


  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi John,

    I don't know if this will help you or not but when my mother-in-law lost a lot of use of her arm and leg she went to an accupuncturist and got mor mobility back. She even walked better. Picked up her feet insead of shuffeling along. She did pass on the herbs that were supposed to help with nerve stimulation but they might help you. Sometime a good narualpathic doctor cando more than the regular doctors. Good luck in your progress.

    I have heard of many cases of folks who were in pain that they could just NOT get rid of... no matter what they tried. And, acupuncture was a last resort. Worked very well for everyone I knew. I think it is a great thing to try!
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    Hi. I'm glad to be a member of this group. I'm 55 and live in the Shetland Isles (north east of Scotland). I am widowed with 4 grown up daughters, 2 grandchildren and a new partner. I teach English in a local high school.

    About two years ago the local authority started the process of looking into closing the school I taught at, eventually making the decision in March 2011 and closing the school in June. That was a really stressful time and I let my weight go as high as it ever has. Since July I have started to take control of my life back. I have been placed in another job where I am not happy, so it's important that I experience some positivity outside of work.

    Two of my daughters are on this journey with me and support me enormously and since joining MFP I've been feeling better every day.
  • jvan1957
    jvan1957 Posts: 114
    Hi John,

    I don't know if this will help you or not but when my mother-in-law lost a lot of use of her arm and leg she went to an accupuncturist and got mor mobility back. She even walked better. Picked up her feet insead of shuffeling along. She did pass on the herbs that were supposed to help with nerve stimulation but they might help you. Sometime a good narualpathic doctor cando more than the regular doctors. Good luck in your progress.

    I have heard of many cases of folks who were in pain that they could just NOT get rid of... no matter what they tried. And, acupuncture was a last resort. Worked very well for everyone I knew. I think it is a great thing to try!

    Thanks Everyone

    I actually received acupuncture back in the mid - late 90s for the original injury to back and leg. I got some decent results. Since 2004 when heart attack turned my life upside down I hadn't realy thought about accupuncture. Thanks again for your suggestions
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Hello all. I'm 70 and trying to get fit for the London 2012 Olympics :wink: . It would be good for me to have some companions on this journey.
  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    HI everyone
    My name is Maureen & I will be 50 in June. I'm back to MFP after a few months of absence.
  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    Hello all! I just started using MFP and I love it! Seeing what I'm putting in my mouth is a revelation! MFP really helps me track my carb intake, which could very easily get out of control.

    I'm 51 and need to lose about 35 pounds. Just started doing Bikram yoga. Married, 4 kids at home! Work FT! Sometimes hard to squeeze in working out and/or healthy meal prep!

    Looking forward to a healthier future. You're never too old to start!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • cabannie
    Hi, I'm Anne. I have been a member of MFP for over a year, but haven't really used it. I signed up bcuz the app was free on my iPod. It's very inspiring to read your stories, about weight loss, BMI reduction, goals, and activities. I have been controlling my pre-diabetes with diet, although not losing much weight. I lost 15 and gained back 10. (Although my dr. told me there's no such thing as pre-diabetes, it's like being a little pregnant.) However, I did manage to lower my A1C (average insulin control) back into the normal range of 5.6, down from 5.8, and do not need to take medication.

    Now I am ready to fully commit to my healthy goals of weight loss, regular exercise and good nutrition.

