
I started this group because I figured it would be easier to find than a thread amongst thousands.

My name is Samantha. I live in Northern Michigan with my husband and love of my life. We've known each other since we were 10 years old although have only been married since we were 40. Circumstances separated us in high school and we each lived our lives until divorces and a class reunion brought us back together. We have 3 grown kids (his 2 and my 1) and 4 grandkids, 3 beautiful little boys, 4, 3 and 2 years old and a step granddaughter already in her early teens.

I have been plagued with nagging health problems that have contributed to me gaining weight again after losing over 65 lbs 8 years ago. I was always thin until my 40's and this weight makes me crazy. I am doing this for my health, my grandkids and my wonderful husband who can lose weight by just thinking about it. lol

I find I lose weight pretty easily by eating numerous smaller healthy meals and tracking it. If I don't track...I cheat. Once I'm off track I go way off track and let my immediate wants overcome my good sense.

Help me stay on track and I'll help you!


  • benefielddan
    Thanks for the invite Samantha. Seems the age and pounds sneak up on a lot of us. I bought p90x a couple of years ago only to never use it. I finally made the decision to get started and set November 1st, 2011 as a target start date. Lets just say I'm attempting it, with some modification. I know there is no way I can keep up at my age and weight, plus occasional problems with gout. Everything I read emphasized you have to do both; diet AND exercise. One week down and I lost 16 pounds. I am excited about that but I know that a pace like that will definately not continue. Having lost weight before I know you tend to start off fast then the plateaus will come. Anyway, while poking around on the beach body site, I came across a video of a fella named Jeremy Yost, who lost a bunch of weight and I found his video to be very motivational. He has a website at that has some videos of his journey and it was on there that I found out about myfitnesspal. He highly recommended using something like this and after playing around on it for a little bit found myself hooked. Another site I have found very interesting is Pretty interesting story there. Anyway,,, so much for my introduction - Here's to a successful journey!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Thanks fr the invite! I am Dee and live in NC. I have been married for alomost 32 years. We have one daughter, who is married and a middle school teacher. And we have one sweet grandson.
    The part you put regarding doing great as long as you track but once off track you are in trouble is ditto for me!
    Glad to be part of the group.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    benefielddan, Can we call you Dan? or Ben? 16lbs, that's great. I start off quick too when I'm watching. This first 4 lbs was in a few days of not pigging out. Yes, it slows down but I hope to maybe lose the first 20 fast. I like The Firm tapes. Note I said tapes...that's how long I've had them. Back in 2002 I would work out with them for 50 minutes. I have to watch my knees and my stamina is down so right now I do an average pace on my Gazelle machine working up to at least 30 minutes.. It's easy on the knees and I can watch TV.

    Hi MamaDee2! You're now just Mama to me. ;)

    I was in a support group for years back in 2003 and a few of us are still in touch. I may invite them to join too, I see them on facebook now but would rather not have these 2 worlds meet. My old work buddies and classmates don't need to know HOW out of shape I am even though I see them often. Some things are just personal, ya know?
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Fun idea! I'm almost 50 - will turn the big 5-0 in May and want to be in the best shape possible for the decade!

    Nice to meet all of you and look forward to getting to know you!

    Oh, and my name is Dawn. It used to be in my signature but no longer. :(
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Marilyn and I live on the east coast in Massachusetts. I am 53 years of age and have tendonitis and edema in both feet. I've been a member of MFP since April 24, 2011. I have a weight loss goal of 50 pounds by April 24, 2012. I've lost 11 pounds as of my last weigh-in, about a week-and-a-half ago. My next target weight is 194# by 11/15/2011. My son and I have been going to the YMCA 2-3 times /week for exercise and even with the tendonitis, which flares up every now and then, the edema is practically nonexistent thanks to the treadmill. I primarily use the treadmill, elliptical and bike along with the abdominal toner and bicep toner machines to help get rid of the flab. I still haven't gotten to the point where I look forward to exercising; most days I dread the thought of it but once I get myself up and out it isn't as bad as I anticipated it.

    I just want to stay motivated and losing weight and I don't look forward to the winter. My M.O. in the winter is to gain weight and not just because of the holidays so I'm hoping I can keep it up. Let's motivate one another; I will surely need it.

