Turbo Fire!

Starting round 3 of Turbo Fire after taking a few months during the summer to Walk/jog! Looking forward to getting back to it, also looking forward to seeing how much more i can push during this round as i am in better shape with every round i do!


  • rmsnipes
    rmsnipes Posts: 20 Member
    I just started it a few weeks ago....how were your results with your previous rounds? Do you follow exactly, or vary from day to day?

  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I followed Turbo jam to a T...thats what i did first and lost 40lbs, then moved on to Turbo Fire. I lost the rest of my weight with turbo Fire 40 more lbs...I am on round 3 of Turbo Fire, i just do it now to stay in shape....I did follow the Schedule, although i would sometimes make changes here and there to fit in my time if i did not have time to do a long one...and i changed my day off to a different day, but other than that, i followed.