


  • desertdove
    I'm on day ONE of GF and dairy free and yeast free. What a learning curve is ahead of me. There are so many hidden ingredients in things, even ones that say gluten and dairy free. It's encouraging to read all your stories and see how much better you are feeling. You have been inspiring.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You can do it, newbies!

    Ask your questions here!
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Hey! Im Marie and I am wheat intolerant! I found out about 5 years ago when my doctor suggested I cut it out of my diet due to some symptoms I was having- raging migraines, bloated stomach, irregular BM (sorry for the detail!) so I did! Sometimes I do cheat and as the years have gone on Ive noticed more symptoms that seem to be related to ingesting wheat. I have itchy skin, fatigue, low mood, irritability (but I reckon thats because I feel so grot)
    I seem to be ok if a food may contain traces of wheat and I can also eat oats, rye and barley, which Im thankful for!
    But like I said before I cheat at times! But its got to be worth it and I usually plan it so I can cope with the symptoms. For instance I wont have a cheat day when I know Ive got an event planned that day or the next few days!
    It is a hard struggle, especially when the free from foods are so blooming expensive! And it gets tiring having to plan and make lunches everyday as you cant just grab something from the shop. Which I suppose is a blessing on my waist line! :laugh:
    But I do feel better in myself when I do cut it out of my diet completely, its just finding the will power (and money :laugh:) to cut it out completely!
    So anyway, I have (sort of) adapted and found some recipes and hidden gems that I shall hopefully be able to share with you all! :happy: And I cant wait to see what gems you have all found and enable to stay off the stuff for good! (sounds like some sort of drug doesn't it?!) :laugh: