Ummm Have we met before???



  • Armycane
    Happy New Year!!! I am Adelle. I am married with two boys (5 and 3). We currently live in Orlando, FL, I say currently as we are a military family, Army, currently on Recruiting duty. I have a passion for running, but have been side lined due to two different injuries, plantar fasciitis and metatarsal stress fracture, so I am learning to workout without running or not running as much. My goal is to lose about 20 pounds of body fat and build more muscles. Looking forward to getting to you all on this wonderful journey
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    My name is Stephanie from Birmingham Alabama...I am 34yrs old not married but dating...and no kids...I work at At&t as an internet support specialist.. I have my own business as a free lance Makeup Artist and love to enjoy life with travels and friends...I plan to have get married soon and have 2 kids.. Love to motivate, inspire, and lift people up daily! This is definitely a journey to me because i have tried to do this same thing for 8 yrs in my gym and never got it to work..But since I have joined MFP 305 days ago it changed my life...Great meeting you all..We can do this!
  • MrsPrettyInPink6
    MrsPrettyInPink6 Posts: 29 Member
    Happy New Year!! I'm BravoMe6, but you can call me Nikki. I'm restarting or I will say..recommitting to my weightloss journey! I'm married to a wonderful man with a little diva that is 2.5 years old. The scale has been moving up since I graduated from college 9 years ago and hasn't went down since. I currently weigh in at 223 and have a goal of getting to 140. I'm loving the spirit and vibe of the group and look forward to getting healthy with all of my sistas.

    Feel free to add me to your buddly list.

    Let's bring it!
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone! I'm Robin aka Six. I started my weight loss journey officially on January 16, 2011. I was doing wel up until two months ago when I had a couple of weeks of out of town guests, lots of fast food, and very little exercise. I am the mother of five girls ages 3-13 which sometimes throws a monkey wrench in my exercise plans. The little one has been sick a couple of times which means I can't take her to the gym daycare and by the time I pick all the other kids up I'm too tired to go late at night.

    Anywho, I just turned 37 in early December and got back to my routine fulltime this past week. Although I gained a few pounds back (today I tipped the scale at 201.4) I'm not worried about it. I don't bother too much with the scale anymore. My main focus is on stregth and fat loss although I do want to lose at least 30 more pounds to keep my cardiologist off my back. I'm really excited about finding this group and looking forward to getting to know and support each one of you.
  • fluffygoodness
    fluffygoodness Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Antoinette (fluffygoodness) and I hail from Oakland, CA. My highest recorded weight was 346.2 in October 2007. My lowest weight was 262.4 in February 2011. Today I am 279. I am by far a success but I am not where I set my goal to be by my 30th birthday which was 230. ( I turned 32 in September). I could say that changing of jobs and having taking on extra responsibilities led to me feeling overwhelmed and barely making it to the gym, but the truth is that's an excuse and I know my number one priority is myself and my health. I suffer from a few conditions (PCOS, Fibroids) that can be directly related to obesity and at the end of the day I know what I need to do because I've done it and now its time to finish it. This is the year I will get married and at least get pregnant and I want to be at my optimal health for both occasions. I am a healthcare marketing professional and I am in the process of going back to school to become a Life Coach. I am eager to be an inspiration to many and also receive encouragement along the way. I skype, I yahoo messenger, I google hangout, I text so if you want to connect off of MFP hit my inbox!!!
  • drchanequa
    Hi everyone. My name is Chanequa. I just joined the group this morning and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm married with a 3-year-old and am a university professor. I've struggled with weight issues for much of my adult life. About two years ago, my husband and I did the Medifast diet and I lost 35 pounds. I kept it off until about a year ago when chronic illness kept me out of the gym for a while. Then in 2011, we had a lot of major losses and stressors. Before I knew it, my self-care went right out the window and I'd gained 20 pounds back. I've gotten back in the gym on a pretty consistent basis over the past 3 months but health issues still prevent me from exercising as hard as I need to lose weight. So I've really got to get my eating under control. I've used MFP before but I didn't have a support mechanism. So I'm hoping that this group will help me stay on track!
  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Everyone! Nice to meet you all and read about your journey!