    Thanks for starting this group. And, thank you, everyone, for joining and sharing.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Annie,
    I just started MFP at the suggestion of my dr to prevent diabetes and I couldn't believe the amount of sodium I ate in a day after keying in my food intake. It has been a real help in opening my eyes to what I was putting in my mouth. Now I am off to the store to buy healthier replacements.
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    HI, I'm Jeanine from Australia.
    I'm 54, married 36 yrs and grandma of 5.
    Even though I seem to lose some and then gain some of it back I keep going and this site has really help keep me focused. I noticed even when I might have had a a whole week or more of no loss I seem to come back to dieting again which doesn't usually happen with me.
    I continually read the success stories for inspiration and I also find that just reading the challenges, even in these introductions, that many face every day makes me realise I have it easy really. It's a good kick of inspiration.
    I faced a lot health issues this year and during that time this site was recommended to me, I'm so glad.
    Thanks to all you MFP ppl for being so inspirational.
    I know this is going to take me a very long Time but I think this time I can do it.
  • kt4ever
    Hi, I'm Linda in PA I am 59 years old. I've been married for 33 years to the same man. I have 2 children, Chrissy who is 31 and Katie. Katie died in a car accident in 2003 at age 19. I retired from my teaching job shortly after her death, suffering from severe depression. I withdrew from life and curled up on the couch and ate. Now 8 years and 70 lbs later with the help of therapists and meds I am feeling stronger and ready to lose some weight. I will never get our the loss of m y daughter, but I know if she was here she would be my biggest supporter to lose weight. Losing a child is devastating ! Life is no longer worth caring about. There is this overwhelming emptiness inside that will never be filled. I THINK I've tried to fill it with food.
    I've started to work again, this time as a professional artist. I've done many sculptures of my daughter in bronze and I opened a community arts center in her name.
    I find that when I keep busy in my studio I forget to eat, I am not hungry. But there a still days spent on the couch channel surfing and grazing.
    Last week I started a diet. I hired a fitness / nutrition trainer. I started at 227 and would like to get back to 155. I had both knees replaced in 2005 so I avoid joint stress, I go to the y pool several times a week and swim and I'm sticking to my 1200 calorie a day diet.
  • irisheyes42us
    :flowerforyou: Hello My name is Deb from Missouri. I have been with MFP since July of this year. I am married to my HS sweetheart for 41 yrs now. We have 2 children and 5 grandchildren. I have been overweight the majority of my 57 yrs of living. I am ready this time to stay for the long haul. I have lost 23 and would like to lose 58 more. MFP has been a lifesaver for me. I have met some wonderful supportive people on here. I work full time, and I do not love exercise, but have bought a used gazelle, which seems to fit the bill for me. I can only do 10 minutes at a time, but I feel myself firming up. My husband Terry is very supportive and is dieting and exercising with me. He has probably lost 20 lbs also. Look forward to connecting with all of you here. Most of my MFP friends are very young. I look for people who are motivated, even if I can't keep up with them in exercise. I have a few physical restraints. lol!
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    How exciting to find such a wonderful fitness group! This is just the support I need to help me be successful!

    This is a new chapter in my life...Two years ago, I retired from teaching Elem. school for 32 years. I love my retirement , love to travel & I do some sewing for a lady that has a little girl's shop .
    I have been happily married to my soul mate for 19 yrs.

    I am 57 years old, & have 2 grown children~My son has been married 6 yrs. & they have my only grand child. My daughter got married 1 1/2 yrs ago to a Fireman/paramedic & my 4 yr old grand daughter was the flower girl.

    My daughter joined My Fitness Pal, and invited me to join. I have been exercising at home, but it would be nice to have support.
    I have lost 25 lbs. since last May & I have 30 lbs to go~
    I have some "range of motion" limitations~Please read my story~This will give you an idea where I am coming from~

    On this day~6yrs ago~Sunday, Nov. 6th~In just a few minutes, our lives were changed...

    Little did I realize, when I got my lesson plans ready for the next week & got my grades in the computer for report cards~I would not be returning to my classroom for 9 months!

    Hubby & I were riding the Harley to go eat at Olive Garden~We "never" made it! Hit & Run stopped us~A lady talking on her cell phone hit us & took off~They never found her!

    I got my right foot stuck between my floor board & the tail pipe....the bike flipped several times, with me like a "rag doll"~I ended up face down in the freeway with a 800 lb motorcycle on top of me~The freeway was shut down for 1 hour, so no one ran over us~Careflight hovered overhead, but I regained consciousness, so I was taken to JPS Hospital by ambulance. Our neighbor from up the street, was one of the Haltom City fireman/paramedics that assisted us~We were less than 1 mile from home~

    My hubby was thrown free from the bike & broke his wrist in 7 places~He also dislocated his shoulder when he threw the bike off me~I broke & dislocated my right shoulder & right ankle, torn rotator cuff left shoulder, cracked scapula, 6 broken ribs, several cracked vertebrae, and a concussion~Had surgery on rt shoulder & ankle at the same time~a plate & screws in rt. shoulder & rt. ankle~

    *From the moment I realized I was in ICU, I never felt like I had the option "not to get better"!

    My Dad brought me a stuffed animal~I squeezed the head & bottom of the stuffed cat to take the swelling out of my hands~(He thought it was a dog~ha!)

    Spent 11 days in ICU~The hardest thing I have ever done, is to slide out of bed and sit in a chair for 2 hrs.!

    Transferred to a rehab hospital wing at Life Care Center, lived there for 4 weeks. I was brought in on a gurney & was not even able to sit up~ Borrowed a wheelchair from Life Care Center & taught myself to eat & dress again...1st one at therapy everyday~I figured out how to use the momentum of rocking my left arm & left leg at the same time, to sit up in bed, and to get into the wheelchair~Hubby set up a TV & DVD player & Mom brought me scraps of fabric~When I wasn't in therapy, I was watching movies & sewing a quilt of scraps by hand~I had a sweet 96 yr old room mate, Velma~

    Thanksgiving dinner was eaten in a private dining room at Life Care Center~Hubby went to my parent's house with the family and brought me my Mom's Thanksgiving dinner~My son asked my Mom, if we "could break me out" for Christmas~

    Everyday, Carl went to work & then came to see me at night~Almost every night, he brought me dinner~

    Mom came twice a day~She wheeled me to sit in the courtyard and to get ice for my water, or Diet Cokes~
    Sometimes, when she was wheeling me, she ran me into the wall~LOL

    My goal, was to be able to walk out of Life Care Center, using a side walker & leave the wheelchair behind. I practiced as much as I could, walking with my ankle therapist up and down all the halls~

    Once, a resident ask my ankle therapist how I was doing & if he had me "running" yet~He told him I was doing great, but no running~The man said, "I guess you are not finished." I told him, we were finished....I didn't "run" BEFORE the accident! HA!

