


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I plan on starting on Tuesday, and will alternate with C25K. I'm right at maintenance, which the Nrol4W calculator has set me at 1956-2200, depending on my activity level. Question...I've been at 1950 the last few weeks finishing up my P90x/C25K, and I've been eating back my cals. Do I continue to eat back? I'm assuming yes, or otherwise, I'd be down in the 1700-1900 range, which is less than what I was using? I'm sorry to be so confused.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I finally finished reading that section last night. After discussing it with my husband, we aren't changing. We get equal amounts of protein with the things we do eat. I set my macros to the 40/30/30 and increased my daily calories, still having trouble hitting my protein, so I will bite the bullet and get some powder...for both of us. Still cooking vegetarian at home, so the recipes don't fit us, but I like their ideas about when to eat and balancing the nutrients. I will have to see how it goes, but the author even says that the recipes are really more to give you an idea of what to eat.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I plan on starting on Tuesday, and will alternate with C25K. I'm right at maintenance, which the Nrol4W calculator has set me at 1956-2200, depending on my activity level. Question...I've been at 1950 the last few weeks finishing up my P90x/C25K, and I've been eating back my cals. Do I continue to eat back? I'm assuming yes, or otherwise, I'd be down in the 1700-1900 range, which is less than what I was using? I'm sorry to be so confused.....

    I believe the author does say to eat back your calories for a multitude of reasons he explains in detail but I probable couldn't try to reiterate without confusing both of us LOL He doesn't recommend having more than a 300 cal deficit at any time, especially workout days.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I was actually surprised at how few calories I can eat based on the calculations in the book since it seemed like I had read a lot of forums aboutthe book advocating eating so much more.

    I am 35, 162# (so an overweight BMI), and sedentary job. 1604 calories is my TDEE based on books calculations. Book suggests if you need to lose weight reduce that by 300 calories on no workout days so 1304 - YIKES! On workout days its more doable- 1871 - 300 = 1571.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I don't really follow the diet part of the book, other than the suggested amounts, since I see a nutritionist. And the nutritionist's recommendations and the book both kind of correspond w/ what MFP has for me (net of 1340, and I usually burn over 600 cals on training days, so that puts me over 2000) Nutritionist has said I need to be eating at least 2000, if not 2200, consistently, but I base it on my net thru MFP, so some days I'm at 1900, some at like 2300 or even more, on a long run day. So I just follow MFP, except I don't worry about sticking to my net on recovery days, since nutritionist also says our bodies need those cals on recovery days to rebuild themselves. So I usually am at more like 1800 on a recovery day.

    I am seeing friends talking about eating even more than what MFP recommends for a .5 lb/week loss. That's what has me at a 1340 net. I'm 5'2", 133, 31 years old. MFP has my BMR at 1500-something. But after following the 1350 net recommendation for almost 4 weeks, now, I haven't really seen any losses. My measurements are staying the same, too. Perhaps this is my maintenance? or perhaps nutritionist is right and I need to be eating MORE?? ack.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    I'm also struggling with this portion of the program. I just started Stage 2 and have been fluctuating between 2-3 pounds since December. I just upped my daily calories to 1800 (from 1600) and only plan on eating my exercise calories on my lifting days - so it puts me somewhere near the NROLFW recommendation. Although I never really gave much thought to the NET calories...

    Not sure exactly what to do here. Guess I'll just stick to 1800 for a couple weeks and then re-evaluate??
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i'm using the recipes in the book as a guide, but i don't eat chicken or red meat, and i don't do milk or cheese or non-greek yogurt, so i've got to adjust them. but they've made me start to think about the 40/30/30 combo and how to balance for the day. protein is tough, i'm aiming for over 100g, but not really making it without calorie overload. ah the delicate balancing act...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I just started reading the book and I'm also so confused by the amount of food I'm supposed to eat.
    I plan to start the program in a few weeks.
    Right now, I'm doing Chalean Extreme and I'm pretty sure I'm undereating, but I'm gaining weight and my measurements haven't changed so I'm so afraid to eat more. So frustrating.