


  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennie. I joined back in the summer and was active for about a month. I quit logging in and did a Whole30 (Paleo) after that with a group on Facebook. Now I'm back on MFP. I've lost 7 lbs with about 10 or 15 to go. I aim for low carb and paleo when I'm feeling like it. Otherwise, I just try to watch the processed food, sugar, and simple carbs. I try to get 30 minutes of brisk walking 6 days a week, one off day on the weekend. I also try to get in 3 days of 20 to 30 minutes of a high intensity kettlebell workout in when I can. Kettlebells are by far the simplest and most effective way I've found to drop the inches and gain strength (thereby burning calories & fat).

    I live in Tuscaloosa right now with my 3 kitty cats and my fiancé. But... I'm an Auburn University alum... so WAR EAGLE!

    Things can change quickly. LOL.

    Update: I'm no longer low carb or paleo (back to eating some bread & grains) and I married him! :-)
  • I am in Pell City AL and I need to find friends on here :)
  • Hi! I'm Whitney, from Huntsville. I'm 30 (31 next weekend). After spending my 20s in obesity, I decided that my 30s would be different. I started my weight loss program in May last year and have lost 73 pounds so far...going from 212 to 139. My goal is 130, although I may try to get to 125 before I transition into maintenance, to give myself a buffer zone. :wink:
  • Hey there! I'm Marcus, and I am from Huntsville. I've only been back on MFP for about a week now. Trying to lose my lil' stubborn gut and love handles... and get back to working out and running religiously. WAR EAGLE!
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I am Jessica and I am in Weaver, Alabama. I'm 38 and a single mother of a 14 yr old daughter.

    I have been on MFP for a couple months now, but have only lost 3 pounds. I am hypothyroid and although I have always struggled with my weight l went through a period of rapid weight gain due to the thyrpid and steroids used to treat sinus infections. I gained 50lbs in less than a yr

    From last August til now I have only managed to lose 11 total pounds which depresses me. :( BUT I have finally begun to see some differences but mostly in my fitness level. I work out everyday 30mins to 2 hours M-F and then on the weekends I am normally doing massive yard work as I have 6 acres to take care of so I get a workout in that way.

    I have small goals...1st of which is to get to 200lbs, I am currently 22 pounds away from that. Total I would love to get to 140, a number which I have not seen since I was a starting high school. It may still be too much weight but I think it would be a HEALTHY weight for me.

    One more thing...

    ROLL TIDE!!!!!
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    I'm Terri from Alabaster, Alabama. I joined MFP in January, and thus far, I've lost a total of 31 pounds. I have thoroughly enjoyed this program. I've been walking/jogging since February, and am currently training myself to be able to run a 5K. I've just recently been convinced that I need to be doing strength training as well, so I'm in the process of getting a plan together. Considering joining a gym, since I know NOTHING about weight training! I love reading posts from others on here...especially folks who live the same area, and folks my age ( I turn 40 in May ). It helps to encourage me, and it helps me to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle! Good luck to everyone on this journey!!!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend....tcminor. Would love the support!!!!
  • ffddff
    ffddff Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, Alabama! Lazy fat girl Fanny D.F is going to loose her weight with you!
    For about a year I stuck in the same weight.
    Plan to loose at least 15lbs next couple months :P
  • BamaPolyBiGuy1
    BamaPolyBiGuy1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everybody! My name's Dennis. I'm in Tuscaloosa. I'm trying out the ChooseOne diet for now. (That's like the One Meal At A Time, where you change one thing for a week, then add another change for another week, etc.) Hopefully it'll work out.
  • BamaPolyBiGuy1
    BamaPolyBiGuy1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everybody! My name's Dennis. I'm in Tuscaloosa. I'm trying out the ChooseOne diet for now. (That's like the One Meal At A Time, where you change one thing for a week, then add another change for another week, etc.) Hopefully it'll work out.

    (Sorry, it's the ChangeOne diet, not ChooseOne.) :laugh:
  • ffddff
    ffddff Posts: 4 Member
    That's an interesting one.
    Looks like slow, but maybe more efficient at the end
    Maybe I should try ChangeTwo diet).. I am very impatient :P
    BR1TTNIE Posts: 11
    Hi ppl! I'm Brittnie, 26 and from Birmingham. I came to this site a few months ago. I was using FatSecret but, this site offers more so I thought I'd give it a try! I'm glad I found a local group. I lost 40lbs a couple years ago, but now it seems to be sneaking back up on me. Mainly, I think the weight gain is due to some of my medication. It has been a struggle to lose, and seems to flip flop like crazy! I've been wanting to meet some local people for support, and make goals together. =)

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I'll be glad to support you as well. Hopefully we can get through this!

  • skay_
    skay_ Posts: 3
    Greetings from Huntsville! Glad to be here. Friend me if you would like to walk or hike together sometime. Talking is good too!
  • clkaplan
    clkaplan Posts: 3 Member
    Greetings from Tuscaloosa! My name is Cassy and I am 20 years old. I am a junior at UA studying public relations with a double minor in creative writing and consumer sciences. I joined MFP in January with my (now ex) boyfriend because we wanted to lose weight together.. but we have since broken up recently and now I'm doing this to make me happier. I'm really looking for some motivators so feel free to add me!!

    Roll damn tide.
  • redhotwritinghood
    redhotwritinghood Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Jessica, I am 37 years old, and I am from Huntsville, AL and I have been on here for a couple months but hadn't actually participated in the site until just now. I am studio manager and graphic designer at a local Design Studio here. I have a gorgeous 17 year old daughter and a wonderful husband who supports me no matter what! I had lost a lot of weight about 2 years ago and kept it off for about a year, last year I went through 5 surgeries in 1 year and I have struggled to not gain it all back. I have gained quite a bit back but I am finally feeling healthy enough to reclaim that victory and get rid of the weight once and for all. I love being active and the high you get from taking care of yourself and exercising regularly.
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    Hi! My name is Natalie. I'm 22 years old, and I was born and raised in Huntsville, AL. I'm a computer science major at UAH, and I'm graduating in December. Been on here since September, but just now trying the forums. After getting up to 272, and being very unhappy with myself, I got fed up with being fat and unhappy. I've done a complete lifestyle change and lost 97 pounds in 10 months from following the macros on here and exercising. I'm going for 160 right now, then I'll see if I want to go for more.
  • Hey Ya'll!!
    My name is Amanda and I live in Tuscaloosa. I joined MFP a couple weeks ago when my coworker told me about it. I love this sight it has really kept me on the right track! I have 63 lbs to lose and I am determined this time. I lost about 5 lbs 2 years ago so I know it is possible! This time I am going to keep it off. It is great to see how wonderful you all are doing!! I work in Athletics so I have to get into shape. Being around all these student athletes make me realize how fat I have gotten!! But I am fixing it!
    Nice to meet ya'll!
  • Streetpreacher82
    Streetpreacher82 Posts: 21 Member

    My name is Josh and I am another Huntsvillian... well, I live in Harvest, but it is close enough!

    I am a husband and father to three beautiful gals! I have been on MFP for just over 6 weeks and am down 24 pounds. I have loved my MFP experience so far and look forward to sharing it with other Alabamians!



    GO! FIGHT! U-N-A!
  • jnicole90
    jnicole90 Posts: 31 Member
    My name is Nicole and I just graduated from the University of Alabama. I'm about to move to Baldwin County. I've been a member of MFP on and off for probably a year, but I've been logging consistently for about 2 months! I'm looking to lose about 20-30 lbs and tone up. I love running, and now that I don't have the Rec I run outside daily and do calisthenics at home. Next week when I move I plan on either doing Insanity or the 30 Day Shred.
    Roll tide and good luck on yall's journeys! :)
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Update:.....No Longer in Weaver decided to move back to Gadsden. Still finding that the weight just doesn't want to budge, BUT I am noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit and my stamina. Invested in a personal trainer as well. I needed to do something because something wasn't working.
  • Jenny426
    Jenny426 Posts: 11 Member
    I live in Phenix City, 28 years old, single mom of a 4 year old boy! Trying to lose about 50 pounds! I'm 5'9 and weigh 216. I want to get down to 165. I am getting started on the Keto diet! Good luck to everyone!!