    My name is Qesha (chicatita here as you can see lol). I am 31 years old. I have custody of my 7 year old niece. We live in the southeastern suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. I am a special education teacher in an urban school district.

    I've always been on the heavy side. I've pursued weight loss in the past, but each time I fell out of my 'zone' and went back to the old habits of wreckless eating (ahh the best coping mechanism ever?!) and not working out. Last November, I went to get a physical and the doctor diagnosed me with obesity! Urgh! Granted, I wear a size 22...I never saw myself as obese. I now want to make the changes to rid myself of this label, have more energy, do a better job of caring for the temple that God has entrusted me with, and hey, some day i'll look really good naked (i know tmi)!!!

    I walk at home with Leslie Sansone for 20-30 minutes (sometimes 1 mile walk, other times 2 mile walk). I am on day 12, level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! Jillian is no joke and after promoting myself to level 2 I certainly did cuss at the tv a few times! It's a good work out and your body does adjust. So far i've lost 4 lbs and 5 inches off my waist!

    One thing i've learned in the last few weeks: I have to work for this! In it to win it! It don't stop! I will CONQUER this!

    Much success to you all and I look forward to interacting with you all on here:smile:
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    Happy New Year! I'm Tanay aka VespaBerrie. I'm a 36 year old nurse in sunny California. Not married with no children. I have teenage nieces and nephews that I spoil greatly. In my spare time I enjoy reading, shopping, cooking and baking. Other than getting healthier, my personal goal for 2012 is to become debt free, get my credit score right , and start saving. I'd like to be in my first home by my 40th birthday
    I was always the tall skinny kid, until I hit my mid 20's when a combination of bad relationships and health issues helped to pack on the weight. My heaviest was about 285, in 2007. With my height , 6 feet, it was initally easy to hide, but it wasn't long before I started to feel the effects. I spent a few years half-A$$ed trying to be healthy. I've been on Weight watchers, Jenny, Nurtisystem, HRM, Herbalife, all with out any long lasting success. This past summer my MD diagnosed me pre-diabetic and started me on medication. That was my breaking point. I had been a member of MFP previously, and decided it was time to actually use it. I quickly achieved my first goal of loosing 27 pounds, but have gain a few back with the holiday snacks.
    But I'm getting back on track, with plans to do a 5k (walking) in Feb, and March, hopefully working up to running a half marathon in October 2012. Wish me luck!

    Pleasure to meet you all...
    Happy Logging
  • Newweigh2live
    Happy New Year!! Hi everyone, my name is Tanisa aka Newweigh2live and sunny southern California is where I live with my husband and two kids. Weight has always been a rollercoaster ride for me, but now that I am getting a little older losing the weight and keeping it off is getting a lot harder. I know that after a while I get bored with whatever weight loss program that I am on and that is where the trouble begins. Because I am 5'11, I can hide some of the weight but I don't want to do that anymore. I love working out and I rarely miss a day, however, I have a very strong sweet tooth and sugar is the enemy for me. This year I want to overcome the obstacles that lead me back to the beginning. I realize that I cannot do this alone and need support to make it happen. I am glad that I found this group. Good luck to everyone and I look forward to getting to know all of you.
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    I'm a 45 year old WAHM of two (9 & 12 years old). The heaviest weight I am conscious of is 331. I lost 10 of that before joining WW and losing 156 and getting to my goal weight of 165. But I regained nearly 70. I regained because I got arrogant and stopped doing the things that made the weightloss journey a success and I fell back into old habits and toxic situations that triggered my emotional food binges. On December 2, 2011, I decided to stop the downward spiral and I reconnected with MFP. It may sound cliche but I have to carve it in my psyche that this journey is a lifelong one. Its not a diet for the moment. I have to commit to a lifestyle change and that means trying my hardest everyday to stay conscious about the choices I make. It also means reaching out to the MFP community to give and get support. So I look forward to sharing this with you all....

    SW 231.5 I CW 211.5 I GW 165-170