
DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
Welcome to the Low Carb goup!

To get the ball rolling, take a moment to introduce yourselves and how long you have been living Low Carb.

(edited 11/11/11)

Since imitation is the sincerest type of flattery, I am taking a cue from another Low Carb group who puts more detailed information in their intros. (I included an edited version of my entry as an example. Their name is "Low Carber Daily Forum....The Group!!!" So join that one too! More resources, more support, more friends who are Low Carb too)

So Please take a moment to introduce yourselves and your Low Carb path!


  • DahnaLane
    DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
    Real Name: Dahna
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 187
    CW: 163
    UGW: 125 (but would be tickled with 135)
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    Children: does a bf count?
    Divorced, happily dating a great big kid (aka my bf)

    Low Carb Lifestyle: Initially to get back into ketosis, so start at under 20 carbs per day, then adjust slightly into OWL at 25-35. I tend to be very carb sensitive, and predict that my end daily carb intake will hover around 45 to keep me balanced.

    My weaknesses are: (this section aka "when I fall off the wagon" for me) I tend to over eat on pasta, since my body just cannot figure out when I am full.

    My strengths are: creative menu options to keep me satisfied

    (edited 11/11/11 & thanks to the other Low Carb group for such a smart part of their welcome section. :drinker: )

    And a little bit more about me:

    I first started Low Carb when I was married and lost a few pounds... but gained it right back. (I wasn't ready)

    In 2006 I moved to California and returned to Low Carb... I dropped 70 pounds in my first year and was doing great... (until tragedy struck, I fell "off the wagon" and gained 1/2 back).

    So back in February I grabbed the reins to life again, kicked the sugar & carb habit and started feeling GREAT again... as a bonus I have been losing weight ever since the return to Low Carb.

    For my body... it just works best in Low Carb. :smile:
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    started low carb type things way back in high school when i went to a diet place, their diet at least the one i got was fairly low carb, one starch type food a day (small list to chose from things like melba toast) lost quite a bit of weight there. but alas is was right before my senior year of high school 'nough said

    then discovered atkins and have basicly followed that when i want to lose, and eat like crap when i am rather apathetic about the whole heath thing LOL

    also want to add if i eat to much carbs i get very evil tummy
  • DahnaLane
    DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
    also want to add if i eat to much carbs i get very evil tummy

    I could say the same thing! My body really hates carbs...
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Yay! Finally! I love this group! I just started eating low carb again after a long hiatus. I lost quite a bit of weight before eating low carb. I eventually added in quite a few carbs, but never gained the weight back until about a year ago.

    Let's just say I've definitely discovered I'm an emotional eater. I'm finally off the emotional roller coaster and trying to get myself back in check.

    I initially started on MFP just watching calories and getting back to exercising, but found my body was not fond of that and I gained, yes GAINED, 10 pounds!

    I've since gone back to what I know works for my body. It's amazing to me how much more energetic I feel when I don't eat carbs!

    I was concerned there wouldn't be a low carb group because it seems like many people on MFP consider it a fad diet, when it really is a lifestyle change!
  • photorea
    photorea Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Maria....I did South Beach Diet after the birth of my third child, Liam, and lost all of my baby weight! But then I gained it back again when my husband deployed last year and I decided NOT to cook and eat McDonald's and processed food all the time. Now he's home and I need to lose about 25 lb. to be at my "healthy weight"....and so I'm low carb again. I'm on Phase Two of South Beach....and basically this is how my husband and I are going to eat.....low carb and if we do eat carbs trying to eat the best kind we can.

    I actually went through "withdrawal" when I cut the carbs down in my diet....it was THAT bad!!! When I did South Beach the first time my withdrawal was mild-moderate headaches. This time I got winded from walking up my stairs, and felt very weak....and had migraines!

