


  • MynameisKimba
    Real Name: Kimba
    Height: 5'2" (if I hold the tape just right...I lovingly refer to myself as a Hobbit)
    HW: 285lbs
    CW: Around 215 (I no longer weight myself as I have number fixation issues)
    UGW: Around 150 with my muscle mass
    Age: 51
    Location: BC, Canada
    All my kids have fur ;)
    Married to a wonderful woman since 2001
    Full disclosure: I am Female to Male Transgender

    Diet Plan- Atkins (back on induction as of this morning, having fallen completely off the wagon months ago. I'm climbing back on that wagon today if it kills me lol)
    Exercise: Am re-starting P90X today, will do it 6 times a week, plus I dance once a week (classical ballet)

    Strengths: Nothing diet related, but I do love to pick up heavy objects and put them back down again (weight lifter joke ;) ) Once I get started, I really do love strength training. I am also an Equestrian and horse trainer so I get exercise that way as well.

    Weakness: Bread. Seriously. And sugar. Anything sweet or bread like. This is why I have not been successful with low carb in the long run, even though I know it works. I simply can't go a long time without eating real bread. Not fake bread, real bread. No substitute has ever tasted good enough for me to even take two bites. Yes, I am a bread snob. lol
  • Lily4s
    Lily4s Posts: 1 Member
    Real Name: Lori
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 196
    CW: 177
    UGW: 125-135
    Age: 52
    Location: Eugene, OR
    2 Kids + 1 grandson

    Diet Plan: Fast 2x/week (500 calories/day, so not complete fast, aka 5:2)
    Other days, 50 carbs or less

    Strengths: Like to cook with fresh, local ingredients, love to exercise, especially out-doors, like to do 5Ks. Have done walking marathon - would love to run one if my knees can take it!

    Weaknesses: Sugar, any kind of cake/pie. Free meals (like when office has catered parties or meetings). I go crazy if the food is free or if I think it will go to waste. Not a good habit!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Real Name: Cynthia
    Height 5'4"
    HW: 260
    CW: 179
    UGW: 130
    Age 54
    Location: California
    Unhappily married
    2 kids, teenage

    Diet Plan: No added sugar, no empty carbs, try to stay under 125 carbs per day (I know that's not "low" for most of you but it's good for me, for now.

    Strengths: Kindness!
    Diet strengths: I've stayed dessert free since August 8th! I'm committed to a lifetime of abstaining from my nemesis.

    Weakness: Not consistent with exercise, but I'm going to change that!
  • CJ0821
    CJ0821 Posts: 51 Member
    edited December 2014
    Real Name: Candice
    Height: 5'2"
    HW: 174
    CW: 161
    GW: 145
    UGW: 120
    Age: 29
    Location: Weatherford, TX
    Married, 1 child

    Diet Plan: pseudo Atkins..trying to shoot for under 50 g carbs a day, no sugar, no processed foods.. I am set at 10% carbs, 65% fat, 25% protein.
    Workout Plan: Boxing an hour 3 days a week, Running/jogging and strength training 2 or 3 days a week.
    Strengths: I love broccoli and cauliflower. Like... its almost freaky. LOL.. :wink: So, it is easy for me to get in my veggies for the day!
    Weakness: P O T A T O E S ... and chocolate chip cookies.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Real Name: Carly
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 335-350 (not formally recorded - 335 is I think the highest recorded, but I got heavier than that.)
    CW: 252
    GW: Under 200
    UGW: TBD - Plan to go by how I feel rather than some number on a scale or a BMI that doesn't take muscle into account or anything else as seemingly random.
    Location- Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA
    Age: 38
    Sex: F
    One daughter, 14. Does not live with me.
    Divorced, in committed relationship which we call "happily unmarried"

    Diet Plan - Right now, whatever I can afford (in massive financial struggles beyond explanation)...so I watch the sales and clearance and base my meal plans on that. Goal: 25% carbs, 50% fat (anywhere between 35-55%), 25% protein (balance of remainder in protein - so 40-20, respectively)...

    Exercise - Walking and body weight exercises. Struggle with time. Barely have enough to sleep. So I walk on breaks at work, and fit in the body weight exercises any way I can.

    Strengths - Determination (newly rediscovered) and willingness to continue to learn...always. Generally positive attitude.

    Struggles - Sleep struggles (=perpetual exhaustion - finally starting to get better), financial hell, super-stress levels, hypothyroid, and being a medical mystery in general (no matter what, I rarely have all the symptoms of anything, so I've very very difficult to diagnose and treat). Oh, and the fact that if I get rid of all grains, I'm in Metformin hell.

    Super weakness - Cinnamon sweets, chocolate, french fries/mashed potatoes, pizza, anything decadent, Oreos (these things are seriously addictive - and yes, I know there is a chemical causing that), Nutella (I've been nutella free for almost 2 years - my ex used to call this my liquid crack, if that tells you anything), ketchup, extreme salt/sweet cravings, some veggies I still can't eat, etc.

    I'm sure I've missed about a million things, but it is early, so yeah, we'll blame it on that.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Real Name: Chrus
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 230
    CW: 212
    GW: Under 140. Aiming for this will re-assess when I get to 160.
    UGW: 140
    Age: 65
    Sex: F

    I am married almost 30 years. Hubby ,74, has been suffering with pancreas cancer for 2 years. He is doing well now. You never know when the other shoe will drop. Hoping we still have a long time together.

    I am an animal lover with 9 cats and 2 dogs. I am also a crazy artist creating one of those houses you see on TV. But just for my own enjoyment. View at your own risk it is a bunch of stuff. http://www.flickr.com/photos/50185661@N03/

    I live in a tiny mountain town in Idaho. My life dream to live in the mountains. Achieved in 1986 and still going strong. Happy Happy.

    I have been seriously stressed the last couple of years on an already over weight body. I think I was trying to eat for my hubby to get him to gain the weight back he lost. Now I MUST get control of this emotional beast. Doc said go low cal low fat it is all a matter of calories in calories out. Well we all know the rest of that story. I tried it lost 14 gained back 6 starving myself. Look back I think in August for my foods. Then I just gave up. Was on Atkins in the early 70's or so I do not really remember. Lost my gained weight from my first husband passing of cancer. I should have known better this time. So here I am back. I have lost 18 pounds and happy for it. It is a start. I am feeling better. I have more energy. I am mostly past the beginning barfy feeling.
