Do you consider yourself a workout aholic?



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh true on almost all the above....

    It kills me to miss a workout routine. Thursday is my favorite workout day because of the instructors/classes and if there is anything that alters it...uggh! ROARRRRR! Shoot, people know not to bother asking me to do anything when it is "workout" time!

    Oh yeah, and muscle soreness too...hah...I rocked two hard workouts last night (new ones at a new gym) and was dripping sweat when done. I just knew I would be sore this morning..nope...and now I am thinking maybe I didn't work hard enough....
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    I guess I never thought I was until I find myself depressed on rest days LOL ,since my weight loss and the results I've seen me accomplish I am never satisfied so I guess I fell into this category....but its a good thing as long as it doesn't get in the way of the most important things in life like my wife and children,I would like to have it become a family routine but can't push it if they aren't ready......its bad I am so OCD on working all muscle groups and to build lean which is a challenge a slow process in its win but i am sticking with the lean gain of muscle mass rather than quick bulking,results take longer and more nutritional discipline but I like keeping a low BF%.
  • bloodguilt
    I'm officially calling our group "The Lics".

    Ways to identify if you're a Lic.

    You have training on your mind while you are supposed to be working.
    You go to the gym when your Dr. tells tells you to stay home and rest.
    You calculate before you train how many calories you'll have burned.

    What else peoples?

    I consider myself a workout-aholic, because of the ff:
    -I can't survive a day without going to gym [except on recovery days, of course!]
    -I am always feel excited about my workout routine for the day
    -always caught myself browsing and reading through fitness sites and blogs online
    -always logged in to MFP [though I am lazy enough not to log my food and exercise stuff]
    -my room is full of fitness models [mostly female of course, Lol!] as they are my inspiration
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    Ok, I have another few:

    your freezer contains no food but ice packs for your joint pains/injuries.
    If you are not working out, you sit at your desk icing various parts of you body.
    If you lift heavy, the adrenaline makes you not feel any pain, when you return to the office and sit at your desk, holding a pen gives you severe joint pain and tendonitis all over.
    If you quit drinking alcohol because you are afraid you couldn't get your protein in within your cal goal.
  • Q9S7
    Q9S7 Posts: 74 Member
    Call me crude but here's one related to workoutaholics and diet consistency...

    If you *kitten* like a swiss train. On time, everytime.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You spend more time at the gym in a week than some of the gym's trainers and employees.

    You constantly have your dufflebag packed and with you in the event you find an extra hour of time in the day.

    You are cool with paying the extra money to check a bag for a flight just so you can pack your gym bag and workout clothes/equipment.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Call me crude but here's one related to workoutaholics and diet consistency...

    If you *kitten* like a swiss train. On time, everytime.