competitors in training questions

bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
any questions you may have for those of us who have competed (not that I know a WHOLE lot, since I just did my first), but there are others here who can be of assistance. Please feel free to post questions here, and whoever has an answer can assist.


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Let's see, where to start . . . what are your inch differences between bulking and cutting? I know it's weird, but I've been hesitant to bulk because I've just had all my pants taken in.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Let's see, where to start . . . what are your inch differences between bulking and cutting? I know it's weird, but I've been hesitant to bulk because I've just had all my pants taken in.

    for me, I actually appeared to have lost weight during my bulking stage, when in fact, I gained 10 pounds. There was a difference in my shape, i.e. more curves, more shape, more fit, if that makes sense. Many of my pants from my original weight of 120 do not fit, as they are baggy and I am now at 125, got up to 130.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    How much of a calorie surplus did you have when bulking, and for how long?
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    How much of a calorie surplus did you have when bulking, and for how long?

    I was up to 2500 calories, but for me, I was more concerned with hitting my macros than number of calories. This answer will more than likely vary.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    What were your macros for bulking & then cutting, Bry? I'm really trying to focus more on those #'s than the calories, that and eating clean foods.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    What were your macros for bulking & then cutting, Bry? I'm really trying to focus more on those #'s than the calories, that and eating clean foods.

    During bulking, I went up to 180g of protein and carbs and 48g of fat for 2 months. During the leaning out phase, I gradually went down to 120g of protein, less than 100g of carbs and 30g of fat. I will have to look back through my diary on the carbs for sure, but I know I brought it down to 1200 calories and it was 50/20/30 50 protein/20 carbs/30 fat.

    I will also tell you that I did not eat clean during bulking, and only really decent in the leaning out phase.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Let's see, where to start . . . what are your inch differences between bulking and cutting? I know it's weird, but I've been hesitant to bulk because I've just had all my pants taken in.

    If you are doing a correct diet, you will bulk and cut at the same time. The key to bulking is to rest enough after that heavy day of lifting. The key to cut is making sure you are lifting with good technique, isolating muscles.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member

    If you are doing a correct diet, you will bulk and cut at the same time. The key to bulking is to rest enough after that heavy day of lifting. The key to cut is making sure you are lifting with good technique, isolating muscles.
    You can't bulk and cut at the same time. It's one or the other. Bulking requires calorie surplus and cutting requires calorie deficit. If you were doing both you would be eating at maintenance meaning nothing would be happening.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    wow, I an my clients do the impossible then! lol cut = getting lean and lowering body fat, bulk = adding muscle.
    :laugh: It can be done.

    I coach people how to do both simultaneously and have sucessfully done this for years with my clients. It just takes a proper diet and proper exercise program.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    wow, I an my clients do the impossible then! lol cut = getting lean and lowering body fat, bulk = adding muscle.
    :laugh: It can be done.

    I coach people how to do both simultaneously and have sucessfully done this for years with my clients. It just takes a proper diet and proper exercise program.

    It can be done! I think most people in "layman's" (sp??) refer to this as body recomposition. Which is trully my goal right now. Most people think of bulking as simply adding weight and "hopefully" muscle and think of cutting as just simply trying to lose weight and "hopefully" fat. However, with lots of patiences and hard work, you can recompose your body. This typically means still eating a surplus like you would to bulk, but not putting on too fast and trading the space your fat is tking up for space your muscle is taking up.

    However! I do feel that this is much easier done by people who are starting at a lower fitness level, or however you polietly say that they have further to go. Personally I've found that those of us who are already fit and just need those minor tweaks have to work MUCH harder and wait longer to see the results.
    But that's just me and my experience :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    If you are doing a correct diet, you will bulk and cut at the same time. The key to bulking is to rest enough after that heavy day of lifting. The key to cut is making sure you are lifting with good technique, isolating muscles.
    You can't bulk and cut at the same time. It's one or the other. Bulking requires calorie surplus and cutting requires calorie deficit. If you were doing both you would be eating at maintenance meaning nothing would be happening.

    Yeah, it worked fine for me while I was in a higher bf %, but niner knows that I'm currently around 13% bf. It's my understanding that the lower your bf% the less recompositioning works and the more you need to do a more traditional bulk. So in my mind it means adding musle and fat by increasing calories without changing my bf% by more than 3% or 5% up and then cutting back down by decreasing caloric intake and lifting to maintain as much lean mass as possible while decreasing overall bf% again.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    For those who have competed, how long would you say would be a decent amount of time to prep for a competition?? I'd like to consider one this summer.

  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Bulking, adding muscle and Cutting, decreasing body fat: talks about carb loading to bulk and decrease the body's response to want to steal muscle mass. It also notes that is is easy to gain fat with this method.

    but part one clearly says that being in ketosis will give you the ability to quickly drop body fat, have tons of energy, and not suffer muscle loss.

    These are the two different POVs on bulking and cutting methods. I find that the article, part one, explains how to best achieve bulk and cut simulatneously very well. It is an old article.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Any advice for selecting a suit? I am doing figure. My trainer gave a me a few sites, including one to rent and one for second hand stuff. It seems I can buy a suit for pretty much the same cost as renting some or buying a used one.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    so I got my laser gun in the mail today! :)

    has anyone else tried this yet?
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    What is that??? I've never seen one before....
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    a laser gun!!! seriously. I would rather pay the $419 for the laser treatments than go to a center and pay $3000. come on, you all know about this right? I'm tired of nair and waxing.....
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    LOL! I've only seen them at the salons. Now if it would melt the fat off of me...I'd surely get one of THOSE! ;)
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    for women competitors, how did leaning down affect your MS? I am down to a very low BF% and this is my second period this month, i just got off one two weeks ago, my trainer says it is do to the BF loss, anyone else have any issues?
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    actually, hormones are what affect your MS.

    If you have bleeding often it's because you have too much testosterone triggering it. Heavy weightlifting puts your body into that mode, unless you have break through bleeding, which is entirely different.

    break though bleeding happens when your blood pressure in your uterus gets really high and causes the artery / vein there to pump blood into the delicate uterine lining. Caffeine, "supplements" for cutting or to enhance your workout, blood thinners, excess vit. E and muscle steroids also cause break through bleeding. Usually your lining can take the pressure of heavy weight lifting, but factors like previous pregnancies, abortions, contraceptives, tears, the above mentioned blood thinners or hormones, and mineral anemias can create a weak lining, and break through bleeding can occur.

    If you think that it is breakthrough bleeding due to thin blood or blood pressure problems, simply dosing yourself about 600 - 900 mg of ibuprofen before working out will eliminate the problem if it's that. If not, then get some bloodwork done asap, as your hormones are out of whack, or you may have a serious female issue.