Does Life Begin at Conception?



  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member

    The fact that there are maybe two or three abortion clinic's in entire states. That abortion provider's have to have heavy security either through the Christian terrorists that murder them or want to blow them up, or for the protester's out the front who scream abuse at the women going in there.

    There are numerous 'personhood' bills in front of a number of states right now.

    For the Christians you have Pat Robertson, the Hillsbro Baptist Church, the fact that you have political parties demonising people who need welfare yet claim they're Christian.

    87% of counties in the US do not have an abortion provider, it is true. However, only 35% of women actually live in those areas. That is, most heavily populated areas do contain providers, and often an abundance of them. Part of the reason likely is that non-metropolitan areas tend to have higher proportions of both conservative and religious people, however (as is diffcult to remember about the US), it is also an issue of affordability and profitability.

    While it is a legitmate line of discussion, to question the motives, compassion, and degree of hypocrisy in Christians, can you tell me how it relates to abortion? If some christians are hypocrites, is abortion automatically ethical? Does the identity, agency, or personhood of the unborn hinge on the earnestness of evangelical christians?

    Well to me, it's nobody else's place to tell a woman what she can and cannot choose to do with her own body. I'm pro-life morally speaking, but very pro-choice socially/politically.

    Her point is that it's quite funny that the people speaking against abortion the most also are the same ones who don't want to help the mothers that opt to keep their children.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member

    Well to me, it's nobody else's place to tell a woman what she can and cannot choose to do with her own body. I'm pro-life morally speaking, but very pro-choice socially/politically.

    Her point is that it's quite funny that the people speaking against abortion the most also are the same ones who don't want to help the mothers that opt to keep their children.

    I am sure you are right, but I have taken on a self-appointed role as "preventer of the ad hominem and red herring" fallacies! They are real thread derailers, and don't bring much to the discussion.