OK I started it now you run with it....



  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    H2O<---- :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Be Right Back to finish the sentence.
  • projectviolin
    projectviolin Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone:

    Thank you for starting this group! I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Brandy and I am a mother of two teenagers and I have been married for 18 years this month!!! I have been so unhappy with myself for the past 10 years and I have been on countless diets but Im not interested in that anymore, I want a healthy life change that is...for the rest of my life! 2 months ago I saw a documentry and it motivated me to the point that I turned my depression into passion for ME! I want to be healthy. I dont want to feel guilty when I go to a grocery store or worry about getting on a roller coaster because I might not fit! I want to be in my pictures and not just the one taking the pictures!

    I found MFP through my cousin and I am so happy that she told me about it. I am excited about becoming a healthier me even though I know at times it wont be easy. I am excited about getting support from this group and giving encouragement to others!

    Have a wonderful night!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member

    Junk food (and the weight it makes you gain) is like......

    a bird pooping on your shoulder. You might not see it at first, but when you do, you'll do anything to get it off!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • IceQueen327
    IceQueen327 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone - Hope it is ok if I join your group. I have let my weight remove me from being the very social person I used to be for far too long. It is so nice to not feel like I am "alone" and that there are other people out there that feel as I do. So, where do I start. Well, how about with my name, which is Nancy. I am married, and a mother to 3 wonderful boys, 20, 18, and an almost 5 year old. That last one was sort of an unexpected surprise, but he is a blessing none the less.

    I have been fighting with my weight most of my life. I have tried almost every "diet" out there and although some worked, in the end the weight always came back and then some. After each of my sons were born, it just kept getting worse and worse. All three were born C-section, so I suppose that did not help matters for me. Between the birth of my 2nd son and this last one, I was only overweight, but with the pregnancy, it pushed me over to be the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I am a very emotional eater, and with everything I have gone through in my life, I let food be the comfort to my feelings rather than dealing with them. I am not sure what happened different, but something in me has finally "clicked" and I no longer look to "diet", but rather change my behavior to be healthier... and in the end happy again.

    A friend of the family (Thank you so very much CanToGirl) told me about MFP... and my new life began. I have so much more to learn, with ups and downs to come along the way, but I feel like life is truely different this time... Its not just about losing weight, its about using what I learn, and will learn, to make better choices and decisions about my health. Not for anyone else, but for ME.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome to the group! Your story sounds similar to my own, and is probably similar to everyone here. My pregnancy with my daughter shot me up higher than I'd ever weighed, but I didn't change anything... until now.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Dang is it cold outside!!!!

    Still haven't been to the gym yet. Its been over a week since I've been there and I am feeling embarrassed about going back. Afraid of what the people will think of me, for missing a week and now coming back.....Just got to get over it and go. Then I have the feeling of why?? After a week gone and to go back for a day...why even bother??? You know what I mean. Grrr......again, get over it and just go. And the last thought is since I have doing good eating and getting my protein, I have been losing, so again why go to the gym.....Its like a war in my head.
    So that is whats been going on with me. How about all of you??
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    cantogirl, I can TOTALLY relate. Sometimes, it feels like I have that war in my head daily. I have been trying to just shut my brain off. saying to myself, I need to exercise, just go and not allow myself to think about it. Don't worry about what others think, they don't matter. YOU matter and deserve to feel good.
    You can do IT!!!
  • BHSawyer
    I can't thank you enough for starting this group. I just turned 38 last September and began my "Fit by Forty" plan. I have approximately 135 pounds to lose and I figured if I can't lose it (or come close to losing it all) by the time I turn 40 I may never be able to motivate myself to lose it. I have been overweight my whole life however it was during my two pregnancies that I gained the the bulk of my weight and became morbidly obese. Now that my youngest child is 10 years old it's time I get my butt in gear. I made some great progress about 5 years ago and lost over 80 pounds on weight watchers and exercise but then my older brother was killed in a motorcycle accident, my family and I moved out of state, and I started a new profession. Since then I have managed to gain back all the weight that I lost plus more. The crazy thing is I don't see how bad my weight is until I see a photo of myself. And thanks to Facebook I can't get away from photos of me. I'm so embarrassed by them that I don't let anyone tag me in photos. I'm looking forward to the day when I don't feel the need to worry about that.

