OK I started it now you run with it....



  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! Thanks for starting this group-- I joined MFP with my best friend who is trying to lose 40 lbs, and I have more like 200, so it's nice to find some people in the same boat!

    I joined about a month ago, and have already lost 24 pounds, so I am excited about my progress. Of course, I know that the more I lose, the slower it will come off. Not having that "thrill" of seeing the pounds come off quickly is going to make things harder.

    I have tried and failed so many times to lose weight, and for some reason, this time it just feels different. I know it's going to work, and I know it's going to stay off. I finally found a lifestyle that I can embrace and more importantly, *maintain* (Primal/Paleo). The Primal lifestyle advocates an 80/20 principle, in which you can have sensible indulgences for that 20 percent, and that is enough to keep me sane, happy, and motivated.

    Now that I have some weight off and have tons more energy, the exercise portion is starting to naturally fall into place. My body actually wants to move, and I can't tell you how weird (and great!) that is! I really didn't have any idea how awful I felt until I made these changes- I just thought it was normal to be exhausted and sluggish all the time. I feel like I have discovered an entirely new life!

    Of course, some days are hard, and I know there are many hard days ahead, but supporting one another really does make a difference. We are all changing our lives for the better, and that is truly wonderful!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    JSV: When I started this journey, I had 188lbs to lose and that thought alone was daunting. But I broke it into smaller parts. I started at 348. So I was looking forward to get to the 290's, once there I wanted to see the 250's, so on and so on. I admit losing the first 50 lbs, I didn't see much change in me or how my clothes were fitting but once I got to 250-240's, then major things were changing. My face is slimmer, less back fat and was able to wear smaller clothes. So not only can you just go by what the scale says, its the small things that are just important. And for me its taking one day at at time, do the best you can do today and worry about tomorrow later. And as strange as it sounds, it does get easier the longer you stick to it. It becomes second nature, which we want anyways, to us. And remember one bad day or one bad choice is not going to make you gain all 24lbs back.

    H2O: aka Mandie: So glad to hear the little peanut is doing better. Again a HUGE congrats on your major mile stone. That is freaking fantastic!!!! So proud of you {{{HUGS}}}

    Anna: Drink your water, or Crystal lite or whatever you drink, in abundance today. Help keeps you fill, helps with the bloating and all the time your going to the bathroom, will help burn more calories :wink:

    Mandie: I have to agree with you on your protein shakes. I found a web site that had 107 difference recipes for protein shakes. So I have my normal breakfast but for lunch and dinner I have a shake and I'm happy and full all day and been losing pretty good since. With a snack or two for the day. But I keep my sugars and carb low. Plus drinking gallons of water a day. Like I said to Anna, lots of trips to the bathroom, but I figure extra calorie burned.
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    JSV: When I started this journey, I had 188lbs to lose and that thought alone was daunting. But I broke it into smaller parts. I started at 348. So I was looking forward to get to the 290's, once there I wanted to see the 250's, so on and so on. I admit losing the first 50 lbs, I didn't see much change in me or how my clothes were fitting but once I got to 250-240's, then major things were changing. My face is slimmer, less back fat and was able to wear smaller clothes. So not only can you just go by what the scale says, its the small things that are just important. And for me its taking one day at at time, do the best you can do today and worry about tomorrow later. And as strange as it sounds, it does get easier the longer you stick to it. It becomes second nature, which we want anyways, to us. And remember one bad day or one bad choice is not going to make you gain all 24lbs back.

    CanToGirl: Thanks for the support! I have seen a few differences already, although I don't think I look any different. I can zip and breathe in my smaller-size jeans, but I can't sit down! I am hoping to achieve that goal by Thanksgiving.

    Yes, breaking it down into smaller chunks makes it so much more manageable! I am using 25lb increments- every time I hit that goal, I can get a pedicure! I absolutely love pedis, but never ever get them because it seems like a waste of money. I wanted to come up with a non-food reward, so that's what I picked!