    Marilyn :happy:
  • benefielddan
    benefielddan, Can we call you Dan? or Ben? 16lbs, that's great. I start off quick too when I'm watching. This first 4 lbs was in a few days of not pigging out. Yes, it slows down but I hope to maybe lose the first 20 fast. I like The Firm tapes. Note I said tapes...that's how long I've had them. Back in 2002 I would work out with them for 50 minutes. I have to watch my knees and my stamina is down so right now I do an average pace on my Gazelle machine working up to at least 30 minutes.. It's easy on the knees and I can watch TV.

    Hi MamaDee2! You're now just Mama to me. ;)

    I was in a support group for years back in 2003 and a few of us are still in touch. I may invite them to join too, I see them on facebook now but would rather not have these 2 worlds meet. My old work buddies and classmates don't need to know HOW out of shape I am even though I see them often. Some things are just personal, ya know?

    Yes Dan is what I go by. I know what you mean about the facebook thing. Not sure I'd want to mix the 2 either. By the way - I'm still trying to figure out the ropes on here so I'm not sure if using this "quote" thing is the proper way to reply or not.
  • benefielddan
    Great to see folks coming on here. You all have a great story. I could use a little help figuring out the "signature" thing. I see some people have some stats on theirs like it's typed in below the ticker. But when I go to set up the ticker, it says use that only. I'm a little confused with it. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Dan, for some odd reason we woke up this morning and the signature thing has changed. I can't even find where to add my other ticker. I'm relatively new also to exploring this site. If I stumble upon how to do the signature, I'll report back.

    I just did some research and I guess we were only supposed to have one ticker and many people were including two tickers. I was one of those offenders but just did not know. If you go to Settings you can set your weight loss ticker. I did a search for tickers and that's what I found.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome, Dawn. I look forward to learning more about you in the future here.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome, Marilyn. I look forward to learning more about you in the future here in our little group.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Jill from Michigan. I discovered MFP about 1 1/2 years ago...helped me lose 30 lbs pronto....unfortunately, I quit logging and put it right back on. Very embarrassing, have never done that before. I am not new to weight loss. 15 years ago I lost 87 lbs and kept it off for about 9 years. Divorce, running a business, 2 children and back surgery... the weight started slipping back up. I am again and with my track record...will probably be here the rest of my life. My biggest goal.... NEVER quit journaling again!! Looking forward to meeting you all!
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Hello all.

    I'm Maury. Turned 50 in June of this year.

    Upon hearing the doctor's strong words about not living long enough to "be there" for my daughter, and my subsequent divorce (about a year ago) I decided to get fit after years - decades - of bodily neglect. I was at BMI of 35.1 ("obese") about 18 months ago. My goal was to reach a "normal" BMI by my 50th, which I did, I'm happy to say. (Start weight was 224 about 18 months ago, 50th birthday weight was 159, current weight is 151. I'm 5'7").

    For me, the single most beneficial element to losing the weight, and getting generally fit was taking up racquetball (and of course, MFP for caloric tracking). I tried a bunch of stuff, but for me, racquetball "clicked". I'm no natural athlete; As a matter of fact, I've never participated in any sports in my entire life, until this. At first, I was completely spaz-o. I practiced alone, and even then I embarrassed myself at how pathetic I was. I'm no champion now, but I can play "reasonably", and I enjoy it tremendously. I play 5 times a week, with a regular bunch, in a wide age range from late 20's through mid 70's.

    Like Dan, I tried p90x. I did it for about 3 or 4 weeks, and then stopped about a month ago. It was hard, but enjoyable - just took too long. I clearly noticed a pretty significant change in my body, though I couldn't nearly keep up with the demonstrators. I don't think I could have kept up with them at any age. I will try "supreme 90" shortly, it is about 30 mins a day (or so I've heard), as opposed to about an hour (or more).

    I know that many here are aware of the benefits of getting leaner and fitter... I had high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, and a host of other ailments, including eczema and frequent respiratory issues. I am happy to say that they are all gone. BP is normal, blood sugar normal, cholesterol normal (just barely) other lipids - normal. Skin has cleared up, chronic cough - gone. Resting heart rate went from nearly 90 to high 40's. (Sex life is vastly improved, but that's likely due to the divorce... haha)

    My doctor tells me that I've added 20 years to my life expectancy. I think that he really means that I stopped shortening my life expectancy by 20 years.

