Day one challenge!



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'll be sticking to water for the day! Keep the juice for another time, lol.

    And I will check my food for any added sugars or other sweeteners, and try to keep that in check, as well!
    Fantastic! Let us know if you discover anything interesting in unexpected food sources.
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    To late for me today :( I have a weekly diet coke tuesday mornings when a group of us go out for breakfast after working overnights.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Ive got this one in the bag! I never use artificial sweeteners...I have a hard time with the after-taste, and I try to avoid eating anything processed.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I stay away from Artificial Sweeteners... it's real sugar or bust for me... If i want something sweet It's going to be real... just not as much :)
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    I THINK i can do this, since i don't really use artificial sweetener ever!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I love that many of you already are ahead of the game on this one :D
    Hopefully a future challenge will address something that you need to work on in your life!
  • I tend to not buy pop anymore and I take my tea milk-less and sugar/sweetener-less so I'll be fine for today :D
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Darn...didn't read this until after my morning coffee...too late for the Day 1 challenge :) Maybe I'll try it tomorrow...but I LOVES my Splenda mocha...
  • I did read this late but I think, going over everything I ate today, I accomplished this. I wanted a pop but didnt get one!
  • I tend to only eat organic/natural stuff so don't tend to use sweeteners. I'll keep a look out though, but it'll have to be my challenge for Weds!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I tend to not buy pop anymore and I take my tea milk-less and sugar/sweetener-less so I'll be fine for today :D

    Sounds wonderful... I have a slight obsession with tea, and I don't use sweetener in it :D What is your favorite kind of tea?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Darn...didn't read this until after my morning coffee...too late for the Day 1 challenge :) Maybe I'll try it tomorrow...but I LOVES my Splenda mocha...

    You can always start now! I absolutely hope you join us tomorrow for day 2 :D
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I did read this late but I think, going over everything I ate today, I accomplished this. I wanted a pop but didnt get one!

    Fantastic willpower! It's great that your daily foods don't include chemical sweeteners :D
  • Lisapokie27
    Lisapokie27 Posts: 34 Member
    I gave up diet drinks when i started MFP 2 weeks ago. i started to drink only water with lemon!! No more bloat, and I have more energy!
  • I have had the soda habit kicked, but every once in a while I will have one. I am not sure what else I eat/drink that has artificial sweetener in it, but I will keep my eyes open for it.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Darn...didn't read this until after my morning coffee...too late for the Day 1 challenge :) Maybe I'll try it tomorrow...but I LOVES my Splenda mocha...

    You can always start now! I absolutely hope you join us tomorrow for day 2 :D

    I'd definitely make it for the rest of the day, I only have fake sugar with my coffee in the morning. I already cut out soda and I don't sugar my tea :)
  • Well I had my morning coffee before I read the post but 2 packets of Truvia is all I use of artificial sweeteners every day. So at least thats all I did today. Gave up diet coke 2 months ago so no worries there! Water, coffee, and tea are my drinks of choice.

    Also anyone looking for a tea thats sweet but doesn't have any sweetners in it, try aveda comforting tea! It has licorice and sweet fennel to give it its sweet taste and its amazing! I try to drink it every night!
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    No soft drink for me at all tommorow which is a big deal for me! I used be drink 6-7 cans and now down to 1 a day, tommorow I'm going to make a big effort and have water all day! :)
    Good luck, but I know you can do it :)
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I've been doing this for quite awhile after reading "1984"... I used to be a huge diet coke drinker. Now, I can't stand the taste of artifical sweeteners. I know that I can't eat as many sweet things to keep under my calorie goals. But if I do have something that is sweet, I want the real thing!
  • MissSharkattack
    MissSharkattack Posts: 323 Member
    Darn, didnt read this til AFTER I opened a can of diet coke (N).
    Will still watch everything else I eat today, though, and try to stay away from the artificial sweeteners.