    Congrats on your progress- how inspiring, and you look fantastic!
  • TrichyV
    Hello Everyone,

    I'd like to start by saying that you are all awesome and all your entries have given me that umph that I needed. I was feeling sorry for myself after getting my little ticker ready and seeing that I still have a LONG way to go... But I'm done feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to get it done and keep it off this time. I lost 112 pounds a couple of years ago and gained back about 70 of them :-( I feel pretty disappointed in myself. But I'm so glad that I found you all because I know I can do it. It seems like a daunting task but it will get done.

    Kudos to you all!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    So, I have to say that CanToGirl is my inspiration for starting my new lifestyle. We've been best friends since third grade and she is the most awesomest person I know! Any time I'm feeling down Julie gives me a confidence boost I need to get back at it. Thank Juls, love ya!!!!!!!
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Hello all, loved reading the posts. I've been trying to get to a healthy weight since I graduated from college (where I gained my weight in the first place). Each time led to me gaining more. I've been using MFP since about mid September and really like it, It offers such a good sense of control in the eating and the exercise. I am tired of not living the active life I dream about - hiking, camping, snowboarding, kayaking. I'm looking forward to enjoying all of that next summer (well, except for the snowboarding) with my husband.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    H2Ologist: Thank you sweetie. But its also because of you that keeps me going. Its the friends, support and encouragement that I get from people like all of you, that makes it possible to continue and not give up.
    One wedding down, one more to go. Bring our daughter, Eve, to the wedding tonight. She is 18 months and will all the other kids there, she is going to be so cute on the dance floor, running around with the other kids.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    So we've heard a few stories.... What is yours?
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you for starting this group, all of the posts have been inspirational. I just joined MFP yesterday. I have been trying to lose weight for almost 20 years. It is hard to actually write that down! I am an active person and love to run, have done 4 half marathons. It is only by the grace of God that I have not seriously injured myself running while so overweight. The past year has been one of the most frustrating when I look back. I work out and do well for a week, then let go for 2 weeks and am right back where I started. Someone once told me, a definition of insanity is "doing the same thing and expecting a different result"; I can completely identify with that. I have wonderful family and friends, but need the support of people who understand the difficulty of struggling with weight. So, thank you to all out there who are supportive and especially for starting this group.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    One of my goals is to do a 5k for breast cancer awareness. it is a disease that has struck one to many times in my family and I want to make a difference. Yesterday I started the yoplait lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks challenge. So far it is going pretty good, I am down a pound since yesterday. Lets see if it is sustainable. I am hoping to see a big difference in myself by summer time. If I can lose 10 pounds a month I can concievably lose 70 pounds by next june, which will put me in the 220's, the lightest I have been in my adult life. I know that I can do this, I know that we all can do this.
  • ash1220
    ash1220 Posts: 33 Member
    So glad to have found this group. My name is Ashlee, I am 34, I am a SAHM for my little 3 1/2 year old man & I need to lose 165 pounds. My story: I was an athlete most of my life and could basically eat whatever, whenever. I suffered a career ending injury the summer after I graduated and the weight began to creep on....and has now crept up to the point that I am miserable when I look in the mirror and I am so disappointed with myself for allowing this to happen. I am somewhat of an emotional eater but I am definitely a bored eater and that's the worst thing for my situation. My husband works nights so I am alone, A LOT. I make several trips to the pantry at night and I KNOW full well that it's not what I want to be doing, but I haven't been able to find enough motivation to keep myself on track. That is, until now. I want another baby and it seems to be taking longer "than it should" and I just have this gut feeling that my weight is the problem. That along with the fact that I don't want to be a "fat mom" that can't do everything that I want with my son & I want to be around for a long time with my husband. And feeling sexy again would be awfully nice too! I am not a runner, but I am still an athlete at heart and I know that I can do this. I just have to set my mind to it. Support groups make all the difference in the world and I am hoping to find that here with all of you since we are all facing the same long journey. I would love to drop all 165 lbs. by next Christmas at the latest...I know it's gonna be one heck of a lot of work, but my God will it be worth it! I look forward to making this journey with all of you and making friends along the way!! :happy:
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Welcome to the group Ashlee. Sadly I too heard that over weight women had a harder time getting pregnant. So that alone is a great motivator. With this group and web site, you will find the support you need.
    Well my little vacay from the lifestyle ends today. Back to the gym and eating right begins tomorrow. I miss it too. For the past week, I felt sluggish, tired and just run down. So it just proves, we are what we eat. Also I really, REALLY want to be at 200 by Christmas. So that is going to be my great motivator.
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and remember to keep it skinny!!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    That is, until now. I want another baby and it seems to be taking longer "than it should" and I just have this gut feeling that my weight is the problem. That along with the fact that I don't want to be a "fat mom" that can't do everything that I want with my son & I want to be around for a long time with my husband.