    You can probably tell that I feel quite good about my weight loss, and general fitness improvement. Indeed, I do. For those just starting out, I can tell you, through personal experience, that for many, if not most, it is do-able. It isn't easy, but it is simple. Simply expend more calories than you consume, and exercise. Every day.

    OK, off to see a show tonight!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Barbara and I just joined MFP yesterday. I just love the way it has helped me already. I am from CT, 59 and a massage therapist. I have gained about 50 pounds due to a car accident back in 2002. I had a huge sugar craving after the accident and gained weight from the cravings. I mean they were drug addict cravings! Cravings so bad I would go out at 1 am to get a fix if I could cravings! Over the years I got it under control for the most part and I needed surgery in 2010 to correct a rotator cuff tear that got worse since the accident. Now I am ready mentally and physically to get my body back to where it needs to be because when I look in the mirror I have my mother's body and she can have it back! I am married to a great guy and he is very supportive in all I choose to do and next year we celebrate 40 years together. I want to renew our vows at a Rennaisance Fair next Fall and I want to look good in one of those corslets when we do. Right now I am still healing from the surgery and an injury so I am still on the couch potato side but was able to take a 15 minute walk today while the weather was beautiful.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome to all! It's good to see so many. I hope we can keep each other company and motivated. Within this group you can start a new topic like I did with breakfast. I'll start a couple more so our conversations can have some form.
  • skinnyb450
    :smile: :smile: :smile: Well....hello there ....My name is Cathy and I will be turning the big "50" in July next year - I need to loose around 17kgs (34lbs) BEFORE then (I hope) I gave up my smoking addiction a year and a half ago and put on 15kg....I guess the rest of the weight gain was from peri-menopause and not being as active. I am very happily married 26 years this December and have a son 20 and a daughter 22. Hoping to support and encourage along the way.

    Good luck to all on their weight loss journey :):smile: :smile: :smile:
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Linda and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am a meeting attending member of Weight Watchers who has been at my goal weight since 1998. I use this site to maintain my weight and on occasion lose a few pounds that I regain.
    I've been married for 21 years and have two daughters, one 18 and the other one is 16.

    Good luck everyone on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello all, Dan from Michigan I'm 57. BMI says I should be around 160 I'd be happy with 180. I peeked at 240 and I'm down 22 lbs from there. My wife and I have been married for 27 years we have eight kids, 1 son and 7 daughters. I've never been much of a dieter, but I'm ready to start.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    Hi -

    Deb from Seattle. I just got back on the wagon after a few months of self-pity. Thank goodness it only cost me 5 pounds this time, usually my self-pity is much more pound-intense!

    Anyway - I am just starting out and making an exercise plan. My body hits plateaus quite easily, so I thought I would do cardio for a week, then strength for a week, etc. As far as dieting, I usually stay within range for most days, then have one high day just to keep my metabolism from wacking out.

    Any suggestions on either of these plans would be great!
  • jvan1957
    jvan1957 Posts: 114

    My name is John and I live in Georgia. I just checked off my 54th birthday on Oct. 09 and need to lose 50sh pounds.
    I am glad to see a site more "age appropriate" because I know with age comes new and different challenges.
    I myself am disabled due to a massive heart attack in 2004 which killed most of the front left side of my heart. Along with this I have suffered diabetes and have diabetic neuropathy in my feet and numerous other ailments, results of an active life.
    Anyway, having said all that, the reason I am involved with MFP and desire to be part of this group is just a few weeks ago I could hardley see, my balalnce was way off, I was dizzy and falling down, (even got one of those "Help, I've fallen and can't get up buttons") Drs did all kinds of tests, MRIs etc. I was using a walker to get around and they were talking about Hover Round time. I decided enough is enough, others may be giving up on me, but I'm not.
    Hope I didn't bore you all but look forward to sharing more positive things in the future.

  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi John,

    I don't know if this will help you or not but when my mother-in-law lost a lot of use of her arm and leg she went to an accupuncturist and got mor mobility back. She even walked better. Picked up her feet insead of shuffeling along. She did pass on the herbs that were supposed to help with nerve stimulation but they might help you. Sometime a good narualpathic doctor cando more than the regular doctors. Good luck in your progress.