    I'm so glad I found this group because I can use all of the recipes, support, and encouragement I can get! I hope I can be the same for you!!
  • 123imdoingit
    Hi Everyone! I am excited about this group! I am one of those people that have read and read all the books on the wonders of eating low-carb, would start eating that way and then read something that would totally scare me from continuing!! It seems like all the professionals out there all contradict one another, such confusion!! Ahhhh!! But you know, eating low-carb just makes sense to me. So no more reading all the junk out there, just going to stick with low-carb, give it a chance, see if I can drop some more of this weight. I have lost 23 pounds so far watching calories and trying to eat fewer carbs, but haven't tried it 100%. But now with a support group to help me a long the way, I think it's time to jump all the way in!! Looking forward to the journey with all of you!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Hello! I ate low carb in 2006 before getting pregnant with my daughter. I fell off the wagon hard; I went from 155 a few months prior to getting pregnant, to 220 the day I delivered. Since then I mostly counted calories, but I do best on low carb. I started back up again a few months ago as I was approaching my goal weight. Low carb is definitely getting me there faster!
  • star9401
    star9401 Posts: 34 Member
    I did low carb about 7 years ago before I got married, I was able to keep most of the weight off for about 3 years. I have a 5 year old now and I swear Ritz and Townhouse Crackers, Popcorn and Tostidos were my downfall, pasta, ice cream etc I am a carb-a-haulic. :( I do love meats and veggies but it is the quick foods that suck you in when you are short on time. I would like to get back to where I was 7 years ago. I have been doing low calorie and exercising about 30 minutes a day six days a week for about 60 days and lost about 11 pounds but I have been stalled for about 3 weeks. I blame the low calorie 'snacks'. Just this week I decided to watch my crabs and calories. I am hoping to see a difference.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening....so glad to see this group. i am getting so tired of people saying how you shouldn't follow low carb for this or that reason. i am diabetic so i have to if i want to live. i have been doing low carb since 06 when i was DX. than i quit smoking and gain 30. than between 07 and 2010, Dh lost 2 jobs and we moved 3 times. so now that we are settled and happy campers again. i revisted my nutritionist and we set a plan in motion.
    have a good night
  • CharlieLopez2005
    I'm so excited that there's finally a low-carb group on MFP! Like many low-carbers, I've done it on my own, but since I joined MFP back in September 2011, I've been very fortunate to be in a position to help others and in turn have others help me. There's a lot to learn and share under the broad umbrella of low-carb dieting and I'm happy to be part of this effort on MFP.

    I've done pretty well eating low-carb. Here was a recent success story I posted in case any are interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/380092-120-lbs-lighter-in-12-months

    Also, if you have a chance, please read and comment on my new blog (http://charlie-lopez.blogspot.com/), which is still in its infancy. Look forward to sharing and discussing with fellow low-carbers! =)
  • 123imdoingit
    Hey Gang! This is one of my FB blogs that I "liked" . If you haven't already, check out Jimmy Moore, the founder of livin' la vida low carb and author of a couple of books. He has hundreds of interviews and podcasts, so good!!! You can check him out at :

  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks Dahna!! Totally awesome!!! I've really need this group . My name is Susan and I'm a carbaholic. I need all the support I can get. :flowerforyou: I've been eating so crappy the last month and not exercising . and I'm paying for it!!!
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just joined this group today. This is my second week on Atkins Induction, but I have been restricting calories for about a month now and I have lost 9lbs so far. I have a serious carb addiction that I am trying to break free from and that is why I chose Atkins. I have a significant amount of weight to lose so I guess I will be doing induction beyond the two weeks. My diary is open, feel free to critique and/or friend me.
  • MjDavis1981
    MjDavis1981 Posts: 63 Member
    My name is Malena Davis. I am 30 yrs old. Two years ago I was diagnosed with IR complications brought on by PCOS. This past September, I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have been told losing weight with thyroid issues is very difficult but I'm proving dr wrong. Since June I have lost 27 lbs doing low carb. I see a nutritionist once a month. I go back Monday for a thyroid panel and weigh in. Praying both have improved!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    This group is awesome!!

    My name is Felicia. I've been living on-and off of low carb since 2003. I'm type II diabetic, no meds, just controlling my diabetes with food and exercise. I love this WOE and have found substitutes for just about all of my favorite foods!
  • Karen_145
    A few years back my whole family was doing Weight Watchers so I tried that too. I lost a decent amount of weight but kept starving myself all day just to have one decent meal. A lot of the low point foods would not tide me over either. As I lost more weight I became frustrated because the amount of points I could eat decreased. It actually became an incentive NOT to lose more weight. I ended the diet and actually gained quite a sweet tooth, which I've never had before.

    Flash forward a bit and my mom is doing Atkins. I had always thought it was bogus and unhealthy, that is until I actually learned how it worked and looked at the science behind it. Atkins was a blessing and got me from ~195 to 145 lb. I was on it for two years. Hypoglycemia is an issue in my family and Atkins does wonders for stabilizing your blood sugar. I didn't feel hungry all the time either.

