to loose a lot of weight quickly. I still have a lot more to lose. Don't get me wrong, I'm a vegan for the animals and the environment, but the push was my desire to strip away my addiction.
  • apachemom4
    My name is Brandie,I decide to join the 21 day kickstart for veganism.I am tired of feeling lousy all the time my doctor has told me I am on the cusp of being diabetic so we both decided this would be great for me.I am looking forward to some recipes and support.I dont get much with my family and friends.