Where are you from?

kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
Introduce yourself!

I am 20 years old, and from new jersey, but I currently go to school in western new York. I've been to mountains all over the place, but my favorites are probably Alta and Killington. This year I'll be riding at Greek Peak, cause im a broke college student and that's the closest thing :( but hopefully I'll get up to Killington or some NH mountains sometime this winter! Let me know if you're close by!


  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Maine- Sunday River and Sugarloaf!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Im from Michigan. In the mitten for school so I don't get out as much as I'd like or I used to but at home there are 3 resorts within 15 miles of my house. I'm a ski tech at one of the pro shops and thanks to my dad being an instructor for 40 years, I ski free at one of them and probably always will. Last March I made my first ski trip to CO and LOVED Beaver Creek. Can't wait to go back and have more fun being in better shape this time!
  • I'm a ski instructor in Minnesota (I live in Minneapolis), where we don't have mountains. I teach at Afton Alps, and my ski instructor friends and I go on trips together. I've been to Colorado a couple times and loved skiing at Arapahoe Basin. I also went to Austria once and skied at Kitzbühel, which was quite an adventure! This year I'm going to Utah in January. So excited!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine. I'm 33 and from Salt Lake City, UT. I live 6 miles away from Snowbird 8 from Alta. The Park City resorts are more famous but out of interest of time and money I go to the resorts more nearby. I haven't gone anywhere outside to Utah to ski but when funds become available I would be open to it.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    wow christine, im so jealous! hopefully one day i'll move to utah
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    we live in a suburb of denver colorado. i have been on skis since i was 2 years old. :) i love it! i am teaching my kids (10 and 8) how to ski this year. i hope they love it as much as i do.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    OMG a ski/snowboard group -- I am SO excited!!! AND another person from UT, nice!

    I'm a CA transplant that moved to UT a few years ago (going on 4, in April). My life has CHANGED since I moved out of CA, and I'd say for the better! I never learned to surf in the 10 years I spent in San Diego, so when I moved to UT, the first thing I vowed to do was to learn to snowboard -- which I did. And I have LOVED IT! I LOVE the snow! I try to get out to the hill any time I can. It helps that I have a bf who drives a truck ;), and he's been skiing 30+ years. (He couldn't convince me to go that route though ... I was bound and determined to learn snowboarding because I had a horrible time on skis years ago.)
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I live in Montana. We have Whitefish Mountain and Blacktail Mountain locally.

    I've skied all over the Western US and Canada. My epic trips of the last 10 years are ski touring. Google "Fairy Meadow Hut"

    My parents joined the National Ski Patrol in 1969, and I have been skiing since 1967. And I'm still an avid skier.

    The only ski areas that I haven't been that I want to go to are New Mexico areas, and Silverton Mountain, CO.
  • i'm from the UK!

    i board mostly in France but hoping to go to the USA next year perhaps.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Hi! I'm from Montréal. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Quebec City, literally a two-minute walk from a ski center. I now have to drive 90 minutes to get to Mont Tremblant - great hill. My dream is to ski the Canadian Rockies and the Alps within the next five to ten years.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm from Austria! I'm skiing since I'm three years old or so! Can't imagine a life without skiing, although I don't have enough time for skiing. Have been to a lot of different places in Austria.
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in Colorado, so my favorite skiing places are here, but I'd like to branch out a bit.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I'm from Eastern Ontario so mostly ski in tha Laurentians though we try to hit some of the nothern states a few times a year. We try to get to the slopes most weekends.
  • PA right here, the icy side of the nation, where we make all of our snow haha. Ski/board instructor at Jack Frost and Big Boulder in Northeastern PA, Poconos baby!!!
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone!! Im new to the group, but I am from beautiful Colorado! I love snowboarding. Its a great activity to get in shap and burn those calories! Needless to say i have not been since the 09/10 season since I had my youngest in the middle of last season. I am excited to get going this year!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I skied again yesterday, with a misaligned goggle cam...
    Here it is:
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    i'm from new york!!
  • I am Russ. I learned to ski in North Carolina (yeah we got mountains, believe it or not highest ones in the east.....Ski Beech base elevation is over 5000 feet). I know live in Washington, DC....no mountains but cool city. I am a PSIA Full Time Ski Instructor contracted with Liberty Mountain PA, Killington, VT and Vail, Co. In short, I am a ski bum. I gave up corporate life about 5 years ago and returned to my first love. Hopefully moving out west to live in full time in about 2 to 3 years.

    I have skied most of Vermont (Mt. Snow to Jay Peak), skied some of Colorado and Utah......love the Bird and Alta. Yo peace dude to mecca......Alta. I still ski in NC during Christmas with family and friends. And I love Vermont in early December, it puts me in the Christmas spirit. Baa, ba, baa, boooomm.....as old Bean would sing while dreaming of a white christmas.

    Take care
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    HI! My name is Jessica, and I snowboard wherever there's snow! Haha. I live in Indiana, which means I have to travel at the very least 2 hours just to FIND a resort worth shredding, but I look forward to moving in a couple years to the big mountains [i.e. I have my sights set on Utah]. I bounce around from resort to resort and also spend some time just street shredding in the local parks here. The nice thing about going to resorts is almost everyone in the Midwest resorts also travels, so it's easy to make snow pen pals. I work a day job and train as a ballroom dance instructor and hope to spend the rest of my life dancing and snowboarding. I couldn't think of anything better. If anyone wants to add me, feel free to do so! I am currently working my *kitten* off to get conditioned and properly trained for snowboarding and have so far trimmed 22.5 pounds off my body. If you need a good motivational and supportive friend who is also passionate about snow sports, count me as your mfp shred buddy!
  • I'm from VERMONT...the best state ever ;)! I live 2 minutes from Killington, but grew up racing at Okemo. I have also been on skis since I could barely walk, and it is my total passion!!!! People hate winter, I friggin looove it...and I crave it! How about this crappy snow turn out so far. Hey Alaska, learn to share!! hehe. Good luck with your health everyone :)