Hey everyone!



  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    >depending on my asthma it takes 45-60 minutes to swim 72 lengths (1800 yards) and then if I still have energy I'll swim to 80 or 90 lengths. My goals are to swim 15 miles in January and 100 lengths in one session. I can't do flip turns, I can't swim butterfly, and I don't swim backstroke because my heart doesn't beat hard enough. So I'm a very basic swimmer. I love it though, I love that I don't listen to music when I swim so it's quiet and peaceful and it DOES feel close to flying.
    Thanks for this tiedye, (btw I have asthma too, heriditary/childhood onset acute environmental/viral type)

    Anyway, thanks for the yards calculation, I had forgotten and I had been wondering how to calculate that. Makes sense why I felt it important to be able to do at least the 10 laps (500 yards) again. I think I'm more basic than you! Backstroke does get my heart pumping but I use the backstrokes to cool down from the sidestroke. I also can't swim butterfly and although I can do crawl or breast stroke I prefer to do them modified if I do them at all.. although between those two I like modified breast stroke and have been using some of those type movements again more in my classes.

    And yea, there's a bit of an uneasy peace sometimes at my pool too between the class folks and the other swimmers although at least at mine we have a whole separate competition pool for laps anytime if you qualify for it. (ours is 3 pools in all, the regular cold pool with a few lanes, warm water cove, and competition) I do laps in the cold pool only when lanes are open, I've never been confident enough to deal with that whole lane sharing thing, I feel too likely to be "all over my lane".

    The tension at my pool is just one guy really who resents how many classes take place in the warm water "Cove" even though he's fine to come in and work out while we're in classes.. apparently it's right at the time of day when he'd really like to have the cove to himself. And I can sort of understand having had it all to myself once or twice on a slow day, that was heaven.

    Nice chatting with other swimmers!
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    Glad to find this group. I hate running and at my size it is hard on the joints and causes pain, even though I don't have any specific ailments to keep me from other exercise.

    The Y near me has an Olympic sized pool, each lap is 25 yards. A mile swim is approximately 36 laps, or 72 lengths.

    I swim 3 times a week, 2 of them right after weight lifting, and 1 where it is just swimming and nothing else. This morning I was able to do 18 laps, or 1/2 a mile, in 32 minutes, stopping once to put on my glasses and check the clock and then go again. 2 weeks ago when I started swimming regularly, I was barely able to do 2 laps without stopping to catch my breath, and 5 in a session.

    What I have been doing is 1 lap breast stroke, 1 lap free style. Occasionally i substitute a side stroke lap for a free style lap. When it comes time to put my cardio into MFP, I just split the time it took me in half and give breast stroke half, give freestyle half.

    Glad to have a place where swimming is the primary cardio discussed, rather than running. I do still have 2 days a week when I do other cardio, but swimming is where all my goals oriented pushing is coming from.

    At my Y, 6:30-7:30 in the morning there is maybe 1 other person in the pool. I do my swim days before work so I avoid the circus that the pool becomes later.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Hey nice to meet you scoobydoojoe, I too am happy there is a group who swims, as I don't hardly run at all, and I get so bored on the elliptical.

    Today I got called off work because we didn't have any patients, so I swam at 7-8 am. What a great time to swim! I wish I could always go early, it's so invigorating.
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    Good way to use your day off tiedye. I managed 24 laps non stop doing my alternating stroke routine, took 42 minutes. I need to get better at kicking during the freestyle, and my new swim goggles might help speed me up as right now I have to keep wiping my eyes to see anything. The goggles should be here by Friday's swim workout.
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    So happy to have found this group! I am not a great swimmer but I am dedicated! I started swimming because I have a bad knee and everything else (even walking the grocery store) causes me extreme pain. I'll be getting a knee replacement soon but wanted to do something to keep my weight loss on track. I've been swimming 3-5 times a week for a month or so now. I recently bought a waterproof mp3 player and the hour swimming just flies by now! Looking foward to seeing the challenges and perhaps some time this year being fast/strong enough to participate in them.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    How much was your waterproof mp3 player? i've seen people with those and considered it. I kind of like the silence of swimming, but someday I might get bored and want some tunes. Or to block out the jazzercise type music of the water aerobics class.
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    I paid $60 for it, shipping & handling were free, I think. Divermp3.com. Other than it takes a little fiddling around to get iTunes converted to mp3 (there's a free shareware download you can use) it's great.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I'm so excited to find a group of swimmers!! I've been swimming and it seems that runners monopolize the other conversations. But there are more swimmers!!

    Okay so me. I was a pool rat that turned lifeguard. So I was in the pool from 8(can't believe my mom let me ride my bike 2 miles to the pool!) until I was 19. And I was in great shape. 19, I broke my neck in a car accident, I'm fine but lots of different exercises would make my neck sore. So I just stopped. So I'm back in the pool and losing the weight. I haven't tried to dive yet(scares me) and I can only breaststroke for now. But I'm hoping if I do that long enough I can build up those neck muscles and then I can do everything again. So I'm 32 and swimming through my daughter's swim lesson! She loves it and can swim to the flags, I think she's going to be a swimmer too!!