    After 4 weeks, on Dec. 16th I was able to come home~My Mom told the doctor she was taking me home~She was assertive, so they let me go~ha! My parents came to pick me up & move my stuff home~I wheeled myself to the front door & Left it at the front door & walked out with my side walker~

    Mom visited me everyday~Mom brought me more fabric and I made two more quilts during my recovery~Both of these on machine~I got some great ankle therapy with that sewing machine!

    Mom & I took a big chocolate cake & Thank You card to our Haltom City fire station~

    All our bedrooms upstairs, so hubby moved den furniture out & put a twin bed in the den for me~ lived downstairs for 3 months~Continued out patient therapy, Mom drove me until I was able to drive myself ~I am still friends with my shoulder therapist, Stacey~

    July, 2006~another surgery on rt. shoulder at N Hills Hosp.~Dr. Kelly took out 3 screws that were impeding my range of motion~This was an out patient surgery~Mom & I took Dr. Kelly's office a chocolate cake & a NASCAR quilt we had made him~He was really excited!

    August, 2006 I started back to teaching~My principal, Mike Dukes,walked me to my classroom for the first time in 9 months~It was a very emotional time for me!

    I taught 3 more years before retiring with 32 years of service for BISD~I am glad I went back to teaching~It was "all day therapy"& I was stronger because of it~

    I am walking great & can finally get both my arms over head! Yeah! ;0)

    Since our accident, I have been able to enjoy my 4 year old grand daughter, see my daughter get married & am enjoying retirement!

    Today, on the day, 6 yrs later, hubby & I went to Olive Garden~

    *I tell my story, to try an encourage others~Although, I do not have full range of motion in my shoulders, I can now get both arms almost straight over my head. I still have a plate & screws in my right shoulder & right ankle. To look at me, you would never know anything happened. AND, I am happy to say, I don't "set off" the metal detectors at the airport! LOL

    I have done really well with weight loss in the past when we had a group of teachers working on it together. We had our own version of "Biggest Loser". Now that I am retired, I think this group might help to fill that void in support. I still visit with my "teacher friends" once a week or so, but our focus is not on "weight loss"! ha! I also keep up with friends & family through Facebook, but like some of you mentioned, everyone you know doesn't have to follow the details of your weight loss, unless we chose to share it. ha!
    Best of Luck to everyone!

    I am looking forward to talking with you and sharing ideas.
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    A huge big welcome Janice, thanks for sharing.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story Janice, you have gone through a lot and if you look at some of the stories in our group there are others in here that have had car accidents, surgery, etc. that put our life in an entirely different direction that what was happening at the time. This is a group of people that despite our past issues we have a good outlook on life and want a healthy lifestyle and are determined to move forward . Good luck in your continued recovery.
  • 67ML67
    Hi Everyone!!! I am ML and new to fitness pal! I am a personal friend of samantha1953. In fact, she is coming to my daughters wedding in July. We have a goal to look great by then. Perhaps we will post a photo of us at the big event!!!! I look forward to getting to know you all. ML
  • janetksc
    janetksc Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, my name is Janet. I live in South Carolina, been married 28 years on Nov 19, and I just turned 49 yesterday. My goal it to get my weight under control when I have the dread "5-0" Birthday next November. I am the mother of 5 grown kids (33, 27, 25, 23, 21) and three grandkids (10, 3, 1). I want to be around for a long time with them and my husband. I have started with MFP around the middle of September. Joined a gym, got a personal trainer and off I went. The first month at the gym I lost 22 lbs and 15 inches. I am making my food journal a permanent daily goal. If I am going to be obsessed with something..I decided it should be "ME".
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi ML and Janet, Good luck in achieving your goals. ML we will all look forward to the wedding pictures. Janet, you are so right in focusing on you right now. I always tell people that we can't take care of others if we are not in a good place ourselves.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome Janet. Glad to have you along for the ride. 5-0 isn't so bad but a great goal to be your healthiest.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi ML! Looking for your first log in.

    We're gonna have SO much fun at Toni's wedding. I want to be in the best shape and dance, dance, dance like we used to do all the time!!!

    Everyone: ML and I have been friends for over 30 years!
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    I wish MFP had the "like" button like on Facebook! I would love to hit "like" on everyone's comments! HA! ;0)