Where are you from?



  • I am Stephanie, 44 years old and from Red Mountain, BC. I have been to over 40 resorts in my life, Red is the worst.
    Check out this video:
  • samuraidoctor
    samuraidoctor Posts: 29 Member
    I'm from New Hampshire, born in Germany, and learned to ski 51 years ago at the age of 4. My husband and I were recently comparing crappy ski equipment stories, like the old farts who had it rough in the Monty Python routine. I started skiing in New Hampshire and practically grew up at Gunstock, right next to beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. It has the second best view of any mountaintop I have every seen, except for Zermatt.

    I still ski Gunstock with my 82 year old Dad, who picked the sport up again at 81 after a 13 year absence. I am having a week at Sunday River as well, and usually come here at least once a year. Skied Stowe around Christmas. I wish to heck I had more time in my life for skiing.

    In addition to various ski areas in the east, I have been to Big Sky (in a low snow year) and Zermatt (also a low snow year). Zermatt was amazing, except for the scenery hazard.
  • I am from New York and I grew up loving the snow! My family and I would go skiing and snowboarding ever since I was an infant. Now, I'm trying to get my husband and kids into it. My only problem is that I have let myself get so out of shape that this previous winter I barely lasted the day snowboarding. I had to take so many breaks just to catch my breath. Hopefully I'll get back into shape and return to Colorado where I had to ski down Aspen mountain because they didn't allow snowboarders at the time! Snowboarding internationally is a huge dream of mine! I only hope and pray that will happen!!!
  • davidlaplante
    davidlaplante Posts: 9 Member
    I'm from Aspen/Crested Butte but now live in Tahoe. I enjoy not having frostbite anymore 8-)
  • deltadirtball4
    deltadirtball4 Posts: 2 Member
    From (Northern) New Jersey as well!!! Board mostly Stratton (VT), Windham (NY) in winter, but I find myself out in Jack Frost, Big Boulder, Blue Mountain (PA) sporadically. Last year I took a trip out to CO and boarded Mary Jane, Copper Mountain, Loveland, and made some of my own freshies off the side of the mountain/road.

    Since I skied for ~12 years, and have boarded for ~12 years, I find I'm an nontraditional boarder. I love moguls, woods, powder, and racing friends (not formal competition), but once in a while, its nice to just hit some jumps. Rails are not my thing, fell once, that's it.

    Hoping to head out to BC/CO/UT/MT or somewhere this year. If anyone has any ideas for places relatively close to an airport, since its an often overlooked sunk cost, please contact me!!! I need to find a place in the next month or so to book. I was interested in Heliboarding, so any experience with that would be great incite as well.
  • I am from The Land of Enchantment! Or as us locals call it, The Land of Entrapment.
    It's also known as New Mexico. We may not have the best snow on Earth, but we make up for it with our food. But we do have Taos Ski Valley. And a word of advice, be nice to everyone you meet in NM, even the barista. Because you never know which local you'll see on the ridge at Taos.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    I'm from Nor Cal, and grew up skiing at Tahoe. Ten-year transplant to the la area, and now I'm living 45 minutes from Mountain High. Not the most awesome skiing in the world, but at least it's close and if I feel the urge to get a run in after work I can do it without getting back home at 3am! :smile:
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    I am from the Great (flat) state of Iowa. Have lived here most of my life. I am a snowboard instructor at Seven Oaks in Boone, IA - I began the Des Moines Rail Jam - urban snowboard competition in 2008, and ran it in 2009 - then passed over the event to the Des Moines Winter Games festival.

    This upcoming year will be my 19th season riding, and my 10th season instructing. Snowboarding is my life, and I am looking forward to this upcoming season as always. I have ridden all over the central and western states in the United States as well as at Xanadu indoor ski hill in Madrid Spain. I ride freestyle, powder, trees, cruisers, urban, pretty much anything, I can ride anything and can ride with anybody despite being from the flat Midwest. I learned to snowboard on a hill with a 250ft vertical drop and a longest run of 1800 feet.
  • I'm from Seattle. Have a cabin at Stevens Pass and ski there every single weekend from open to close. Absolutely love the mountain life.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    I'm from Seattle. Have a cabin at Stevens Pass and ski there every single weekend from open to close. Absolutely love the mountain life.

    You are living my dream! Stevens Pass is a cool place.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine. I'm 33 and from Salt Lake City, UT. I live 6 miles away from Snowbird 8 from Alta. ..... I haven't gone anywhere outside to Utah to ski but when funds become available I would be open to it.

    You live in Ski Heaven, no need to go anywhere else, imho, unless you need confirmation that you do have the best snow on earth.
    I'll be @ Snowpine lodge @ Alta late January and will ski Alta & Snowbird.

    I'm from LaGrange, NY 80 miles north of NY City. I can see the Catskills from here.
    First put on skis over 30 years ago at Catamount.
    Have skied Mt Snow, VT and Catamount, NY more than any other areas.
    I love Alta & Snowbird but have had my best powder runs at Grand Targhee & Vail. Mostly just the luck of when I've been there and the conditions that presented.

    Mostly ski Catskills, Berkshires and Southern Vermont locally
  • JDMRoma
    JDMRoma Posts: 46 Member
    Im from New Hampshire, I live / Love to ski !! I usually get Season passes every year so I can afford to ski every weekend !

    My Favorite NH Ski Area is Bretton Woods, they have the best snow conditions and most user friendly lodge / ski area that I can hit in a 2 hour or less drive up ! I normally do day trips but occasionally will do overnights up there but not too often....basic Road warrior !

    I just came back from Steamboat Springs at Christmas, WOW.....I was in Heaven ! Best skiing I have ever done ! Christmas day just over a foot of fresh powder and then 2 days later almost two feet overnight. Most amazing skiing I have ever done, Hope I get invited again next year.....begging is not out of the question :)

  • I live in DC and ski out of Liberty Resort in southern PA. Also teach up at Killington in March. But get this...my home hills are in North Carolina....Beech and Sugar Mtn.
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    I always say if you can ski in North Carolina you can ski anywhere. We learn to use our edges to bite that ice! I, too, learned to ski at Beech and have skied all over the Western US and Switzerland. I live in Atlanta now and only get to ski once a year. This year it's Utah in March. Can't wait.
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    Atlanta! I've been skiing since I was 11 years old. I went to ski camp in Switzerland when I was a teen. Now I only get to the mountains once a year but I can't wait to ski Utah in March! At this weight I'm afraid I shift weight rather than proper form. I sure do love it though.