    Luckily I have an amazing and supportive husband who is going through this process with me. We have both started keeping a food diary and exercise together daily. Right now it's just walking a couple miles a day but we plan to keep challenging ourselves as much as possible.

    Thanks again for starting the group. Losing weight is a struggle but it's great to hear from people who are in the same boat! Please feel free to friend me. I'm not great at keeping up correspondence, but I'll do my best!
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'd like to start by saying that you are all awesome and all your entries have given me that umph that I needed. I was feeling sorry for myself after getting my little ticker ready and seeing that I still have a LONG way to go... But I'm done feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to get it done and keep it off this time. I lost 112 pounds a couple of years ago and gained back about 70 of them :-( I feel pretty disappointed in myself. But I'm so glad that I found you all because I know I can do it. It seems like a daunting task but it will get done.

    Kudos to you all!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Every journey starts with but a step. 5 pounds is a big deal and congratulations to you on losing it. Just make sure you gave them the wrong directions home so someone else can take them in and love on them. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    My best friend and I are also trying to lose at least 100 pounds by Mid-November next year. We've broken down the 100 pounds into 14 goals, one for each 10 pounds, and one for each quarter gone. At 25, 50, 75, and 100 we get a big prize and at the smaller goals we get to reward ourselves with a small non-food thing - mine is a massage.

    Friend me and I'll send support your way, I promise. Good luck! :smile:
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I can't thank you enough for starting this group. I just turned 38 last September and began my "Fit by Forty" plan. I have approximately 135 pounds to lose and I figured if I can't lose it (or come close to losing it all) by the time I turn 40 I may never be able to motivate myself to lose it. I have been overweight my whole life however it was during my two pregnancies that I gained the the bulk of my weight and became morbidly obese. Now that my youngest child is 10 years old it's time I get my butt in gear. I made some great progress about 5 years ago and lost over 80 pounds on weight watchers and exercise but then my older brother was killed in a motorcycle accident, my family and I moved out of state, and I started a new profession. Since then I have managed to gain back all the weight that I lost plus more. The crazy thing is I don't see how bad my weight is until I see a photo of myself. And thanks to Facebook I can't get away from photos of me. I'm so embarrassed by them that I don't let anyone tag me in photos. I'm looking forward to the day when I don't feel the need to worry about that.

    Luckily I have an amazing and supportive husband who is going through this process with me. We have both started keeping a food diary and exercise together daily. Right now it's just walking a couple miles a day but we plan to keep challenging ourselves as much as possible.

    Thanks again for starting the group. Losing weight is a struggle but it's great to hear from people who are in the same boat! Please feel free to friend me. I'm not great at keeping up correspondence, but I'll do my best!

    First of all, you do NOT look 38. :wink: Second of all, starting an exercise plan with a couple miles a day? You guys are amazing, and with each other's support, you can totally do this. (My husband and I are losing together also!) :flowerforyou:
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Wow! the week is almost over and now Thanksgiving is A WEEK AWAY!!!!

    Topic for today, How do you plan to keep from overeating over the holidays?

    I plan to try everything; HOWEVER, only take 1/4 of what I want so that I feel satisfied about getting the flavors, but don't overdo the indulgence. As long as I keep track of everything that goes in my mouth, I can eat whatever I want. I'll split the pumpkin pie with my hubby (he is losing weight with me). I'll take one small spoon of stuffing instead of two heaping ones. Stuff like that. What about you?
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Water. Lots of water. It may also help that our usual spot to go have Thanksgiving Dinner might not be a viable option this year. We usually go to my Aunt's house, but she's been having health issues and may not be able to host.

    If we're left to our own devices and have to cook at home, I'm going to try and sneak in some healthier options/versions of our favorites.