    Then I met my husband. It was really hard to stick to my diet with him because of his eating habits, and the fact that we ate out together so much. I slowly ballooned up to 212 lb during our marriage. In 2009 I decided to get back on the Atkins wagon but got pregnant a month in so the carbs made a comeback. However, I got gestational diabetes so that made me limit my carbs anyway. It was actually quite amusing. Compared with Atkins, the diabetic diet was cake. Thirty grams of carbs per meal? Fifteen for snacks? Super!

    Now that my baby is a year old I decided to start dieting again. So far I've just been counting calories and doing ok. While I'm not currently on Atkins, I'm a big proponent of the diet. It's a wonderful way to lose weight and eat healthy.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I just realized I didn't introduce myself! I'm Pam. I've been a nurse for 21 years, overweight for a lot longer, and an Atkins lifestyle addict since 2001. I did jump off the Atkins thing once diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis because of what my, then, dr said to do. But I quickly ballooned back up to 280lb due to a combination of carbs and prednisone(steroid therapy). Skip to 2008 when I had gastric bypass, which worked for about 80lb, but then I started gaining again. I finally realized it was a carbohydrate intolerance that was causing this problem and back to Old Faithful I am and have been happy for the past year on Atkins :)

    I've done years of research on diets and eating habits, mostly because of a combination of my own health and curiosity but also because as a nurse I like to be able to teach my patients. Even if you're not low carb, my motto is "Protein, Protein, Protein!".
    I began compiling a list of low carb recipes after having to search all over all the time (I love to cook) and I've posted the URL in other posts here. It's also on my profile, but here it is again: http://blog.pittsburgh-diet-guru.com.
    If anyone has recipe ideas they'd like me to add there, please please please(!) send them to me :)
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 76 Member
    I'm so excited that there's finally a low-carb group on MFP! Like many low-carbers, I've done it on my own, but since I joined MFP back in September 2011, I've been very fortunate to be in a position to help others and in turn have others help me. There's a lot to learn and share under the broad umbrella of low-carb dieting and I'm happy to be part of this effort on MFP.

    I've done pretty well eating low-carb. Here was a recent success story I posted in case any are interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/380092-120-lbs-lighter-in-12-months

    Also, if you have a chance, please read and comment on my new blog (http://charlie-lopez.blogspot.com/), which is still in its infancy. Look forward to sharing and discussing with fellow low-carbers! =)

    Dude, that's totally amazing!!! :love:
  • punkinbaby1
    punkinbaby1 Posts: 36 Member
    like everyone else, have done atkins in the past,it workd....then life happend. I am an addict of carbs and was raised with a mom who was a baker and owned a bakery. So a donut to me.....is like a big lovey hug from my mama lol. she always smelled like a dang donut!! :tongue:
    I now have came to the relization that thru ALLLLL the diets i have attempted,low carb works for ME. I get alot of critics saying it is bad for my health,but i eat better now then i ever did! and am dropping inches and pounds!
    BEFORE: coffee with lots of sugar and lots of flavored creamers
    then bloodsugar would crash down and i would shove whatever i could in my face to stop the icky feeling. usually a cookie, a pb jelly sandwich or something like that.
    2 litter of pepsi, water only drank when i had hiccups!!
    dinner....was a carb overload of pastas, or a burger or fast food pizza.
    oh and any candy,donut,cookie that anyone brought into work....i ate :blushing:
    So, as u can see,my eating now is much better!! with or with out the healthy fats i consume....it is HEALTHIER then my past way of life. so i have made the change and have decided to low carb it as a lifestyle. My bloodsugar no longer goes up and down,no more seeing spots or getting dizzy and panicked and sweaty. I no longer have constant upset tummy and no longer have overwhelming sugar cravings!! My children also eat better now cuz mom isnt running for donuts!
  • shortemr
    shortemr Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Eva. I've been doing Atkins for 10 days now. Lost seven pounds, pretty happy, cause it was sister wedding last Saturday and that was kinda a set back. Haha. :) Anyway, my Mom tired to make us kids do atkins when were 13 or 14 (My sisters and I have always been overweight, it started I really noticed when I turned 12, I'm 23 now), I just remember eating lots of fruit behind her back. Haha.

    I was on the HCG diet and I lost 25 pounds, it does work, but it's expensive and I'm tired of eating only 500 calories a day. And only losing weight during certain phases. I'm guess I'm impatient.

    I'm really excited about this group and all those recipes are amazing Dittipie!