Important stuff will go here one day.
Show us the goods
Post pics of you in training, competing, etc. I will post more weight training pics later
Focusing on one body part more than others...
Do you fall victim to this?? If so, which body part is it? For me it's probably arms/chest because my favorite moves are bench, overhead press, snatches, and rows. Granted im recruiting other muscles as well--but the main muscle group seems to be arms/chest/back at the expense of lower body work.
The hardest pushup/plank, can you do it?
So this man claims this is the hardest pushup/plank to do in the World, record yourself and post it if you're in the elite 1%.
Circuit Training - how long between laps.
Hi all. I'm doing a lot of circuits at the minute. Typically 3x15 of 7 seven different excercise. How long is a sensible break between laps of the circuit? I've heard that there are risks in resting for too long, and letting the muscles cool down, yet if I try to get straight into the next circuit, I can never get the…
what's the limit?
Sometimes I wonder where we draw the line...too much exercise? When has it become an unhealthy obsession (in all seriousness) and when is it just a healthy passion that you take seriously? I've thought about this and wonder if I have crossed the line or not. I don't think I have but to an outsider it might appear that way.…
Fat to Fit
So I have found an awesome pod cast radio called Fat to Fit. Its such a great way to start my day of because I listen to it on my ride to the gym in the morning and they have about 2 episodes a week. So much information and so motivational. I really suggest all my friends on my fitness pal to take a look at it…
What are your goals?
Are you training for a competition, a race, a strong man event? What are your BF% goals, or Max lift Goals, etc? I'm training for a strongman even possibly taking place in May next year. I'd also like to get down to 10%BF by Summer 2012 and I'd like to bench 315lbs x 3, squat 365lbs. x 3, and deadlift 405lbs x 1 by Summer…
Body Types - Which One are You?
Body Types - Which One are You? The Ectomorph, the Mesomorph, the Endomorph, or a Combination? We have known for quite some time now in bodybuilding that different body types respond differently to both training and nutrition. As a result, it is incredibly important to be aware of what your body type is so that you can…
hi guys This isn't workout related - but I thought you're the best non Broscience bunch to get advice from. From a body composition perspective, is it hurting my efforts if I'm consistently over on my fat intake? I like cheese and nuts and take a fish oil supplement and several times a week I'm pushing 60-80 grams of fat.…
Ab wheel rollouts challenge
Anyone up for a challenge?! Most number of rollouts in one set. Get to it! Post up a vid if you want to. I don't have a vid as I did it randomly the other day but I got 55 from knees. Have done 7 from feet.