    It could work.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Water like Shanna said but for me I want to see 2-0-something on the scale, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I don't care if its 209, I just want to see 2-0-something. So i will be mindful of what I eat and drink. And hopefully doing a 2 mile walk/run Thanksgiving morning will help keep things at bay.
  • BHSawyer
    I can't thank you enough for starting this group. I just turned 38 last September and began my "Fit by Forty" plan. I have approximately 135 pounds to lose and I figured if I can't lose it (or come close to losing it all) by the time I turn 40 I may never be able to motivate myself to lose it. I have been overweight my whole life however it was during my two pregnancies that I gained the the bulk of my weight and became morbidly obese. Now that my youngest child is 10 years old it's time I get my butt in gear. I made some great progress about 5 years ago and lost over 80 pounds on weight watchers and exercise but then my older brother was killed in a motorcycle accident, my family and I moved out of state, and I started a new profession. Since then I have managed to gain back all the weight that I lost plus more. The crazy thing is I don't see how bad my weight is until I see a photo of myself. And thanks to Facebook I can't get away from photos of me. I'm so embarrassed by them that I don't let anyone tag me in photos. I'm looking forward to the day when I don't feel the need to worry about that.

    Luckily I have an amazing and supportive husband who is going through this process with me. We have both started keeping a food diary and exercise together daily. Right now it's just walking a couple miles a day but we plan to keep challenging ourselves as much as possible.

    Thanks again for starting the group. Losing weight is a struggle but it's great to hear from people who are in the same boat! Please feel free to friend me. I'm not great at keeping up correspondence, but I'll do my best!

    First of all, you do NOT look 38. :wink: Second of all, starting an exercise plan with a couple miles a day? You guys are amazing, and with each other's support, you can totally do this. (My husband and I are losing together also!) :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much! My extra weight smooths out my wrinkles. (And I think that picture was taken two years ago.) Ha! We started walking last summer but weren't very consistent because we both hated being out in the heat. But like I always tell my husband, it doesn't matter how many times you fall off the fitness wagon, it's how many times you get back on. And you're right, I do think we have a better chance of success by doing it together. I hope you and your husband have great success as well!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    For thanksgiving I am just going to eat what I want but in moderation. I have found the greatest successes I have is when I do not try to deprive myself of something that I want. When I do that, I tend to think about it all the more and then I end of obsessing about it.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I have to confess, I'm a bad weekend updater, so I am relying on all of you to keep the posts coming. Stay on track and you CAN DO THIS! This is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle change that will help you lose the weight AND keep it off. Drink your water, get moving and feel healthier. :)

    As you've probably figures out, I have been trying to post daily discussion topics. If you have an idea, please feel free to post those topics. Also, to all the new members, feel free to give us your story, I bet we will all be surprised how similar they are to our own.

    Topic for today, what store do you REALLY want to try clothes on from when you reach your goal?

    I have never in my adult life NOT been in plus size clothes, so I want to go to the "young adult" stores like A&E or Hollister, just to put on a pair of 10s. I would never pay the outrageous prices at those kinda stores, I just want to fit into their jeans. :D
  • BHSawyer
    I'm the same. I'd like to go into A&F or Hollister, but I'm getting a little too old for their styles. So I'm really looking forward to going into just about any major department store and not having to walk past all the pretty stuff I'd rather be wearing to get to the plus sizes.
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    I'm the same. I'd like to go into A&F or Hollister, but I'm getting a little too old for their styles. So I'm really looking forward to going into just about any major department store and not having to walk past all the pretty stuff I'd rather be wearing to get to the plus sizes.

    I would love to be able to have the opportunity to shop in those stores. Not that I would, but to know that I could if I wanted would be enough. :D

    I will get there. We all will :flowerforyou:
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I think just to know that I am to small to shop at Lane Bryant and other plus size stores only would be cool. But Forever 21 or The Gap would be nice to shop at. I may be 32 years old but if I can look like a hot 32, I'll do it!!:laugh:

    The scale was nice to me this morning. Lost 4 more lbs. I am at 213, so another 14 lbs I'll be at Onederland. Its been almost 10 years since I seen that number. Really going to try hard to be there before Christmas.

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday. Good luck to all the hunters out there and be careful!!
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    The scale was nice to me this morning. Lost 4 more lbs. I am at 213, so another 14 lbs I'll be at Onederland. Its been almost 10 years since I seen that number. Really going to try hard to be there before Christmas.

    Wow, that's fantastic! Congrats, and we'll be supporting you every step of the way! :)