    We're not TRYING to get pregnant right now, but we've never used protection in the 4 years we've been married. I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), which makes it extremely difficult to get pregnant, but the symptoms could be lessened if I lose weight.

    We can all do this together. :)
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to the newcomers! I'm Amanda and All I want this group to be is a positive area for those struggling with what seems like a mountain of weight to release. Knowing you are not alone in this lifestyle change is the most valuable thing in the world. The best thing to remember is that ISN'T a DIET. We need to change the way we live and the food choices we make so that we NEVER see that weight again. Diets don't work, but lifestyles shape who we are.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Topic of discussion today...What was for breakfast?

    Strawberry Protein Shake
    GNC Dynamtize protein drink mix
    Two strawberries
    10 ounces of Plain soy milk

    Yummy and should keep me full for several hours. :)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    For breakfast I normally have Cream of Wheat made with water, 1 Tablespoon of Joseph's Sugar free maple syrup. 2 Banquet turkey patties. But because of my little break away this last week. I had my Chocolate Raspberry Protein shake. So yummie!!
    1 cup Soy Slender Chocolate soy milk
    1/2 cup greek yogurt
    1 and a 1/2 scoop Whey Protein Deluxe chocolate
    1/2 cup frozen Raspberry
    1/2 teas Almond Extract

    Blend together and a nice thick shake. Will keep me full until Lunch.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    For breakfast this A.M. I had a yoplait light fat free red raspberry yogurt, a medium banana and a nature valley honey and oat granola bar. I am doing the yoplait 5 pounds in 2 weeks challenge. So far so good. Since the 12th I have lost 2 pounds.
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    this is not the usual for me but was running late for work so I grabbed some leftovers
    3 oz grilled chicken
    1 cup grilled zucchini, peppers, squash
    1/2 cup rice
    1 apple
    coffee as usual

    have a great day!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    "Better Oats" maple and brown sugar oatmeal with a banana cut up and thrown in, yum!
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to the newcomers! I'm Amanda and All I want this group to be is a positive area for those struggling with what seems like a mountain of weight to release. Knowing you are not alone in this lifestyle change is the most valuable thing in the world. The best thing to remember is that ISN'T a DIET. We need to change the way we live and the food choices we make so that we NEVER see that weight again. Diets don't work, but lifestyles shape who we are.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Topic of discussion today...What was for breakfast?

    Strawberry Protein Shake
    GNC Dynamtize protein drink mix
    Two strawberries
    10 ounces of Plain soy milk

    Yummy and should keep me full for several hours. :)



    does a half cup of milk on the way out the door count?

    I usually eat a banana or an apple and have a cup of coffee, mainly because I am not hungry in the mornings.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Finish the sentence:
    Junk food is like.....

    An exboyfriend. You think that that is what you want. You think of the good times that you had with him. Then you remember why you kicked him to the curb and why you are SOOOOO much better off with out him.